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Floppy Sized (18) Categories:
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» Avd Project
Home for AVD, SWIM and BootRoot which creates a two-disk Linux system. The lilo method creates a boot disk with lilo, a kernel and an initrd image; the root disk can contain either a gzip- or bzip2-compressed filesystem. http://sourceforge.net/projects/avd/ » Blueflops
On 2 floppies. Graphic Web browser: Links 2.1pre9 using svgalib 1.4.3. IRC client: BitchX 1.0c19. Kernel: 2.4.20, most Ethernet drivers compiled as modules. C library: uClibc. Minimum needs: i386 CPU, 16 MB RAM. http://blueflops.sourceforge.net/ » Dekoningonline.nl
Offers Grey Cat Linux, a small Linux distribution based on Slackware 3.5 and BasicLinux. It comes with the standard Linux/Unix utilities, and other software, like a browser, wordprocessor, IRC application and webserver. Run from hard disk or floppies. http://www.dekoningonline.nl/ » Fd Linux
A tiny floppy distribution of Linux, set to fit on one floppy disk that is able to provide new Linux users with low-end machines (386) very useful set of networking related binaries and firewall tools. http://www.fdlinux.com/ » HAL91
Fits one floppy, needs 386+ (needs no FPU), 8 MB RAM; runs fully in RAM; supports IDE hard disks, ATAPI CD-ROMs, filesystems Ext2, ISO 9660, VFAT; SCSI adapters, parallel zip drive, Ethernet cards by modules. English, German, Italian. Last updated 1998. http://jspiro.tripod.com/linux/hal91.htm » Injector Linux
Fits one floppy, supports many filesystems: 23, with all needed disklabels and broad write support: read-write-backup files from IDE, SCSI drives with many partition types: Apple, NTFS, VFAT, EXT2/3, RaiserFS. Useful for file/disk rescue. http://injector.sourceforge.net/ » Nuclinux
One floppy (3.5 inch) distribution, mainly to connect to the Internet from networked machines; bash, Links browser, FTP server, vi, ma mail client, free space at start of disk; links to other mini Linux distributions. English, Suomi. http://users.jyu.fi/~tuma/home/nuclinux.php » Pocket Linux
Quickly converts PC to secure Linux system using SSH to connect to remote host; supports other networking clients, bootp to determine host IP and other network parameters; can be manually configured, but bootp preferred; works on systems with network card http://www.pocket-lnx.org/index.html.en » S.M.A.R.T. Linux
a bootable floppy distribution containing tool (smartmontools) for monitoring IDE/SCSI hard disks (using Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology). It is based on uClibc, BusyBox and smartmontools. http://smartlinux.sourceforge.net » The Linux-One-Disk-Svncviewer Floppy Disk (LODS)
A one-floppy disk Linux system to run svncviewer without having to boot from hard disk. http://www.khk.net/lods/ » tinfoil hat linux
A secure single floppy linux. For the paranoid among us. http://tinfoilhat.shmoo.com/ This category needs an editor
Last Updated: 2007-01-02 19:56:59
The content of this directory is based on the Open Directory and has been modified by AllMusicSearch.com editors |