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B (21) Sites:
» Badaloni, Ariberto
Portraits rendered in acrylic paintings and etchings. http://web.tiscali.it/AribertoBadaloni/ » Barton, Richard Lee
Presents oil paintings by American-born painter now living in the Netherlands. Includes biography and curriculum vitae. http://www.barton.nl/richard/index.asp » Bast
Acrylic and watercolor paintings, done in broad brush and strong palette. Themes include trains, landscapes and portraits. http://www.angelfire.com/art2/bastart/bastart.html » Baurin, Nadine
Oils and watercolors by an Argentine born painter now living in the USA. http://www.nadinebaurin.com » Becker, Jarrod
Small selection of expressive paintings, contact information, and news of upcoming exhibitions. http://www.jabart.com/ » Bell, David Lucas
Gallery of paintings by an artist based in Tampa, Florida. Includes abstract work, genre paintings and portraits. http://www.7l3art.com/ » Bertram, Henning
Includes images of his paintings and drawings, images and text about his exhibitions, curriculum vitae, and commentaries by the artist. http://kulturserver-nrw.de/home/bertram/ » Betancourt, Cecilia
Collection of fauvist figurative, landscape and still life oil paintings. http://www.betancourt-art.ch/ » Bielsa, Juan
Expressionist and poetic paintings by a Spanish painter influenced by dance, music and poetry. http://www.poeticpainting.com » Biller, Les
A sampling of Les Biller's recent paintings, including still lifes, nudes, and cityscapes, with curriculum vitae. http://www.lesbiller.com/ » Boissinot, Olivier
Presents brightly colored paintings by a French artist, classified by subject: Morocco, jazz, New Orleans, Provence, and women. With an exhibition list. http://oboissinot.chez-alice.fr/ » Bokoutchava, Chakro
Portraits, figurative works, still lifes, and landscapes by Georgian-born artist now living in Saint Petersburg. Images and biography. http://www.chakro.spb.ru/ » Boldorini, Stefano
Founder of the Italian art movement he calls Italian Romantic Neosymbolism. Images and some comments in English and Italian. http://www.boldorini.it/ » Borcz, Anna
Polish painter displaying works in oil, watercolor, collage, drawing and tempera. Also includes a biography of the artist. http://aborcz.win.pl/ » Bourdin, Lucette
Using a watercolor, gouache and egg tempera the artist has developed a painting style, which both expresses and evokes the subtlety of the soul. Includes biography. http://www.lbourdin.com/ » Boyd, Terri
Virginia artist describes her paintings as 'Wardrobe Portraits'. Art gallery images of original paintings and current information regarding commission work. http://www.terriboyd.com/ » Boér Lenk, Ilona
Watercolors and pastels of an Hungarian painter living in Transylvania, Romania. Portraits, landscapes, music-inspired and spirituals paintings. http://www.fortunecity.com/victorian/byron/305/boer.htm » Brennan, Randy
Exhibit of paintings and sculptures by an internationally exhibited artist. Approaches include mixed-media, traditional and contemporary. http://www.randybrennan.com/ » Brown, Richard
Contemporary British artist portrays flowers and other subjects. Includes statement and images of his drawings and watercolors. http://www.richardbrown.org.uk/ » Buchholz, Daniel
Vibrant urban scenes, done in watercolor, acrylic, and pen and ink. http://danielbuchholz.net/ » Bushe, Robbie
Ironic figurative narrative drawings and paintings, from the award winning Scottish artist. http://www.robbiebushe.co.uk/ This category needs an editor
Last Updated: 2010-06-09 12:13:37
The content of this directory is based on the Open Directory and has been modified by AllMusicSearch.com editors |