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» Feaux, Michael Open in a new browser window
   Multimedia artist living in Berlin presents a project blog and galleries, including portraits and illustrations.
» Maack, Nikolaus Open in a new browser window
   A Canadian artist's colorful and distorted portraits, plus fiction, non-fiction, and poetry.
» MacFarland, Matt Open in a new browser window
   Gallery of drawings, sculptures and installation. includes resume.
» MacMillan, Laurie Open in a new browser window
   Santa Barbara artist shows abstract paintings in acrylics. These works reflect her fascination with landscapes, geology, and organic forms. Biography.
» Macaulay, Dorene Open in a new browser window
   Expressionist paintings by this Canadian artist.
» Mackerman, Dan Open in a new browser window
   Minnesota-based artist presents landscapes featuring Midwestern farmland; also figurative paintings, giclee prints, and greeting cards.
» Madsen, Leif Open in a new browser window
   Danish artist shows floral and landscape oil paintings. Includes biography.
» Maes, Diana Open in a new browser window
   Presenting graphic design examples and crafts, including notecards. Includes biography.
» Magar, Mary Jo Open in a new browser window
   The Boutique of Arts features paintings, literature, poetry, sculpture, and metaphysics. Some political art.
» Magculang, Jennie Open in a new browser window
   Filipino artist displays an online gallery of paintings. Figurative and surreal works.
» Magna Open in a new browser window
   New York artist presents galleries full of abstract and figurative images.
» Magyar, Wes Open in a new browser window
   Portfolio of this Colorado artist's paintings. Realistic figurative works with themes featuring cultural myths. Includes exhibitions listing and press reviews.
» Mahan, Krissy Open in a new browser window
   Kingston NY-based cut-paper artist presents a virtual gallery. Includes photos and drawings; short biography.
» Mahesh Bullu Open in a new browser window
   Indian artist shows oil paintings, including figurative and landscape works.
» Mahvis, Siavash Open in a new browser window
   Features figurative drawings and paintings by this Iranian artist.
» Maillet, Daniel Open in a new browser window
   Realist painter presents a virtual gallery featuring portraits, nude studies, engravings, and sculptures.
» Maistorov, Nikolai Open in a new browser window
   Bulgarian artist presents a virtual gallery of drawings mostly featuring nudes. Includes exhibitions listing.
» Mako Open in a new browser window
   California artist shows brightly colored paintings featuring golfers and musicians. Custom-made hats. Animations.
» Malpica, Misha Open in a new browser window
   A specialist in mixed-media sculpture, this New Mexico-based artist shows masks, gourds, and other works.
» Malta, Michael H. Open in a new browser window
   Realistic artwork by this Colorado artist. Landscapes and portraits.
» Mammes, Peter Open in a new browser window
   A strange and unusual collection of sculptures, puppets, paintings and drawings by this South African artist.
» Manacsa, Gerry Open in a new browser window
   Design, writing and digital work by this Filipino-American artist. Includes online multimedia journal, commentaries and homage to Fellini.
» Manderla, Marek Open in a new browser window
   Surreal abstract art based on the figure is showcased.
» Manetas, Miltos Open in a new browser window
   Los Angeles-based artist presents oil paintings on the theme of computers and video games. Includes exhibitions listing.
» Mant, Colin Open in a new browser window
   Examples of life drawing and landscape photography by this artist based in Maldon, Essex. Includes nudes.
» Mararian, Michael Open in a new browser window
   Somewhat disturbing works which focus on children as the last bastion of innocence. Includes exhibitions listing.
» Marcelle, Pauline Open in a new browser window
   This artist, born in Dominica, presents paintings, graphics, and video animation. Performance art. Includes exhibitions listing.
» Margretardottir, Hildur Open in a new browser window
   Icelandic artist presents an artwork sampler featuring oil paintings of farm animals and a series of abstracts. Includes exhibitions listing and photographs.
» Mark, Sharon Open in a new browser window
   Acrylic paintings featuring naive scenes and country landscapes by Quebec artist.
» Marke, Ian Open in a new browser window
   The artist presents an online gallery with portraits, landscape paintings, digital and figurative works, designs inspired by music, and decorative examples.
» Markovich, Anastasiya Open in a new browser window
   Paintings by this Ukrainian artist and featuring landscapes, icons, and surrealist works. Background music.
» Marks, China Open in a new browser window
   Drawings from thread and fabric produced with an industrial zig-zag sewing machine. Includes process information and an exhibitions listing.
» Marler, Christine Open in a new browser window
   Pixelmosaic: this collection of professional and personal work focuses on graphic design but also includes digitized views of other artwork and photography. Resume.
» Maron, Nina Open in a new browser window
   Vienna-based artist presents work samples, including paintings in series. Figurative and abstract. Includes exhibitions listing.
» Marquez, Abel Open in a new browser window
   Miami-based artist shows realistic drawings and paintings. Still-lifes and figurative works. Includes exhibitions listing.
» Marran, Juri Open in a new browser window
   Virtual gallery for the Estonian painter. Colorful portraits and still-life compositions.
» Marrone, Todd Open in a new browser window
   Philadelphia-based cartoon-abstract artist presents original paintings, drawings, designs, and writings.
» Marshall, Barbara Open in a new browser window
   Brazil-based artist presents a virtual exhibition of watercolors made by using the Feng Shui technique of harmonizing the surroundings. Includes exhibitions listing.
» Marshall, Brent Open in a new browser window
   Eightlines is a sandbox of experiments featuring graphic designs, origami, and sketchbook cartoons by a Canadian artist.
» Marshall, Mike Open in a new browser window
   London-based artist presents film, video, photography and sound works. Includes exhibitions listing.
» Marsili, Denis Open in a new browser window
   Art of Concept: digital conceptual art by an artist aka Ditch the Kitsch. This Argentina-based photographer also makes funny t-shirts.
» Martin, Bevis Open in a new browser window
   Drawings and installations by the UK artist. Figurative works and sketches.
» Martin, Knox Open in a new browser window
   Online portfolio of the New York-based painter: abstract works, including murals. With exhibitions listing, lecture clips, and review articles.
» Martin, Rett Open in a new browser window
   Minnesota-based artist and student shows drawings and computer designs.
» Martine, David Open in a new browser window
   New York-based artist of Native American descent presents landscapes and Native American portraits. Includes exhibitions listing.
» Martinelli, Mario Open in a new browser window
   Italian artist's virtual portfolio. Abstract and mixed media works. Includes exhibitions listing.
» Martinez Isaza, Juan Esteban Open in a new browser window
   Floral paintings and other works by this Colombian artist who is described as a 'figurative impressionist.' Includes exhibitions listing.
» Martinez, Vanina Open in a new browser window
   Argentinian artist shows abstract paintings in acrylic, oil and mixed media. Includes resume. Flash.
» Mascres, Catherine Open in a new browser window
   French painter and sculptor is inspired by ethnic symbolism.
» Masini, Walter Open in a new browser window
   Italian artist presents a portfolio of illustration, make-up work and other digital art. Background music.
» Masiulis, Arvydas Open in a new browser window
   UK-based artist presents drawings featuring city scenes and people at work.
» Maskarin, Kristina Open in a new browser window
   Digital works in a portfolio by this Croatian new genre artist. She is "interested in exploring visual rhetoric and the intersections of art, activism and new technology."
» Maslanka, Kazmier Open in a new browser window
   The artist's "polyaesthetic work is a spiritually based fusion of mathematics, art and poetry." Includes resume.
» Masprone, Alice Open in a new browser window
   An artist's approach to performance work, starting with cross-disciplinary topics, alone or in collaboration with other artists. Includes resume.
» Massey, Carlyn Open in a new browser window
   Abstract paintings in several series, including Black-and-White works, Dimensional pieces, and Minimal images. Also has resume and exhibitions listing.
» Mata Open in a new browser window
   The artist uses images, writing, and animation to explore identity in a modern urban environment.
» Matarazzo, Antonello Open in a new browser window
   Italian artist and filmmaker shows figurative paintings and video clips. Includes exhibitions listing and filmography.
» Mateus, Ruth Open in a new browser window
   This Austrian artist's work moves along the edge between painting and technical media such as photography, installation, and performance arts.
» Mathews, David Open in a new browser window
   Greenbriar Studio features portraits in various media and sculpture. Also offers 3D animation tools and replica armor for re-enactors.
» Matte-Farina, Susan Open in a new browser window
   Matte Impressions: Tucson artist shows paintings, including landscapes, still-lifes, and florals. Includes exhibitions listing.
» Matulewicz, Emil Open in a new browser window
   Weblog featuring samples of paintings and photographs by this Dutch artist. Figurative.
» Matuszak, James Open in a new browser window
   Artistic experiments, design, "phantasy", and "quest for the holy grail" in a site titled Art and Nonsense.
» Mawby, Jennifer J.T. Open in a new browser window
   Various styles in this retrospective of works by the Vancouver artist. Online portfolio and essays.
» Mawji, Farzeen Open in a new browser window
   Dakhalia: an interior design portfolio and resume.
» Max-Agostini Open in a new browser window
   Paintings by the late impressionist are featured in a virtual exhibition.
» Maximov, Evgeny Open in a new browser window
   Portraits, fantasy imagery, and abstract works by this Jerusalem-based artist.
» Maxwell, Eden Open in a new browser window
   Paintings, drawings, and digital art arranged in a series of exhibits. Abstract, fantasy, dreams. Weblog and other writings.
» Maxwell, Keith Open in a new browser window
   South Carolina-based artist presents figurative works and landscapes. Includes weblog.
» Maxwell, Leah Open in a new browser window
   This site contains oil paintings and lithographs by the artist. Figurative and abstract works.
» Mayakis, Pavlos Open in a new browser window
   Abstract paintings featuring encaustic wax layered on cloth by this Albany NY-based artist. Includes exhibitions listing.
» Mayer, Effi Open in a new browser window
   Expressionist pastels featuring images of women.
» Mayer, Erik Open in a new browser window
   Mandala paintings by a Midwestern artist. Includes resume.
» Mayo, Heidi Open in a new browser window
   Massachusetts-based painter and peace activist offers pastel landscape paintings and "PeaceThings," a peace-sign clothing line.
» Mazhlekov, Viktor Open in a new browser window
   Paintings inspired by artist's dreams. Surrealist paintings, drawings, and sculpture.
» McAllister, Hollie Open in a new browser window
   Holliexpressions: pencil portraits of children.
» McCarthy, Dan Open in a new browser window
   This Massachusetts-based artist shows posters, paintings, prints, and drawings. There is a stress on design elements.
» McCarthy, Z. Open in a new browser window
   Abstract painting, collage, and graphic design by this Florida artist. Information about research and web design services.
» McClain, Nathan Open in a new browser window
   Biography and works samples for the late artist, born in Missouri.
» McClymont, Alistair Open in a new browser window
   UK-based artist works in sculpture, photography and video. Abstract works. Includes resume.
» McCoy, Mary Bucci Open in a new browser window
   Massachusetts-based artist shows painted plywood constructions. Abstract. Includes exhibitions listing.
» McCoy, Shane Open in a new browser window
   Malibu-based artist and teacher shows photos and digital experiments.
» McDonald, K. Krueger Open in a new browser window
   Representational works in pastel and colored pencil by this Texas artist. Includes portraits, landscapes and floral works.
» McDonald, Melinda Open in a new browser window
   Virtual gallery featuring drawings, landscapes, and portraits. Music clips by the artist who is also a violinist.
» McDougall, Ewan Open in a new browser window
   Mr Loop: streaming video and still photos by this Scottish artist. He focuses on reality in the media. Includes exhibitions listing. Flash.
» McEachern, Susan Open in a new browser window
   Photography as well as conceptual and installation pieces by this Canadian artist and teacher, Includes exhibitions listing.
» McEnery, Kathleen Open in a new browser window
   Rochester-based painter who passed away in 1971. Portraits and still-lifes.
» McEwen, Christopher Open in a new browser window
   These paintings, drawings and illustrations tend to play between the figurative and the abstract.
» McGinley, Marge Open in a new browser window
   A look at horses and the art they inspire by this Washington-based artist. Includes exhibitions listing.
» McGinn, Gabe Open in a new browser window
   Blue Eyed Devil's World: Minnesota artist shows drawings and paintings. Includes photos of friends and favorite cars.
» McIntyre, Paul Open in a new browser window
   Coventry, UK-based artist shows acrylic paintings depicting beaches, boats, animals, landscapes and portraits. Also includes prints.
» McKee, Francis Open in a new browser window
   This curator and writer presents his own online art projects as well as essays on contemporary artists.
» McKee, Kumiko S. Open in a new browser window
   Colorado-based artist uses classical techniques to create realistic oil paintings that are partly abstract. Fantasy.
» McKee, Roger Open in a new browser window
   Salmon Kill Studio: prints, drawings and assemblages by this Connecticut artist. Representational and abstract. Includes exhibitions listing.
» McKenzie, Mary Beth Open in a new browser window
   Virtual gallery of a New York figurative artist known for her painterly and psychologically sensitive manner. Nudes. Includes exhibitions listing.
» McKinley, Daniel Open in a new browser window
   Paintings that range from real to abstract, explore color, and escape beyond the world imagined.
» McLaughlin, J.P. Open in a new browser window
   Figurative and abstract works by this British artist. Landscapes too.
» McMahon, Nathaniel Open in a new browser window
   Photography by this Beijing-based artist. Includes commentary and blog.
» McNulty, Marc Open in a new browser window
   Artist and composer shows abstract paintings. Poetry and Earphone Music. Includes chronology.
» McQuatters, Felipe Open in a new browser window
   PBFM (Peanut Butter Radio) is presented by this Texas-based artist and graphic designer. Includes resume and portfolio. Figurative.
» McRory, Desmond Open in a new browser window
   Impressionist paintings featuring landscapes of Buck County, PA, and Lambertville, NJ, among other works.
» McShea, Bevan Open in a new browser window
   East Coast artist shows a variety of paintings and drawings in various media. Color and motion are common denominators.
» McVicker, Charles Open in a new browser window
   Realistic landscapes, still-lifes, portraits, and prints by Princeton NJ-based artist. Includes biography.
» Meara, James Open in a new browser window
   Columbus OH-based artist presents "Yardenworks" which are durable indoor/outdoor abstract pieces involving paint, metal, and inspiration.
» Meck, Joyce Open in a new browser window
   Hawaiian artist shows watercolors featuring landscapes, plants, and wildlife. Pet portraits.
» Medearis, Sandy Open in a new browser window
   Abstract and representational works described as "Art from the heart."
» Medjugorac, Goran Open in a new browser window
   Online portfolio for this artist from Slovenia. Abstract works and installation samples. Includes exhibitions listing.
» Medvedev, Vladimir P. Open in a new browser window
   Russian artist shows realistic oil paintings. Includes biography.
» Megur, Susan Open in a new browser window
   Figurative paintings and mixed media works from this Florida artist.
» Mehulic, Mirsad Open in a new browser window
   Watercolors featuring seascapes along the Adriatic Coast. Includes biography.
» Melton, Chris E. Open in a new browser window
   Showcase of paintings, drawings, sculptures and other projects by North Carolina-based artist. Representational. Includes biography.
» Melvill, Roger Open in a new browser window
   This Cape Town, South Africa-based artist shows representational landscape paintings.
» Menicagli, Franco Open in a new browser window
   Media, installation, video, sculpture, public art, architecture. Abstract works. Some text only in Italian. With exhibitions listing.
» Mercale Open in a new browser window
   Drawings and sketches of weapons created by the artist.
» Merino, Ron Open in a new browser window
   San Diego-based artist focuses on surf and snowboard subjects. Also includes images inspired by the Burning Man event.
» Merritt, Aaron Open in a new browser window
   A showcase of surreal photography and examples of digital production artwork. Includes resume.
» Meservy, Royal Open in a new browser window
   Presenting Spiral Eye, the artist shows original and eclectic art with a slightly surrealistic feel, as well as digital experiments, rants and raves.
» Messa, Frank Open in a new browser window
   Abstract impressionistic paintings in acrylic. Drawings.
» Messina, Suzanne Open in a new browser window
   Massachusetts artist shows black-and-white figurative drawings inspired by her love of music.
» Metalorg Open in a new browser window
   Drawings, comics, divx videos. Figurative.
» Metze, Chris Open in a new browser window
   Abstract paintings and works on paper.
» Metzler, Rick Open in a new browser window
   Las Vegas artist shows oil paintings in three sections: cloud series, monument series, and tile series. Expressionist.
» Meza, Benjamin Open in a new browser window
   Featuring the oil paintings of San Diego architect and artist. Landscapes, portraits, and still-lifes. Impressionist.
» Mezenzev, Denis Open in a new browser window
   Surrealist works from the Russian artist.
» Michaelis, Eric Open in a new browser window
   Redart: abstract and surrealist creations.
» Mick, Danielle Open in a new browser window
   New Jersey artist shows pastel paintings inspired by the natural world. Landscapes. Includes biography.
» Middleton, Nicholas Open in a new browser window
   This British artist presents a selective online portfolio, titled Anaemialunate, featuring painting, photography, conceptual work, and writing. Includes biography.
» Mikhailov, Anatoly Open in a new browser window
   Figurative works in sculpture and painting by this Russian-born artist now living in New York.
» Milchan, Elinor Open in a new browser window
   Abstract and emotional artwork shown by an artist-photographer. Color C-prints. ActiveX.
» Miller, Jason Open in a new browser window
   Brooklyn artist presents various design objects and conceptual projects. Includes exhibitions listing.
» Miller, Lisa D. Open in a new browser window
   Artist and psychotherapist showcases installations, video-performances, and abstract paintings.
» Miller, Mary Anne Open in a new browser window
   Connecticut-based artist specializes in landscape and still-life painting "en plein air". Includes biography.
» Miller, Pam Open in a new browser window
   Abstract works by this artist based in Nottingham. Includes exhibitions listing.
» Miller, Ruane Open in a new browser window
   Digital prints, paintings and drawings by this Arizona artist. Landscapes and patterns.
» Miller, Stephanie A. Open in a new browser window
   Young artist shows drawings, paintings, and photos. Poetry. Figurative artwork.
» Miller, Tim Open in a new browser window
   Traditional and digital works by a young Iowa-based artist. Various media and styles.
» Milligan, Kerry Open in a new browser window
   Canadian artist's online gallery featuring floral, photography, landscape, and abstract works in a variety of media.
» Mills, Bill Open in a new browser window
   Display of oil paintings using 'Bob Ross' technique by this UK-based artist. Representational.
» Mills, Patrick J. Open in a new browser window
   London-based artist shows works with a style which varies from abstract to expressionist.
» Millward, Jen Open in a new browser window
   Representational works, including close-up views of flowers and eyes.
» Miltenberger, Lori L. Open in a new browser window
   Paintings, murals, decorative embellishments, and faux-finishings by this Oregon-based artist. Floral fantasies and children's illustrations.
» Minaeva, Irina Open in a new browser window
   Ukrainian artist presents abstract illustrations and batik designs.
» Minami, Krista Open in a new browser window
   Multimedia artist shows digital works. Photos and animations; music and web design.
» Minton, Joseph Open in a new browser window
   Features several examples of expressionist artwork.
» Miranda, Prashant Open in a new browser window
   The artist shows an online sketchbook of wanderings in India. Figurative and cartoonesque.
» Misiak, Ashley Open in a new browser window
   Featuring figurative and abstract drawings and paintings by this Michigan-based artist. Photography too.
» Missfeldt, Martin Open in a new browser window
   Berlin-based painter and illustrator shows oil paintings, watercolors,"speed paintings," and drawings and cartoons. Figurative, abstract, and humorous works. Text also in German.
» Mitchell, Elizabeth Open in a new browser window
   Online portfolio including traditional, digital, comic-book, sketch, and dragonfly works.
» Mittelman, Michael Open in a new browser window
   Online catalog featuring works of this Boston-based installation artist. Includes exhibitions listing.
» Mizrahi, Yehudit Open in a new browser window
   An overview of photography, sculpture, installations, and painting by this Dutch artist. Conceptual. Includes exhibitions listing.
» Moats, Roger A. Open in a new browser window
   Long Island artist presents an online gallery of realist paintings.
» Moerland, Antonetta Open in a new browser window
   Abstract and symbolist paintings and designs by this Dutch artist. Includes exhibitions listing.
» Mohite, Prabhakar Open in a new browser window
   Mumbai, India-based artist shows figurative paintings and illustrations.
» Moinet, Mary L. Open in a new browser window
   Belgian artist reveals a quiet world made of pastel, oil, and watercolor. Representational.
» Moita, Teixeira Open in a new browser window
   An artist and writer from Portugal displays abstract works in acrylic on canvas and paper. Some text in Portuguese.
» Molgaard, Marianne Open in a new browser window
   Swedish artist presents a web gallery featuring landscapes, portraits, and drawings.
» Moncus, Paul Open in a new browser window
   An online showplace of recent paintings and drawings by this Austin, Texas-based artist. Figurative.
» Monge, Richard Open in a new browser window
   Figurative works and photos by New York-based artist. Expressionist. Includes exhibitions listing.
» Monsa, Aron Open in a new browser window
   Oil and acrylic paintings of Jerusalem, as well as paintings of people and wildlife.
» Montagni, Lorenzo Open in a new browser window
   Figurative paintings and graphics in acrylic, oil, watercolor, and mixed techniques on wood, paper, and canvas by this Italian artist.
» Montalto, Gia Open in a new browser window
   Houston artist and fashion stylist shows abstract paintings and expressionist mixed-media pieces.
» Montana, Timmy Open in a new browser window
   Art inspired by the lives of 19th-century blacks in Binghamton NY and Montrose PA, with emphasis on the underground railroad. Folk art.
» Montecino, Ruben Open in a new browser window
   Viewpoint: illustrations and tutorials on drawing, 3D work and Actionscript 3 programing by this Chilean artist. Fantasy works.
» Monteleone, Nikie Open in a new browser window
   Teenie Kiwi: a portfolio featuring prints and patterns. Weblog format. Colorful and surrealist images.
» Montes, Fernando Open in a new browser window
   Bolivian artist's paintings and biography are presented. Features figurative works and landscapes which reflect the Andean environs.
» Montes, Jennifer Open in a new browser window
   Georgia-based artist presents figurative and fantasy illustrations. Includes weblog.
» Montoya Velasquez, Silvio Open in a new browser window
   Dutch artist shows sculptures made out of two- and three dimensional reliefs, complemented with paintings and old iron sculptures. Includes CV.
» Moody, Tom Open in a new browser window
   Low-tech art made with MSPaintbrush, photocopiers, and consumer printers by this New York-based artist. Abstracts and portraits.
» Moon, Sara Open in a new browser window
   Ethereal and enigmatic images and illustrations of women created on commission chiefly by the Germany-based artist known as Bijan.
» Moonan, Florence Open in a new browser window
   Abstract works focusing on texture, color, and experimentation. Expressionist.
» Moor, Ayanah Open in a new browser window
   Pittsburgh-based print artist shows works featuring words and/or images. Includes resume.
» Moore, Carol Open in a new browser window
   Colored-pencil artwork, photography and web design, with emphasis on wildlife, floral, and mystical subjects. Representational.
» Moore, Christopher Open in a new browser window
   Mooremetal: paintings, drawings, furniture, and interior design by this Louisiana-based artist.
» Moore, John D. Open in a new browser window
   Arkansas-based artist, illustrator, animator, and web designer describes work and presents examples.
» Moore, John L. Open in a new browser window
   Abstract painter, based in New York City, presents a virtual gallery. Includes exhibitions listing.
» Moore, K. Madison Open in a new browser window
   Figurative oil paintings, including nudes, by this Pennsylvania artist. Also abstract works.
» Moore, W. Howard Open in a new browser window
   Realistic works in soft pastel and monotypes in oil by South Carolina-based artist.
» Morales, Jose R. Open in a new browser window
   Cuban-born and now Miami-based artist showcases his paintings. Text in English and Spanish. Includes resume.
» Morash, Ann Open in a new browser window
   Eclectic mix of designs inspired by Celtic, Ukrainian, and Medieval European artworks from this Canadian artist and photographer.
» Moravcik, Michal Open in a new browser window
   Slovak artist presents samples of his installation pieces. Abstract. Includes resume and exhibitions listing.
» Mores, Jeff Open in a new browser window
   Featuring the abstract artwork, experimental writing projects, travel journals and photos of the Arkansas-based artist.
» Moreton-Abounader, Heather Open in a new browser window
   Desert Night Creations: miniature equine art rendered careful detail by the artist.
» Morgan, Francis Open in a new browser window
   Portfolio of (Northern) Irish artist who has worked in commercial art for 20 years.
» Morgan, Margaret Open in a new browser window
   Plumbing is used as a motif to address histories of twentieth-century art and life. Installation views and other examples. Includes exhibitions listing.
» Morgan, Victor Open in a new browser window
   Times Past: paintings and vignette-style portraits. Commentaries on the artwork and musings on life in the UK.
» Morld Open in a new browser window
   Conceptual work by a Japanese artist. Imagining the 'world has been completed by the mechanism without the meaning.'
» Moroz, Vadim Open in a new browser window
   Artist specializing in non-conformism, neo-dadaism, and neo-Baroque. Paintings, mixed media collages, and sculpture.
» Morris, Simon Open in a new browser window
   Information about various projects of this UK artist. Conceptual works. "Information as material."
» Morrison, Brian D. Open in a new browser window
   Gallery for abstract drawings and paintings by this Montpellier, France-based artist. Includes biography.
» Morrison, J. Open in a new browser window
   Brooklyn-based artist's new drawings, prints, t-shirts, and performances.
» Morrison, Tessa Open in a new browser window
   Resume and portfolio of the works of this Austin-based artist. Prints, photos, illustrations, knitted pieces, and book arts.
» Morse, Phil Open in a new browser window
   Portfolio of recent works by New Hampshire-based artist. Woodworking, design, fine art. Figurative, with some social and political commentary.
» Morse, Simon Open in a new browser window
   Systems art, diagram art, process art by this London-based artist. Includes exhibitions listing.
» Mortazavi, Homeira Open in a new browser window
   Representational paintings including works featuring flowers by this Canadian artist. With exhibitions listing.
» Mosher, Mike Open in a new browser window
   Northern California artist/designer/educator creates comics, community murals, and digital artworks.
» Moss, Brian C. Open in a new browser window
   Santa Monica artist's online portfolio featuring digital works, drawings, installations, photography, sculpture, and video. Info on ongoing projects. Includes resume.
» Moulton, John D. Open in a new browser window
   Portrait and female figurative works in watercolor, airbrush, inks, oils and pencil. Includes nudes.
» Mrazauskaite, Inga Open in a new browser window
   PHInomena: this Lithuanian artist presents paintings, drawings, and photos. Surrealist and fantasy works; video and weblog.
» Mueck, Werner Open in a new browser window
   Virtual gallery featuring portraits, fantasy and fan art, and drawings.
» Mulders, Marc Open in a new browser window
   Dutch artist presents abstract paintings, photos, collages, and stained-glass windows. Includes exhibitions listing.
» Mulino, Virna Open in a new browser window
   Figurative paintings in a variety of media. Portraits and landscapes. Photography too.
» Muller, Karl Open in a new browser window
   An online portfolio showcasing photography, digital video and audio, including mp3 and jpeg samples for download.
» Muller, Thomas Open in a new browser window
   TXMX: graffiti, photos, and figurative drawings and paintings by this German artist.
» Mumford, Joanne Open in a new browser window
   This London-based artist displays paintings and prints inspired by water and other natural elements.
» Munoz, Christian Open in a new browser window
   Original painting and furniture in surreal and Cubist styles by this Pennsylvania-based artist.
» Munoz, Jan Vincent Open in a new browser window
   Filipino artist and musician presents online portfolio. Digital experimentation.
» Murmur, Stan Open in a new browser window
   The artist uses his body to create floral and abstract works of art. Includes "Butt-Art Gallery."
» Murphy Spicer, Nancy Open in a new browser window
   Installations and works focusing on the boundary between 2-D and 3-D. Abstract. Includes exhibitions listing.
» Murphy, Charles E. Open in a new browser window
   New York artist presents impressionist landscapes featuring the big city. Includes exhibitions listings.
» Mustonen, Rauni Open in a new browser window
   Finland-based artist working mainly with woodprints and paintings. Abstracts and fantasy works. Includes exhibitions listing.
» Mutch, Sue Open in a new browser window
   Collection of oil paintings of landscapes, seascapes, flowers, portraits, and murals from this UK artist. Prints and greeting cards.
» Muthuramalingam, Lokesh Open in a new browser window
   Virtual portfolio featuring various recent works, including web designs, illustrations, and photos, by this New Jersey-based graphic artist. Also a resume.
» Myers, Joseph Allen Open in a new browser window
   Abstract and figurative works in paint and graphite by Kentucky-based artist.
» Mäntynen, Jani Open in a new browser window
   Finnish illustrator presents pin-up style works as well as a tutorial titled "how to draw a sexy girl."

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Last Updated: 2007-01-02 21:25:15

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