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Silk (8) Sites:
» Creep and Low Strength of Spider Dragline Subjected to Constant Loads
Report on tests conducted on dragline spider silk, showing that contrary to common belief breaking strength under constant load testing is considerably lower than that measured in conventional constant strain rate tests, while elongation will increase app http://www.americanarachnology.org/JoA_free/JoA_v31_n3/arac-031-03-0421.pdf » Engineering Properties of Spider Silk
Technical paper describing the engineering properties of individual fibers from spider dragline silk under uniaxial tension, transverse compression and torsional deformation. Authors: Frank K. Ko and others. http://web.mit.edu/course/3/3.064/www/slides/Ko_spider_silk.pdf » Finding Inspiration in Argiope Trifasciata Spider Silk Fibers
Technical article reviewing the mechanical properties of silk fibers from the spider Argiope trifasciata, in particular tensile behavior under controlled humidity and temperature. Authors: Manuel Elices and others. http://www.tms.org/pubs/journals/JOM/0502/Elices-0502.html » Grafting of Methyl Methacrylate onto Antheraea pernyi Silk Fiber with the Assistance of Supercritical CO2
Technical paper reporting the results of research into grafting methyl methacrylate onto silk fibers, culminating in a measure of weight loss and improved hydrophobic properties. Authors: Qi Peng and others. http://www.polymer.fudan.edu.cn/research/paper/paper2006/not first/Grafting of methyl methacrylate onto Antheraea pernyi silk fiber with the assistance of supercritical CO2.pdf » How Spiders Work
An article about spider basics, structure and growth. Description of the spidersilk spinning process and web structures. From How Stuff Works. Author: Tom Harris. http://www.howstuffworks.com/spider.htm » Sericulture
Illustrated description of Seventeenth Century Chinese method of producing and processing of silk. From A Visual Sourcebook of Chinese Civilization. http://depts.washington.edu/chinaciv/clothing/11sericu.htm » Spider Silk
Short classroom paper dealing with stress-strain curves and Young's modulus of spider silk. Edited by M. Beals and others. http://www.tiem.utk.edu/~gross/bioed/bealsmodules/spider.html » The Spider Web and Thread
Short article about the chemical composition, physical properties, history and applications of spider silk. From the pages of The Spider by Ed Nieuwenhuys. http://www.xs4all.nl/~ednieuw/Spiders/InfoNed/webthread.html This category needs an editor
Last Updated: 2007-01-02 17:50:25
The content of this directory is based on the Open Directory and has been modified by AllMusicSearch.com editors |