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Organic (113)


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» Adrienne's Gourmet Foods Open in a new browser window
   Offers a line of organic crackers, snacks and pasta. Company profile; product, contact, and distributor details and links.
» Ag Commodities Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Suppliers of organic sweeteners, herbs, fruits and vegetables, legumes, oils and vinegars, and cocoa products. Includes industries served, product lists, and contacts.
» Alara Wholefoods Open in a new browser window
   Organic and gluten free muesli production. Includes directory of wholesalers and retailers, customization and branding, and articles on organic and genetically engineered foods.
» Alimentaria Rosco S.A. Open in a new browser window
   Argentina company offering a variety of organic soy-based products including soy milk, tofu, and soy flour. Company profile and contact details.
» American Health and Nutrition Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Worldwide supplier of certified organic grains, beans, seeds, soy protein powders, and other commodities.
» Amy's Kitchen Open in a new browser window
   Specializing in organic, vegetarian frozen meals.
» Assukkar Open in a new browser window
   Suppliers of organic whole cane sugar and cane syrup from Costa Rica.
» Australian Organic & Environmental Portal Open in a new browser window
   An Australian organic and environmental portal, providing news, forums and a gateway to other environmental and organic websites. Provide links to some technical, academic and governmental resources.
» Avalon Specialty Products Open in a new browser window
   A major supplier of domestic and import organic food ingredients throughout the U. S.
» Bee Natural Products Ltd. Open in a new browser window
   Sinlessly Sweet organic Ugandan honey, beeswax, and other hive products. Includes products, services, social commitments, and photo gallery.
» Beland Organic Foods Open in a new browser window
   Organic food brokerage and marketing firm based in Canada. Products include organic maple syrup, dairy products,and produce.
» Bioline Open in a new browser window
   Produce organic ready meals, stir fry meals, vegetables, pizza, vegetarian burgers, sticks and ice cream. All products are organically certified.
» Biopasta Open in a new browser window
   Produces and markets BIOP brand organic pasta. Includes a company profile, product lines and ingredients, nutritional information and certifications. Vailate, Italy. [Italian, English and German]
» British Columbia Organic Standards Open in a new browser window
   The Ministry of Agriculture's online version of the organic certification standards.
» Brown Cow Farm Open in a new browser window
   Yogurts made with organic fruits, unprocessed sugars, and select drug-free cows. Details about the business, products, packaging, store locator, recipes and poems, FAQ and contact information. Antioch, California.
» Byron Macadamias Australia Open in a new browser window
   Wholesale and direct to the public sales of certified organic nuts.
» CF Fresh Open in a new browser window
   Supplier of certified organic and transition apples, pears and other fruits, vegetables, and commodities.
» Cascadian Farm Open in a new browser window
   Grower, manufacturer and distributor of a wide range of organic products, from frozen fruit to breakfast cereal. Company profile, product details, recipes, and contact information.
» Cedarlane Natural Foods, Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Great tasting all natural foods, including award-winning low fat frozen entrees, fat free and specialty breads, and fresh salads. Includes nutritional data, ingredients, and descriptions.
» Ceres Organic Harvest, Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Provides processed grain-based ingredients to the organic food industry, including organic flours, organic oils, and a variety of grains, legumes and other specialty commodities.
» Chino Valley Ranchers Open in a new browser window
   Produces organic free range eggs, laid by hens that are fed organic grown grains.
» Ciranda Open in a new browser window
   Worldwide supplier of certified organic commodities and ingredients for the food industry. Company profile, product descriptions, and contact details.
» Country Choice Naturals Open in a new browser window
   Producer of certified organic cookies, premium hot cocoas and oven-toasted oatmeals.
» Danish Organic Trade Association Open in a new browser window
   Trade organisation for companies in Denmark manufacturing or dealing with organic food wholesale.
» Della Natura Commodities Open in a new browser window
   International supplier of organic counter seasonal products from South America, including grains, legumes, oils, sugars, and produce. Includes product specifications and seasonal availability.
» Demeter's Pantry Open in a new browser window
   Importer of Greek honey, organic olive oil, herbs, and teas. Product descriptions and ordering information.
» EcoMeal Open in a new browser window
   Provides a full line of organic groceries and produce to restaurants and supermarkets in New York and New Jersey.
» Ecomarket SpA Open in a new browser window
   Distributor of organic foods and beverages to large scale retail trade and catering specialists. Located in Milan, Italy.
» Evergreeen Research and Development Open in a new browser window
   Supplier of wholesale organic ingredients for bakery and food manufacturing. Specializing in hard-to-find and custom spec organic ingredients.
» Farmer Direct Co-operative Ltd. Open in a new browser window
   Organic producers from western Canada supplying export quality oilseeds and pulses to buyers and food processors worldwide.
» Farmer's Organic Foods, Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Offers organic egg and poultry products. Contact and product information.
» Fenwood farm Open in a new browser window
   Organically raised and free-range chickens are grain-feed and nutritious, high in protein, low in fat and rich in flavour. No antibiotics or growth promotents are added to the feed or water
» Forestrade Open in a new browser window
   Offers organic and sustainably-harvested spices, essential oils and coffee. Company profile, product and contact details.
» Fresh Tofu Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Manufactures and distributes organic tofu and soyfood products to New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and the east coast natural foods market.
» Gentle Fox Farms Open in a new browser window
   Organic gourmet vegan foods - tofu turkey, caviar, risotto chips, pate - just heat and serve.
» George's Organics International Open in a new browser window
   Supplies manufacturers and food service companies with certified organic food products and professional services.
» Glebe Farm Open in a new browser window
   Organic flours, bread mixes, and dairy and gluten-free products. Includes product, retail outlets, and contact information. Based in the UK.
» Global Organics Open in a new browser window
   Florida based organic produce distributor involved in all aspects of organic food distribution including import and export, and store delivery.
» Good Herdsmen Ltd. Open in a new browser window
   Markets organic meats in Ireland. Company profile, product details, and contact information.
» Goodness Foods Open in a new browser window
   Healthfood wholesaler and manufacturer in the UK.
» Hainle Vineyards, Okanagan Valley Open in a new browser window
   A small family-run winery in BC's sunny Okanagan Valley, producing Canada's only certified organic wines. Includes newsletter, order form, and bistro menu.
» Harald Zellerer BioDelicatessen Open in a new browser window
   Import, export and distribution of certified organic products.
» Helios Nutrition Ltd. Open in a new browser window
   Producer of organic kefir with FOS (a natural dietary fiber).
» Honest to Goodness Open in a new browser window
   Australian importers, exporters, wholesalers and retailers of organic and natural nuts, seeds, grains, and dried fruit.
» Horizon Organic Open in a new browser window
   Holding company with subsidiaries which produce, process and market certified organic dairy products. (Nasdaq: HCOW).
» International Organic Accreditation Service Open in a new browser window
   Non-profit independent organization offering international oversight of organic certification, through a voluntary accreditation process for certification bodies active in the field of organic agriculture. Includes an overview of the process, applicable f
» Jaffe Bros. Natural Foods Open in a new browser window
   Organically grown fruits, nuts, oils, soymilk, sweeteners, grains, and other produce.
» LaRocca Vineyards Open in a new browser window
   Organic Wines from LaRocca Vineyards
» Leroux Creek Foods Open in a new browser window
   Makes organic applesauces and applebutter, with no added sugar or artificial ingredients.
» Links Organic Open in a new browser window
   An international organic business directory.
» Living Tree Community Open in a new browser window
   Organic and raw food distributor. Informative articles on all aspects of organic food production and health benefits.
» Macari Vineyards Open in a new browser window
   Patronized by the White House. Has massive composting operation.
» Mariquita Farm Open in a new browser window
   An advert for a family farm program where you can share in the organic produce in USA, California, Silicon Valley and Santa Cruz County. The newsletter has good recipes for healthy vegetable preparation.
» Marroquin Organics Open in a new browser window
   Suppliers of certified organic ingredients to the organic food industry. Company profile, product listing, and contact details.
» Meyenberg Goat Milk Products Open in a new browser window
   Based in Turlock, California. Organic, hormone-free milk. Products offered, recipes, FAQ, contact information, retail outlets, and suggested readings.
» Muir Glen Open in a new browser window
   Organically grown and processed processed. No synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, growth regulators, chemical additives or coloring agents.
» Nasoya Foods Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Organic tofu, seasonings, and dressings. Recipes and nutritional information.
» Natures Path Open in a new browser window
   North American manufacturer of certified organic cereals.
» New Zealand Organics Open in a new browser window
   Organics fruit, vegetables and other organic products available from New Zealand Organics. Information for distributors, retailers and consumers.
» Newman's Own Organics Open in a new browser window
   Offers organically produced snacks and dressings. Company profile, product information, organic food and contact details.
» Nutriops Open in a new browser window
   Organic non-dairy alternatives and functional foods.
» Omega Protein Corporation Open in a new browser window
   Mega 3 fish oil, protein rich fish meal and fish soluables.
» Organic Denmark Open in a new browser window
   Direct access to Danish exporters of organic foods. Organic news, product launches, and general information on organics from Denmark.
» Organic Farm Foods Open in a new browser window
   British organic wholeseller, approved by the Soil Association. The company is leading in its field in the UK.
» Organic Food Consultancy (UK) Open in a new browser window
   The Organic Consultancy explains the basic principles of organic food manufacture, summarises the activities of the Organic Consultancy and enables you to make contact and discuss your needs
» Organic HACCP Open in a new browser window
   Project related to quality monitoring and tracebility throughout the food chain. Includes project objectives and expected achievements, participating institutions, and contributors.
» Organic Harvest Network Open in a new browser window
   Organic products: organically grown biodynamic fruit, vegetables and produce year-round.
» Organic Kitchen Open in a new browser window
   Organic foods resource with links to foods, restaurants, markets, farms, vineyards, gardening, recipes and health.
» Organic OnLine Open in a new browser window
   The word "organic" on the label stands for a commitment to an agriculture that strives for a balance with nature, using methods and materials that are of low impact to the environment.
» Organic Planet Open in a new browser window
   Sells certified organic food ingredients. Products include organic seeds, beans, oils, dried fruits, sweeteners, spices, and grains.
» Organic Valley Open in a new browser window
   Certified organic dairy products, eggs, meats and vegetables. Includes an overview of the farm, a product search, recipes and a store locator. Located in La Farge, Wisconsin, USA.
» Organic-Market.info Open in a new browser window
   Articles and facts about organic food stores, organic supermarkets and the organic supply chain in Europe.
» Organic.dk Open in a new browser window
   Danish organic food network, news, companies, export/import, facts and organizations. [Danish and English]
» Orgenetics Open in a new browser window
   Provider of organic herbs, spices, botanical and nutraceutical ingredients.
» Original Foods Open in a new browser window
   Offers organically grown chicken meat and organic gin. Product and contact details.
» Peppertrade Organic Herbs and Spices Open in a new browser window
   Trading place for organic herbs and spices from all origins.
» PrimaSoy Open in a new browser window
   Manufacturer and supplier of organic tempeh in Australia. Include Indonesian recipes.
» Produce Green Foundation Open in a new browser window
   Hong Kong educational organic farm.
» Queenswood Natural Foods Open in a new browser window
   Suppliers of organic and non-GM commodities and products to the food manufacturing and independent healthfood sectors. Chilled and frozen products also available.
» Respect Organics Open in a new browser window
   Manufacturers of baked goods and prepared meals made with organic ingredients. UK.
» Rising Moon Organics Open in a new browser window
   Produces ravioli, pasta sauce, pesto, and salsa; all organic. Company profile, products packaging, store locator, and contact information. Eugene, Oregon.
» Rosaly's Garden Open in a new browser window
   Selling organic gardening videos, books and pictures. Organic gardening tips.
» ShariAnn's Organics Open in a new browser window
   "All the Flavors of the Earth" - makers of organic soups, beans and pumpkin products based in Dexter, Michigan.
» Skal Association Open in a new browser window
   The Netherlands. Inspection and certification authority for the production, processing, import, trade and storage of organic products. Detailed description of production methods which are free of genetic modification. English and Dutch.
» SoFine Foods Tofu Open in a new browser window
   Dutch producer of organic tofu. Company profile and contact details.
» Spectrum Naturals, Inc Open in a new browser window
   Natural foods company that manufactures certified organic culinary oils, condiments, and EFA products.
» Staglin Family Vineyards Open in a new browser window
   A family-owned Napa Valley winery devoted organic methods
» Straus Family Creamery Open in a new browser window
   California's award-winning organic and kosher dairy, with products including cream-top milk in glass bottles.
» Stremicks Heritage Foods Open in a new browser window
   Produces organic dairy products in Santa Ana, California.
» SunWest Foods, Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Rice, Nuts, Organic Rice and Wild and Specialty Rice.
» Sunrich Food Group Open in a new browser window
   Global supplier of organic soy, corn, and rice products.
» Symbio Open in a new browser window
   Producers and distributors of Polish-grown organic fruits, vegetables, herbs, and grains.
» The Billington Food Group Open in a new browser window
   Importing and distributing food ingredients throughout the UK and Worldwide. Offers unrefined organic cane sugar, produced from organically-grown sugar cane. Soil Association certified.
» The Organic Store Open in a new browser window
   UK directory of organic food and drink resources and suppliers.
» The Organic Trade Association Open in a new browser window
   Represents the organic industry in Canada and the United States.
» Tradin Organic Agriculture B.V. Open in a new browser window
   Provides customers with a range of organic ingredients and sourcing.
» True Loaf Bakery Open in a new browser window
   Organic Flour made from Stone Ground Wheat. Gluten-Free and produced by Windmill in the UK.
» Vital Vittles Open in a new browser window
   Organic Whole Grain Bread from the Schwin Family Mill and Bakery in Berkeley, CA.
» Walnut Acres Organic Farms Open in a new browser window
   Producers of soups, pasta sauces, salsas, juices, and kids' snacks. Product details include ingredients and nutrition information. Search feature locates U.S. retailers.
» Wanda's Nature Farm Foods Open in a new browser window
   Manufacturer and marketer of organic, all natural, fat-free baking mixes for bread machines and conventional baking. Fifty different gourmet mixes and houseware items such as Bread Boxes, Bagel Savors and a Bagel Safe Slicer.
» WhiteWave Vegetarian Cuisine Open in a new browser window
   Certified organic soy products such as tofu, milk, yogurt and tempeh.
» Willow Hill Farm Organic Sheep Cheese Open in a new browser window
   Makes farmhouse cheese, aged in an underground cave from their own herd of sheep. Vermont.
» Wisconsin Organics Open in a new browser window
   Producers of organic dairy products. Includes information about organic standards, products, dealer list. Offices in Thorp and Bonduel.
» Wise Poultry Open in a new browser window
   Distributors of Kosher organic chicken and turkey. Includes a list of stores in USA where the products can be purchased.
» Wolaver's Open in a new browser window
   Information about their 'pale ale', and organic farming.
» Yeo Valley Organic Company Ltd. Open in a new browser window
   British manufacturer of organic yogurt.

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