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Process Equipment (570)


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» A.T. Ferrell Company Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Manufacturer and distributor of equipment for seed conditioning plants and associated facilities. Focus is on machinery for cleaning and grading grass, vegetable, and other seeds, as well as grains, legumes, and popcorn.
» ALY Fabrication Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Offers custom fabricated equipment for processing industries. Includes heat exchangers, storage tanks, pressure vessels, hopper and chutes, pump bases, and dust collectors. Site incorporates downloadable product files.
» ANCO-EAGLIN Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Manufactures specialized range of processing equipment for the rendering, food, chemical, and associated industries. Includes dryers, expellers, coagulators, percolators, hydrolyzers, and condensing, sterilization, scrubber, and odor abatement systems.
» ASC Process Systems Open in a new browser window
   Offers diversified range of products and services for process industries. Includes autoclaves, ovens, and furnaces; software, power, and motor control center systems; and repair, upgrading, and relocation of equipment.
» Aarkay Group Open in a new browser window
   India. Development, fabrication, and supply of full range of tea processing machinery and related supplies. Includes heating, drying, sorting, packaging equipment and systems. Services include repairs, upgrades, and technical consultation.
» Accent Stainless Steel Open in a new browser window
   Specializes in the design, manufacture and installation of component and turn key stainless steel processing equipment for the food, beverage, brewery, pharmaceutical and chemical industries. Includes company profile and product descriptions. Located in A
» Adams Equipment Company Open in a new browser window
   Buys and sells used equipment for chemical, food, and pharmaceutical industries. Interest includes centrifuges, heat exchangers, mixers, reactors, and filter presses. Single piece or entire plant purchases possible.
» Air Process Systems & Conveyors Co., Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Dry and liquid material handling and processing equipment for the food, chemical and plastics industries.
» Alfa Laval AB Open in a new browser window
   Sweden. Manufactures wide range of equipment, systems, and services for liquid/solid separation, heat transfer and treatment, and fluid handling. Site provides product, application, and technical information.
» Allpax Products Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Manufactures sterilization and materials handling equipment for food and pharmaceutical industries. Includes horizontal, vertical, and overpressure retorts, as well as baskets and automated loaders and unloaders.
» Alpha Stainless, Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Supplies process equipment for the biopharm industry. Manufactures special tanks. Represents various manufacturers of fittings, gaskets, pumps, valves, silicone hose, tubing, and other components.
» Altieri A. srl Open in a new browser window
   Italy. Wide range of stainless steel equipment for chemical and pharmaceutical industries. Includes autoclaves, columns, dryers, reactors, and distillation and fermentation plants. Subsidiary company specializes in liquid/solid separation and filtration e
» Ambica Powder Pvt. Ltd. Open in a new browser window
   India. Manufactures selection of crushing and screening equipment for mining and ore processing industries. Includes feeding units, crushing machines, vibrating screens, and belt conveyors and hoppers.
» Amcom LLC Open in a new browser window
   Specializes in design and application of steel and slag recycling systems. Includes screening and crushing equipment, feeders, magnet stations, conveyor systems, and scrap cleaning equipment.
» American Steel Line Co. Open in a new browser window
   Manufacturer of heavy duty steel coil handling equipment, including single and double end reels, traveling reels with coil loaders, pallet uncoilers, coil cars, and straighteners.
» Aqua Products Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Sells and services broad range of chemical feed equipment. Includes bacterial enzymes, booster and metering pumps, chlorinators, gas and leak detection units, flow and process controls and charts, scales, and surge protectors.
» Arel Control (1971) Ltd. Open in a new browser window
   Israel. Offers broad range of products and systems for dyeing industry. Includes batch dyeing units, liquid dispensing and powder weighing modules, and control and optimization systems.
» Arnold Holstein GmbH Open in a new browser window
   Germany. Manufactures a range of continuous and discontinuous distilling equipment for chemical, food, and pharmaceutical industries. Information regarding available units and accessories.
» Aron Equipment Company Open in a new browser window
   Online catalogue of available new and used equipment and accessories for range of processing industries. Services include facilities for trading and leasing items; appraisal and marketing of surplus equipment; and storage, transportation, and reconditioni
» Atomic Vacuum Co Open in a new browser window
   India. Manufactures range of specialized processing equipment. Applications include waste oil refining, production of pesticides, vitamins, and herbal products, and supply of molecular distillation equipment.
» Automated Process Equipment Corporation Open in a new browser window
   Manufactures range of process equipment and automation systems. Includes batching, blending, mixing, weighing, proportioning, and liquid application machines.
» Avasarala Group Open in a new browser window
   India. Diversified company serving a variety of industries. Products include conveyors, electron guns, tungsten rod and wire, and a range of process machinery for electronic and automotive components manufacture.
» Avestin Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Canada. Manufacturer of equipment for reducing particle size and creating even distribution. Uses include drug dispersion, herb extraction, and industrial coatings and pigments. Site incorporates detailed product and process information.
» B & H Industrial products Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Manufacturer representatives for broad range of filtration, separation, and bulk handling equipment and products. Site incorporates links to manufacturer pages for detailed product information.
» B & P Process Equipment and Systems, LLC Open in a new browser window
   Manufactures mixers, centrifuges, and extruders for bulk and specialty chemicals industry, waste and water treatment, pharmaceuticals, and hot-melt adhesives processing.
» BIMATECH Botterogroup Open in a new browser window
   Italy. Manufactures CNC machinery for glass processing. Capabilities include cutting, milling, boring, polishing, and engraving. Site shows examples of finished results.
» Baskerville Ltd. Open in a new browser window
   UK. Manufactures agitated and non agitated pressure vessels and related equipment, including instrumentation control software, for industrial, research, and educational applications. Technical details of product range.
» BelAir Finishing Open in a new browser window
   Manufactures and distributes finishing machines, media, and precious metal recovery and wastewater treatment equipment for finishing, polishing, deburring, drying, and cleaning jewelry, metal, and plastic parts.
» Bematec SA Open in a new browser window
   Switzerland. Manufactures variety of equipment for the paper, film, plastic, and converting industries. Includes fiber processing machines, screen/filter units, and coating systems. Product information.
» Bendall's Engineering Open in a new browser window
   UK. Specializes in design and manufacture of pressure vessels and other specialist steel fabrications for the nuclear, petrochemical, pharmaceutical, power, and process industries.
» Biazzi SA Open in a new browser window
   Switzerland. Specializes in design and supply of chemical processing equipment. Includes units for hydrogenation, nitration, creation of gas/liquid derivatives, and manufacture of explosives.
» Blue-White Industries Open in a new browser window
   Manufacturer of precision rotameters, Paddlewheel flowmeters, chemical metering pumps, tank systems, mixers, and proportional chemical feeders.
» Bombay Pharma Equipment Open in a new browser window
   India. Manufacturers selection of liquid and powder processing equipment for pharmaceutical Industry. Includes filter presses, transfer pumps, bottle fillers, pressure vessels, sifters, blenders, coating pans, and drying ovens.
» Bono Group Open in a new browser window
   Producers of industrial boilers, special heaters, water and environmental treatment systems in Italy. Provides industrial solutions for energy and ecology, liquid dosing and transfer.
» Branch Environmental Corp Open in a new browser window
   Specializes in pollution control equipment. Includes scrubbers, oxidizers, and air strippers. Applications include cleanup of acids, organics, and other contaminants, as well as removal of volatile organics, ammonia, and other gases.
» Braunschweigische Maschinenbauanstalt AG Open in a new browser window
   Germany. Manufactures plants and equipment for the manufacture of products such as sugar and ethanol.
» Britannia Soap Machinery Co. Open in a new browser window
   UK. Manufactures full range of machinery for soap making and for production of toilet rim and cistern cleaning and deodorizing blocks. List and descriptions of equipment and processes.
» Brooktronics Engineering Corporation. Open in a new browser window
   Company specializing in equipment, accessories, and supplies for selective brush electroplating of industrial parts and components. Services include free-of-charge training for customers in process theory and applications.
» Bühler Bindler GmbH Open in a new browser window
   Germany. Technology company specializing in processing equipment and systems for chocolate and other food and beverage industries.
» Ceever s.r.l Open in a new browser window
   Italy. Manufactures wide range of cleaning and processing equipment. Includes products for washing, de-greasing, phosphating and burnishing, and sandblasting. Site incorporates detailed product and application information. plants.
» Central Fabricators Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Manufactures corrosion resistant storage tanks, jacketed vessels, pressure vessels, reactors, and tank coils for the chemical, pharmaceutical, and food processing industries.
» Chemco S.r.C. Open in a new browser window
   Italy. Specializes in supply of plants and application of technology for the production of soap, glycerine, detergents, sulphonates, and oils and fats. Site incorporates product and process descriptions, diagrams, and photos.
» Chemical Transfer Partnership (CTP) Corporation Open in a new browser window
   US representative of European equipment manufacturers Buchi AG, Genser and Huber. Products include reactors, filters, scrubbers, heaters and chillers, and rotary evaporators.
» Chemitherm Plants & Systems P. Ltd. Open in a new browser window
   India. Manufactures and offers installation services for broad range of equipment for process industries. Includes agitators, clarifiers, heat exchangers, mixers, pressure vessels, and reactors.
» Chemray Corporation Open in a new browser window
   Distributors of process equipment accessories for the food, pharmaceutical, chemical, and electro-plating industries. Includes actuators, filters, fittings, flow and level gauges, hose assemblies, pumps, and various types of valves.
» Chiral Technologies Europe Open in a new browser window
   France. Specializes in supply of chromatography products for enantiomeric analysis and separation in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. Site includes detailed product and application information.
» Christ Water Technology Group Open in a new browser window
   Austria. Group of companies, active in the development and manufacture of systems and services for ultrapure water and drinking water production, and wastewater treatment systems for a range of industrial applications. Links to group companies. English an
» Cimbria Group Open in a new browser window
   Denmark. Manufacturing companies supplying equipment for processing grain and seed, powders, granulates, and similar products. Includes cleaners, dryers, conveyors, silos, bellows, filters, and waste treatment and recycling systems.
» Coe Press Equipment Corporation Open in a new browser window
   Manufacture and supply of steel coil feed line systems and equipment. Includes servo roll feeds, power straighteners, and coil reels and cradles. Site incorporates detailed product and application information.
» CorPro Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Full service distributors of fiberglass reinforced plastic products and fabrications, primarily for the marine and petrochemical industries. Includes storage and process vessels, ductwork, piping, towers, and stacks.
» Core-Rosion Products Open in a new browser window
   Distributes broad range of processing equipment. Includes tanks, filter presses and driers, clarifiers, double wall piping, water filtration systems, and oil/water separators.
» Corrosion Resistant Products Limited Open in a new browser window
   Supply of fluorpolymer lined valves and piping products to the pharmaceutical, chemical, and fine chemical industries.
» Cortech Engineering Open in a new browser window
   Specializes in supply of pumps for process industries. Includes centrifugal, seal-less, and positive displacement varieties. Site incorporates links to manufacturer sites for detailed product information.
» Crown Iron Works Company Open in a new browser window
   Specializes in equipment and replacements parts for oilseed and edible oil processing industry. Includes preparation, extraction, refining, and drying units. Site incorporates detailed product information.
» Cv Technology In. Open in a new browser window
   Specializes in equipment and devices for preventing and mitigating effects of explosion and over pressurization in dust collectors, dryers, coffee roasters, hammer mills, sifters, blenders, and pneumatic conveyance systems.
» Cyclotherm SA (Pty) Ltd. Open in a new browser window
   South Africa. Specializes in broad range of heat generation equipment for variety of industries. Includes autoclaves; gas, oil, and coal fired boilers; calorifiers; pressure vessels and tanks; hot water generators; and water treatment equipment.
» D.D.I. Seamless Cylinder International Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Canada. Manufactures range of deep drawn and ironed cylindrical vessels and related products. Includes fire extinguisher and D.O.T. regulated substance storage and transportation cylinders; air bag inflator bodies; filtration deep-drawn housings; and cust
» DBS Manufacturing Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Manufactures specialized equipment for water and wastewater industries. Includes clarifier and thickener drive units, low speed aerators, rotary distribution center mechanisms, and foam cleaning systems. Bolt-in retrofit drives also available.
» DCMS Engineering Co. Open in a new browser window
   India. Specializes in custom fabrication of pressure vessels, heat exchangers, reactors, condensers, and storage tanks. Clients include atomic energy, fertilizer, petrochemical, synthetic fibre, and water treatment plants.
» DMS Open in a new browser window
   France. Designs, supplies, and provides advice regarding installation and modernization of equipment for steel companies. Range includes processing lines as well as tube, pipe, cold rolling, and hot mills.
» Dhopeshwar Engineering Pvt. Ltd. Open in a new browser window
   India. Specializes in design and supply of plant and equipment for chemical and resin, aromatic oil, and poultry processing industries. Site provides details of available services and capabilities.
» Din J. Machinery Co., Ltd. Open in a new browser window
   Taiwan. Manufactures broad range of machinery for powder, pesticide, glucose, alcohol, and resin industries. Includes centrifuges, heat exchangers, and equipment for mixing, kneading, flaking, cooling, and drying.
» Distall Open in a new browser window
   UK. Supplies mass transfer equipment for oil, gas, water, chemical, and pharmaceutical industries. Products include packing, trays, internals, and columns. Services include infield support, process simulations, and spare parts.
» Dr. Hielscher GmbH Open in a new browser window
   Germany. Manufactures ultrasonic processors for wide range of laboratory and industrial requirements. Applications include dispersal, cleaning, cutting, sieving, and welding. Site provides detailed product and usage information.
» Driam USA Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Specializes in machinery for the pharmaceutical and confectionery industries. Range includes tableting tools and equipment for coating, inspection, sorting, packaging, cup and tube filling, and container manufacture. Services include access to test and de
» Drytec North America L.C.C. Open in a new browser window
   Canada. Supplies equipment and contract drying services for the chemical, food, and pharmaceutical industries. Descriptions, diagrams, and photos of available spray, fluid, ring, and spray fluid bed dryers.
» Edlon Open in a new browser window
   Provides engineered fluoropolymer solutions and products for corrosion protection, ultrapure product delivery, and release applications. Pennsylvania, USA.
» Elgin National Industries Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Parent company of manufacturing group serving wide range of mining, material processing, and bulk handling industries. Products include separators, centrifuges, screens, fasteners, electrical equipment, and maintenance supplies.
» Enecon Open in a new browser window
   Formulates and manufactures performance polymer systems for rebuilding, resurfacing, and protecting fluid flow machinery, equipment and structures.
» Enoveneta s.n.c. di Fiorin & C. Open in a new browser window
   Italy. Manufactures equipment for wine making industry. Includes receiving and refrigeration units, destalkers, presses, and pumps. Product information.
» Evans Machinery & Fabrication Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Specializes in design and manufacture of custom built machinery, with particular focus on heat exchangers, dust collectors, and variety of other equipment for tobacco processing industry.
» FMG Open in a new browser window
   France. Manufactures probes and sensors to measure moisture content in powdered and granulated materials. Primary applications include sand, cement, and concrete, with secondary ones found in food and vegetation industries.
» FillPro Inc Open in a new browser window
   Manufacturer of precision powder filling and fillers, dispensing, net-weight dosing and weighing systems.
» Flo Trend Systems Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Sells and rents broad range of filtration, separation, and mixing equipment. Includes filter presses, hydrocyclones, oil/water separators, polymer mixing units, and vibratory screening devices.
» Forbes (Aust) Pty Ltd Open in a new browser window
   Australia. Design, development, manufacture, installation, and servicing of pressure vessels, air compressor units, and medium and high pressure steam boilers.
» Force Flow Equipment / Floquip Open in a new browser window
   Manufactures equipment for weighing and monitoring chemical content and usage in water and wastewater treatment plants and variety of other industrial processes. Site includes product and application details.
» French Oil Mill Machinery Company Open in a new browser window
   Manufactures preparation equipment and mechanical screw presses for the oilseed industry, with extended applications for the rubber and polymer industries. Site incorporates detailed product and process information.
» GEA Niro Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Full service manufacturers of liquid and powder processing equipment. Includes agglomerization, evaporation, drying, filtration, granulation, homogenization, and packaging systems. Site incorporates detailed product information.
» GIUSTI Open in a new browser window
   UK. Engineering services and supply of process equipment for the food and beverage, health and beauty, and pharmaceutical industries. Products include containment, emulsifying, mixing, screening, and vacuum transfer equipment and systems.
» Gallium Industries Ltd. Open in a new browser window
   India. Manufactures broad range of tube production and processing equipment. Includes units for uncoiling, shearing and welding, accumulating, drawing, push pointing, end facing, straightening, and hydrotesting.
» Gem Forgings Private Limited Open in a new browser window
   India. Manufactures range of equipment used in tea harvesting and processing. Includes plucking machines, feeders, extractors, separators, dryers, pulverizers, and packers.
» Gencline Open in a new browser window
   Offers licenced use of specialized separation and product recovery technology. Basis is patented obstacle induced preferential dispersion process. Applications include biotechnology, fermentation, and pharmaceutical industries.
» Gladstone Engineering Co. Ltd. Open in a new browser window
   UK. Manufactures a range of pottery equipment. Includes pugmills, extruders, wheels, whirlers, spraybooths, slab rollers, and mixers. Product information.
» Greenbrook Automations Ltd Open in a new browser window
   UK. Manufactures specialized equipment for color dipping and screen printing of balloons, latex gloves, and similar products.
» Guan Candle Machine Factory Open in a new browser window
   China. Manufactures candle and chalk making machines and accessories. Product details and explains set up and operating procedures.
» H. & K. Rolling Mills Pvt. Ltd. Open in a new browser window
   India. Engineering company with focus on patented technology and equipment for production of alternative form of steel rebars. Site incorporates explanation of process and examples of application.
» Heaters & Controls Company Open in a new browser window
   Distributes a selection of heaters, temperature controls, and hydraulic pumps for plastics and process industries. Details of available products and incorporates charts of metal, solid, liquid, and gas heating data.
» Heinkel Aktiengesellschaft Open in a new browser window
   Germany. Manufactures range of specialized centrifuges, related gas circulation equipment, and selection of multi-spindle drilling/reaming/tapping machines. Site provides detailed information regarding each product group.
» Hemraj Enterprises Open in a new browser window
   India. Supplies equipment for process laboratories. Includes dryers, granulators, reaction and distillation systems, and spray dryers.
» Hoferick Engineering GmbH Open in a new browser window
   Germany. Designs and installs automated measurement and weighing systems for continuous streams of bulk materials. Components provide detection and monitoring of flow level, measurement, weight, and material condition. Services include start up, maintenan
» Hosokawa Micron International Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Manufactures range of equipment and systems for powder and particle, toll, blown film, and confectionery processing. Products and applications.
» Howard E. Hutching Co. Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Represents several manufacturers of water metering and control equipment. Includes chemical injection pumps, flow computers and controllers, and pH and conductivity test systems. Site includes links to each manufacturer website.
» IEM Technologies Ltd Open in a new browser window
   UK. Manufactures and services broad range of systems for air pollution control, chemical recovery, liquid effluent treatment, and waste gas abatement. Site provides detailed information regarding products and capabilities.
» Imsa Impex S.r.l. Open in a new browser window
   Italy. Manufactures and distributes equipment for handling, processing, and transforming flat glass, with particular applications in the construction and furniture industries. Product and equipment information.
» Indian Ion Exchange & Chemical Industries Open in a new browser window
   Specializes in design, supply, and installation of reverse osmosis, demineralisation, ultrafiltration, microfiltration, and waste water treatment recycle systems.
» Industrial Equipment & Design Company Open in a new browser window
   Designs, manufactures, and integrates powder and tablet handling systems and equipment for the food, pharmaceutical, and fine chemical industries. Product and application information.
» Industrial Finishing Equipment Open in a new browser window
   Supplier and installer of diversified range of industrial finishing equipment. Includes burn-off and batch ovens, washers, liquid paint booths, air filtration dryers, and infrared units.
» Industry Tech Open in a new browser window
   Stocks and manufactures range of wire wound coating and metering rods and laboratory testing equipment for variety of industries. Product and application information.
» International Exposition Company Open in a new browser window
   Organizers of the 2001 Chemical Processing Industry Trade Show, scheduled for October 23/25. Details of facilities, exhibitors, and conference program and includes contact for additional information.
» International Rolling Mills Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Manufactures machinery for producing strip, wire, and tubing from precious and semi-precious metals, with applications for the electronics, semi conductor, and clad metal industries.
» International Tobacco Machinery Open in a new browser window
   Poland. Manufactures broad range of primary and secondary machines for tobacco industry. Includes feeding, slicing, cutting, drying, conveying, filling, and filtering equipment and systems.
» Italimpianti Orafi S.p.A. Open in a new browser window
   Italy. Manufactures wide range of equipment for precious metalworking and jewelry making. Includes units for assaying, melting, casting, sheet and wire preparation, hollowing, refining, chain soldering, and finishing.
» JR Automation Technologies Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Specializes in range of integrated manufacturing systems, stand alone machines, and individual tools. Site includes descriptions of available heatstaking, welding, assembly, and edgewrapping equipment.
» Jagdish Group of Companies Open in a new browser window
   India. Manufactures equipment for producing and processing cooking oil, soap, animal feed, rice, and sugar. Product information.
» Jim Robbins & Associates, Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Sales agents for wide range of processing equipment and systems. Includes products for loading, storage, and unloading, mixing and blending, size changing, separation, and pollution control. Details obtainable per Information Request form.
» Jingjiang Tianhe Drying Machine Manufacturing Co.,Ltd Open in a new browser window
   Manufacturer of drying equipment including conveyour type, ovens and centrifuge. Company profile and product descriptions.
» John L. Underwood Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Parent company of manufacturers providing a variety of equipment and systems designed to treat, heat/cool, move, and distribute air and water. Applications include commercial, industrial, and marine markets.
» KGD Open in a new browser window
   UK. Full service manufacturers and distributors of equipment for the process industries. Includes centrifuges, cyclones, filters and strainers, oil adsorption units, separation systems, and pressure vessels.
» KTH Sales Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Distributes variety of corrosion resistant fluid handling equipment such as tanks, pumps, valves, mixers, heaters, and filtration systems. Applications include water treatment, chemical processing, and plating industries.
» Kemutec Group Ltd Open in a new browser window
   UK. Manufactures powder processing machinery for food, pharmaceutical, plastics, and chemical industries. Includes products for bulk handling and storage, plus machines for blending, mixing, classification, and size reduction.
» Kleissler Company Open in a new browser window
   Manufactures equipment for dust control and containment, drying, and air processing, primarily for the paper, pharmaceutical, and hygiene products industries. Site incorporates product and application details.
» Kongskilde Industries A/S Open in a new browser window
   Supplier of material and process waste handling equipment for the paper, plastics and packaging industries
» Krytem GmbH Open in a new browser window
   Germany. Provides details of manufactured equipment and devices for handling and delivering variety of technical gases. Includes pumps, valves, piping, heaters, heat exchangers, and cylinder filling machinery.
» Lambert Engineering Ltd. Open in a new browser window
   UK. Full service engineering company focused on design and manufacture of automated, special-purpose machinery in a range of industries. Examples include installations in pharmaceutical, food product, chemical, and packaging plants.
» Liad Company Open in a new browser window
   Israel. Specialized controlled weighing and additive feeder systems with applications in chemical, concrete, food, and plastics industries.
» Lingley Control Systems Ltd. Open in a new browser window
   UK. Specialty is design, development, and implementation of process control systems utilizing various software packages for range of industries. Services include feasibility and conceptual design studies plus training and support.
» Long Bliss Machinery Industrial Co. Ltd. Open in a new browser window
   Taiwan. Manufactures cotton machinery. Includes bailing machines and units for agitating and opening fibers. Site includes product photos and descriptions.
» Lowinger GmbH Open in a new browser window
   Germany. Manufactures glass tube production machinery for items such as thermometers, pipettes, test tubes, fluorescent lamps, and screw top bottles. Equipment includes cutting, sorting, and cracking off machines. Can also supply and install complete plan
» Lunarmech Machinenfabrik Ltd. Open in a new browser window
   India. Manufactures specialized process equipment for petrochemical and man-made fiber industries. Includes filtration units; shutoff valves and extrusion heads; and pelletizers, classifiers, and densifiers.
» McClean Anderson Open in a new browser window
   Manufactures broad range of filament winding equipment and related accessories. Includes winding machines, resin baths, creels, tensioners, mandrels, delivery tooling, software, and controls.
» Metal Stamping Equipment Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Distributes selection of coil handling and metal processing equipment. Includes scrap choppers, stock reels, servo roll feeds, parts collectors, cut to length lines, die carts, straighteners, and cradles.
» Micro Machines Open in a new browser window
   India. Manufactures machinery for production of laundry, toilet, and detergent soaps and powders. Site incorporates step by step product information.
» MonlanGroup Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Manufacturer of industrial coolant recovery, recycling, and ultrafiltration systems, oil/water separators, centrifuges and wastewater treatment systems.
» Moulded Pulp Solutions Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Offers a range of new and used paper pulp moulding and paper thermoforming machines for the production of egg cartons, fruit trays, and protective packaging for medical and electronic products.
» NRM Equipment Company Open in a new browser window
   Buys, sells, and trades new, used, and reconditioned process equipment, including centrifuges, mixers and blenders, and reactors. Also offers centrifuge repair and rebuilding service. Site incorporates database of current inventory.
» Nantong Yangzijiang Graphite Equipment Co. Ltd. Open in a new browser window
   China. Manufactures ranger of corrosion resistant chemical process equipment. Includes heat exchangers, synthesis furnaces, graphite falling-film aborbers, graphite sulphuric diluting coolers, and non corrosive pipelines.
» Neoperl Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Manufactures range of faucet attachments and check valves to regulate and enhance flow and prevent backflow.
» Netzsch Incorporated Open in a new browser window
   Manufacturers of diversified range of processing equipment. Includes wet and dry grinding, dispersion, and classifying equipment, and progressing cavity pumps.
» Newson Gale Ltd. Open in a new browser window
   Manufacturer of pressure vessels and static grounding equipment for the process industries. Translated into three languages.
» Ningbo Mingxin Chemical Machinery Co., Ltd. Open in a new browser window
   China. Manufactures broad range of equipment for the chemical and allied industries. Includes pressure vessels, glass-lined reactors, storage tanks, and vaporisers.
» Nortan s.r.l. Open in a new browser window
   Italy. Manufactures capsule dispensing equipment, bottle corking and wirehooding machines, and sleeving/sealing machinery for food and other industries. Site incorporates detailed product information.
» Northeast Pump & Instrument Co. Open in a new browser window
   Sells and services broad range of chemical feed equipment and instrumentation for water and wastewater treatment industry. Includes metering pumps, controllers, flow meters, electrodes, valves, pulsation dampeners, tanks, alarm monitors, and panel mounted
» Nothum Mfg. Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Manufactures broad range of food processing equipment, especially for bread and meat production. Includes units for freezing, preparation, cooking, and frying. Site incorporates detailed information of available propducts.
» Orientech Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Canada. Manufactures broad range of standard and custom product feeding units, with some focus on the cosmetic and pharmaceutical markets. Includes centrifugal, vibratory, inline, and elevator and hopper prefeeder versions.
» PT Teha Open in a new browser window
   Indonesia. Manufacturing group specializing in design, supply, and service of standard and customized equipment for the tea processing and agricultural industries. Includes boilers, cyclones, dryers, fans, heat exchangers, and pressure vessels.
» Pap-Flon Engineering Co. Pvt. Ltd. Open in a new browser window
   Manufacturer of steel process components lined/coated with PTFE and other fluoropolymers for corrosion resistance. Productgs include stirrers, valves, pipes, fittings, and vessel components. Based in Ahmedabad, India.
» Park Environmental Equipment Company Ltd. Open in a new browser window
   Manufactures range of water metering, storage, flow control, and contaminant separation equipment for residential, commercial, and industrial requirements. Site provides detailed product and application information.
» Paul Mueller Company Open in a new browser window
   Manufactures large stainless steel storage tanks, bins, and processing equipment for food, dairy, beverage, pharmaceutical, and chemical industries.
» Paul Wurth S.A. Open in a new browser window
   Build blast furnace plants and related equipment. Features corporate overview and history, operating divisions, procurement requirements, and company news.
» Pdc Machines Open in a new browser window
   Design and fabrication of gas and chemical processing equipment, including pumps and compressors, reactors and agitators, and fully instrumented process skids. Warminster, Pennsylvania.
» PetroPages.com Open in a new browser window
   Online information site for the process industries. Permits product and supplier searches and includes links to events, industrial associations, and articles related to codes, standards, and projects. Downloadable version available.
» Pick Heaters Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Manufactures direct steam injection units for use in the food, chemical, pharmaceutical, and pulp and paper industries. Site incorporates detailed descriptions of heating process, available equipment, and main applications.
» Pierre Guerin Technologies Open in a new browser window
   France. Extensive range of storage and processing equipment for the dairy, wine, biopharmaceutical, and cosmetics industries. Includes vats, pumps, valves, agitators, mixers, and equipment for heat transfer, cleaning-in-place, and sterilization.
» Plastic Glass S.r.l. Open in a new browser window
   Italy. Specializes in manufacture of fiberglass reinforced plastic and thermoplastic products for processing industries. Include tanks, piping, scrubbers, filters, and reactors.
» Powerscreen of Chicago Ltd. Open in a new browser window
   Authorized dealer for Powerscreen and BL-Pegson brands of quarry screening, crushing, and washing equipment. Site incorporates detailed product and application information.
» Prasad Group Open in a new browser window
   Manufacturers of plastic processing machinery. Range includes equipment for dosing, mixing, and drying; for melting, molding, and cooling; and for cutting, shredding, grinding, and recycling granules. Site incorporates detailed product information.
» Prenex s.r.l. Open in a new browser window
   Italy. Manufactures a selection of machines for processing and packaging ampoules, pills, powders, and tablets, mainly for cosmetic, food, and pharmaceutical industries. List and details of available items.
» Process Equipment Manufacturers' Association Open in a new browser window
   Information site providing details of membership, meetings, services, and objectives. Includes list of members and available products.
» Process Innovations, Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Supplies bulk bag handling, conveying, and storage products, valves, heat exchangers, pumps, separation, and pollution control equipment. Contains products and manufacturers represented.
» Pulse Combustion Systems LLC Open in a new browser window
   Manufactures patented pulse combustion spray dryers for processing food products, minerals, speciality chemicals, and nutriceuticals. Site incorporates detailed explanation of equipment, applications, and underlying technology.
» Pultrex Limited Open in a new browser window
   UK. Manufactures pultrusion, pullwinding, tube winding, and filament winding machines, as well as related tension, resin impregnation, and control systems. Site incorporates photos and technical product details.
» R K Fabrication Open in a new browser window
   Manufactures range of surface preparation and plating equipment, tanks, fume scrubbers, and fibre reinforced plastic ducts and fittings. Customer base includes electroplating, chemical, and waste treatment industries.
» R. Stahl, Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Manufacturer of explosion protected electrical equipment for hazardous locations in the process industry.
» R.A.S.Process Equipment Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Designs and manufactures broad range of process equipment. Includes reactor, heat exchangers, columns, and pressure vessels.
» R.E.Morrison Equipment Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Canada. Distributors of special purpose equipment and systems for processing industries. Range includes vacuum and compressed air products, blower systems, and drying equipment. Applications include food processing, printing, packaging, and fluid power co
» RMF Corporation Open in a new browser window
   Provides replacement components and parts for dryers, calciners, flakers, and similar thermal equipment used by the process industry. Also offers equipment evaluation and upgrading services.
» RMWaite Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Provides part replacement and rebuilding services for various types of food processing equipment. Includes parts for slitters, macerators, and smoke generators. Catalog available on request.
» Richwood Industries Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Manufactures and distributes broad range of deburring, finishing, cleaning, and wastewater recycling equipment, as well as a variety of associated media and compounds.
» Ring-R Engineering Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Specializes in machinery for manufacture of cellulose insulation. Includes paper tables and feeders, shredders, waste and plastic separators, attrition mills, weighing units, and drum filter equipment.
» S.S. Techno Services Pvt. Ltd. Open in a new browser window
   India. Designs, supplies, and offers upgrades and retrofits of processing and pollution control equipment for the food, milk, vegetable, chemical, and pharmaceutical industries.
» SCHOBER GmbH Open in a new browser window
   Germany. Manufactures rotary processing equipment and tools for printed paper, cardboard, nonwoven, plastic film, and related industries. Includes punching, die cutting, perforating, and creasing modules, dies, and knives.
» Sant Engineering Company Open in a new browser window
   Manufactures range of equipment for rubber processing industry. End products include tires, tubes, footware, hoses, and moulded items.
» Santoni Electric Co. P. Ltd. Open in a new browser window
   India. Manufactures industrial cleaning, pollution control, and pneumatic conveying equipment. Includes vacuum cleaners, floor scrubbers, filters, dust collectors, fume extractors, and powder/granular handling systems.
» Schleifenbaum & Steinmetz Open in a new browser window
   Germany. Manufacturers of special purpose metal forming machinery. Applications include manufacture of tank heads; surface cleaning and paint spraying; chip-free spinning; and production of cylindrical precision parts.
» Shah Forged Rolls Private Limited Open in a new browser window
   India. Manufactures rolls for cold rolling mills. Includes work, backup, leveller, and sendizimir types.
» Shunde Yong Bei Machine Factory Open in a new browser window
   China. Manufactures wide range of machinery for producing C and P type batteries. Includes bottom polishing and cover sitter machines, powder mixers, rolling lines, carbon box inserters, and upper paper-pad setters.
» Simson Innovation Open in a new browser window
   Switzerland. Engineering company focused on development of innovative products in the mechanical engineering field. Site lists examples of capabilities and provides details of hydraulic presses that incorporate several special features.
» Sinclair Stainless Fabrications Ltd Open in a new browser window
   UK. manufacturers of reactors, pressure vessels, storage tanks, mixing vessels, and process equipment. Markets includes food, beverage, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, chemical, and petro-chemical industries.
» Sodeva Open in a new browser window
   France. Specializes in manufacture of ultrasonic-based processing equipment. Applications include sieving, filtration, desagglomeration, homogeneization, atomization, and granulation. Site provides detailed product information.
» Sommer and Maca Industries, Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Manufactures wide range of flat glass processing equipment and distributes glazing supplies for automotive and glass industries. Available machinery include bevellers, edgers, washers, cutters, drills, and various production lines.
» Special Metals Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Specializes in fabrication of corrosion resistant process equipment for chemical and pharmaceutical industries. Includes heat exchangers, piping, and vessels, all incorporating use of tantalum, a refractory metal.
» Spectris Open in a new browser window
   UK. Develops and markets precision instrumentation and controls.
» Stansteel Open in a new browser window
   Full service manufacturers of hot-mix asphalt plants. Supplies and provides parts, components, and service for a wide range of permanent and mobile requirements. Site incorporates detailed examples.
» Steelsworth Limited Open in a new browser window
   India. Manufactures wide range of tea processing machinery. Includes units for withering, fermenting, drying, preconditioning, and sorting. Site incorporates detailed product information.
» Sweco Open in a new browser window
   Manufactures a range of separation, filtering, drying, grinding, and classification equipment for the processing industries. Product information and offers selection of catalogs.
» Systems H2O Open in a new browser window
   Specializes in design, manufacturer, and application of water recirculating systems. Products include open and closed evaporative cooling towers, chillers and pumping stations, and industrial radiators.
» TRF Limited Open in a new browser window
   India. Manufactures range of handling and processing equipment for power, steel, cement, mining, and fertilizer industries. Includes conveyors, feeders, cranes, coke ovens, and coal benefication and dust injection systems.
» Taizhou Jiaojiang Chemical Industrial Equipments Factory Open in a new browser window
   Manufacturer of chemical process equipment, including mixers, blenders, filters, drying equipment, heat exchanger, cyclones, and evaporators. Located in China.
» Team Industries Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Specializes in steel plate fabrication. Products includes bins, chutes, ducts, pressure vessels, tanks, pipe spools and modules, and large diameter pipe.
» Tecitec Open in a new browser window
   Offers equipment, supplies, and services for wastewater treatment applications, including filters and pumps, flocculants and chemicals, tanks, and instrumentation. Brazil.
» TermoTran S.A. Open in a new browser window
   Mexico. Distributes diverse range of equipment for process industries. Includes basket strainers, exhaust heads, heat exchangers, inline purifiers, liquid jet eductors, oil coolers, steam jet ejectors, and vacuum systems.
» The Bethlehem Corporation Open in a new browser window
   Manufactures broad range of filtration and thermal processing equipment. Includes centrifuges, dryers, calciners, furnaces, and filter and dewatering presses. Can also rebuild and upgrade customers' existing equipment.
» The M&W Group Open in a new browser window
   Denmark. Process equipment for optimization of coal fired power plants. Instruments for sampling of fly ash and pulverized coal, explosion relief systems, preparation of bulk material and special tooling.
» Thermic Process Engineer Open in a new browser window
   Manufacturer of process equipment, such as dryers and filters, thermoplastic pipes, fittings and valves as well as air cooled heat exchangers. Based in India.
» Transicom Engineering Pte. Ltd. Open in a new browser window
   Singapore. Specializes in design and fabrication of automation systems for food and chemical industries. Services include equipment selection, installation, project management, and availability of spares.
» Transparent Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Open in a new browser window
   India. Manufacturer broad range of processing equipment for variety of industries. Includes evaporators, dryers, coolers, incinerators, homogenizers, and air pollution control products.
» Transvac Company Open in a new browser window
   Manufactures broad range of equipment for handling fluids and solids, such as jet ejectors, compressors, heaters, and scrubbers. Applications include nuclear, petrochemciasl, pharmaceutical, food processing, and wastewater industries.
» Tri-Flo International Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Supplies equipment for fluid processing needs of drilling contractors and operators. Includes products for desalination, reverse osmosis, trenchless microtunneling, wastewater treatment, and environmental compliance.
» Uhde Inventa-Fischer GmbH Open in a new browser window
   Germany. Engineering company, involved in the design, construction and commissioning of industrial plants for polyester and polyamide polymers, chemicals, reactors and special process equipment. Part of the ThyssenKrupp Group. Multi-lingual site.
» Unimech Industries. Open in a new browser window
   India. Supplies range of chemical process equipment. Includes agitators, ball mills, boilers, centrifuges, crushers, dryers, heat exchangers, pulverizers, ribbon blenders, storage tanks, and pressure and reaction vessels.
» Unison International Open in a new browser window
   UK. Manufactures equipment for manipulating, handling, and washing pipes and tubes, as well as supplying related software. Site provides detailed product information and links to distributor network.
» Universal Engineering Systems Open in a new browser window
   Indian company offers food and chemical processing and storage vessels. Profile, product range and client list.
» Viatec Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Designs, supplies, and services wide range of process equipment for most industries, with a particular focus on corrosion, sanitary, and pollution control troubleshooting and systems.
» Vincent Corporation Open in a new browser window
   Manufactures special purpose dewatering screw presses and fiber filtering equipment for citrus, food processing, and pulp and paper industries. Discussion of product line and applications.
» WSF Industries Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Manufactures a broad range of autoclave systems, pressure vessels, and tanks. Applications include composite bonding, dewaxing, leaching, sterilization, vacuum pressure impregnation, and vulcanizing.
» Wear Solutions Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Canada. Provides wear resistant products and accessories, primarily for the resource industries. Includes heat, chemical, and abrasion resistant castings and tiles; kiln and bulk handling components; and process control instruments.
» William Boulton Vibro Energy Ltd. Open in a new browser window
   UK. Manufactures a range of vibratory equipment. Applications include sieving, milling, mixing, and surface treatment. Product and usage information.
» Wm. A. Schmidt & Sons Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Specializes in custom manufacture of process equipment, primarily for chemical and pharmaceutical industries. Includes pressure and jacketed vessels, columns, and storage tanks. Site includes details of available items.
» Wohl Associates Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Buys and sells used processing and packaging machinery and equipment. Site incorporates detailed listings of available items, including pasta machines, cappers, tablet presses, kettles, mixers, dryers, tube fillers, and can seamers.
» Wyssmont Company Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Designs, manufactures and services turbo-dryers, continuous tray dryers, crossflows, feeders, lumpbreakers, and solvent recovery dryers.
» Yaw Jye Enterprise Co. Ltd. Open in a new browser window
   Taiwan. Specializes in manufacture and supply of bread making machinery. Includes automatic dough encrusting and steamed pie machines, as well as regular, French, and crisp-skin bread machines.
» Zeton Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Designs, engineers and constructs automated pilot plants for chemical, oil refining, petrochemical, pharmaceutical and other process applications.
» the vac company GmbH Open in a new browser window
   Germany. Designs and produces broad range of custom made vacuum machinery and equipment for food, chemical, and pharmaceutical processing industries. Site includes detailed product information.

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Last Updated: 2010-01-31 00:55:50

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