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Gogh, Vincent van (23) See Also:
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» All Van Gogh's Letters
Unabridged and annotated. Search for words, browse by subject. Includes art, attitude, emotion, health, and calendar. http://webexhibits.org/vangogh/ » Art on Stamps - Self Portraits of Van Gogh
Brief biography and images of the postal stamps. http://www.artonstamps.org/vangogh.htm » ArtQuotes.net: Vincent van Gogh
Selection of paintings, famous quotes, biographical information, and links to more Van Gogh resources online. http://www.artquotes.net/masters/vangogh.htm » Artchive: Van Gogh
Dozens of scans, critical articles, and online resources featuring Vincent's art. http://artchive.com/artchive/V/vangogh.html » Artcyclopedia: Vincent van Gogh's Works on the Net
Links to van Gogh's paintings which can be viewed online at over 50 art museum sites and image archives worldwide. http://www.artcyclopedia.com/artists/van_gogh_vincent.html » Encyclopedia.com - Results for Van Gogh, Vincent
A short description of Van Gogh's life with additional links to related material. http://www.encyclopedia.com/topic/Vincent_Van_Gogh.aspx » Four Ways to Look at Van Gogh
Article from the Washington Post http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/style/museums/photogallery/vangogh/vangogh.htm » Images of Vincent Van Gogh
Van Gogh's work with external links to related books and biography. http://www.ocaiw.com/catalog/index.php?lang=en&catalog=pitt&author=407&name=Vincent+van+Gogh » Missing Masterpieces
Review and information about the Van Gogh exhibition held at the National Gallery of Art, Washington. 1998 - 1999. http://www.culturekiosque.com/art/exhibiti/rhevgogh.htm » The Vincent Van Gogh Gallery
A comprehensive resource for information about Van Gogh and images of his works. Has images of all the paintings, sketches, watercolours, letter sketches, and early works created by the artist. http://www.vggallery.com/ » The Vincent van Gogh Gallery
Artist's biography, paintings, letters, drawings, catalog of works. http://www.vangoghgallery.com » Van Gogh Museum
The artist's life and times, exhibitions and the Museum's collection. http://www.vangoghmuseum.nl/ » Van Gogh at Etten
Focused on Van Gogh's life in Etten, a small village in the south of the Netherlands, where he started his career as an artist. Also in Dutch. http://library.thinkquest.org/C001734/index.html » Van Gogh's Bedroom
An interesting interpretation of one of Van Gogh's most famous works of art. Takes the visitor on a 3D tour of Van Gogh's bedroom. http://www.btinternet.com/~peter.clements/vangogh/art.htm » Van Gogh: Genius Ignored
Van Gogh was an indisputable genius and utterly ignored. He created hundreds of bold, brilliant paintings; only one was sold during his lifetime. http://www.serve.com/Lucius/VanGogh.index.html » Vincent Van Gogh 1853 - 1890
Image resource of various paintings created by Van Gogh. These are a collection of the website owners favourites. http://www.xs4all.nl/~warrink/vincent.htm » Vincent van Gogh - Art Professor
Artist's biography. http://www.artprofessor.com/artists/vincent-van-gogh.php » Vincent van Gogh - Olga's Gallery
Comprehensive collection of the images of Van Gogh's works with biography and historical comments. http://www.abcgallery.com/V/vangogh/vangogh.html » Vincent van Gogh Paintings
Image gallery of artist's works. http://www.art-prints-gallery.com//gallery/vincent_van_gogh/ » Vincent van Gogh Paintings Project
Online collection of paintings made by the artist in Paris and Arles. http://www.vangoghreproductions.com/ » Virtual Art Museum: Vincent Van Gogh
Concise resource for images and descriptions thereof. http://cgfa.acropolisinc.com/gogh/ » WebMuseum: Gogh, Vincent van
Provides information and images on some of Van Goghs works. http://www.ibiblio.org/wm/paint/auth/gogh/ » Wikimedia commons: Vincent van Gogh
Gallery of artist's paintings. http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Vincent_van_Gogh This category needs an editor
Last Updated: 2008-09-15 19:11:16
The content of this directory is based on the Open Directory and has been modified by AllMusicSearch.com editors |