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Associations (39)


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» Canada - - The Financial Advisors Association of Canada (Advocis) Open in a new browser window
   Organization resulted from the merger of CAIFA and CAFP. News, events, continuing education opportunities, consumer information, and advocacy articles.
» International - Academy of Life Underwriting Open in a new browser window
   Devoted to life, health, and disability underwriting and risk education. Associated with On the Risk Journal, the Association of Home Office Underwriters, and the Canadian Institute of Underwriting.
» International - LIMRA International Open in a new browser window
   A worldwide association of insurance and financial services companies, established to help its members improve their marketing and distribution effectiveness through research, consulting, products, and learning. [Spanish content available]
» International - Life Office Management Association (LOMA) Open in a new browser window
   A life and health insurance industry organization that provides training and services to operations management in the insurance and financial services industry. Includes a vendor directory.
» International - Million Dollar Round Table Open in a new browser window
   Provides its members with resources to improve their technical knowledge, and sales and client service, while maintaining high ethical standards. Has membership of life insurance and financial services professionals in over 70 nations.
» International Federation of Health Plans (IFHP) Open in a new browser window
   A group of health insurers with one hundred member companies in 25 countries. Aims to assist in the maintenance of high ethical and professional standards throughout the industry.
» Malaysia - Life Insurance Association of Malaysia (LIAM) Open in a new browser window
   National association representing life insurance and reinsurance carriers. Includes list of members, activities and services, overview of the life insurance industry, and consumer-oriented information.
» National Business Coalition on Health (NBCH) Open in a new browser window
   National, non-profit membership organization of employer-based health coalitions that focus on value-based purchasing of health care services through the collective action of public and private purchasers.
» USA - - Advancing Non-Profit Health Care Open in a new browser window
   Organization aimed at increasing respect for the public value of non-profit healthcare institutions. News, list of sponsors, and an archive of magazine ads.
» USA - - American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance (AALTCI) Open in a new browser window
   Independent, non-profit professional organization for professionals working in or serving the LTC insurance marketplace.
» USA - - American Council of Life Insurance (ACLI) Open in a new browser window
   A trade association representing legal reserve life insurance companies conducting business in the United States. Includes members-only and consumers' areas. [not useable with all modern browsers]
» USA - - Council for Affordable Health Insurance (CAHI) Open in a new browser window
   A research and advocacy association of insurers active in the individual, small group, medical savings account, and senior markets. Organization news and information for consumers.
» USA - - Group Underwriters Association of America (GUAA) Open in a new browser window
   An individual (not corporate) membership organization which promotes the study, analysis, and discussion of all matters of mutual interest relating to the underwriting of group products.
» USA - - Insurance Marketplace Standards Association (IMSA) Open in a new browser window
   Goal is to strengthen trust and confidence in the life insurance industry. Site describes the organization, lists member companies, and contains an online copy of the Assessment Handbook.
» USA - - National Association for Variable Annuities (NAVA) Open in a new browser window
   Promotes the growth, acceptance, and understanding of annuity and variable life products. Site contains press releases, industry standardization efforts, conference schedules, and past editions of the Outlook newsletter.
» USA - - National Association of Prudential Retirees and Vested Terminators, Inc. (NAPRI) Open in a new browser window
   Independent organization with membership open to all retirees, vested terminators, and beneficiaries receiving retiree benefits, of the Prudential Insurance Company of America.
» USA - New Mexico Health Insurance Alliance Open in a new browser window
   The Alliance is a non-profit organization created by the state legislature to provide increased access to voluntary health insurance for small businesses, self-employed and qualified individuals.
» USA - New York - The Employer Alliance for Affordable Healthcare Open in a new browser window
   An advocacy coalition of more than 1,200 employers, individuals, and local governments. Its objective is to fight state-mandated programs which benefit few but increase the cost of health insurance for small businesses.
» USA - Rhode Island Society of Financial Service Professionals (RISFSP) Open in a new browser window
   Dedicated to enhancing the competence of insurance and financial services professionals. Information about the society, events, continuing education opportunities, agent qualification school, and membership.
» USA - Society of Financial Service Professionals Open in a new browser window
   Formerly the American Society of CLU and ChFC, and still associated with The American College. Information about the society, membership, educational opportunities, and an online store.
» Uniformed Services Benefit Association (USBA) Open in a new browser window
   Nonprofit organization providing life insurance and other financial services for active duty and former military members, veterans, and federal employees.

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Last Updated: 2007-01-02 17:51:06

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