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Geotechnical (361)


See Also:

» ABG Geosynthetics Open in a new browser window
   UK. Woven and nonwoven fabrics, products and composite structures for erosion control, drainage and reinforcement systems in construction and civil engineering.
» ABG, Ltd Open in a new browser window
   UK. Manufacturers and suppliers of geocomposite drainage and gas venting layers, erosion control products, and woven and nonwoven geotextiles for landfill containment, tunnels, highways, green roofs and sustainable urban drainage. Technical information.
» ACE Geosynthetics Enterprise Co., Ltd Open in a new browser window
   Taiwan. Manufacturers of woven geogrids, from high-strength polyester. Also, net fabrics for agricultural applications, from polyolefins. Detailed product catalogs, with technical specifications. English and Chinese.
» AGH Industries, Inc Open in a new browser window
   USA. Manufacturers of geocell confinement systems for military, landscaping, civil engineering, erosion control and retaining wall applications, from high-density polyethylene. Detailed product descriptions and installation procedures.
» Agru America, Inc. Open in a new browser window
   USA. Manufacturers of geomembranes and structures. Also, protection liners, pipes and pipe liners. Large section with product and application descriptions, and technical data.
» Alyaf Industrial Co., Ltd Open in a new browser window
   Saudi Arabia. Manufacturers of needlepunch fabrics for a wide range of geotechnical applications, thermal insulation, membrane protection and waste containment systems, from polyester. Extensive technical information. Fabric specifications, brochures and
» American Excelsior Co Open in a new browser window
   USA. Manufacturers of erosion and sediment control blankets, grids and related products. Detailed product catalog. Technical specifications, installation guides, material safety data and technical papers on PDF files.
» Asahi Kasei Geotechnologies Co., Ltd Open in a new browser window
   Japan. Manufacturers of fabric forms, block mats, spunbond and needlepunch geotextiles and composites, and geogrids for geotechnical ind civil engineering projects. Technical information. Part of the Asahi Kasei Corp. English and Japanese.
» Atarfil SL Open in a new browser window
   Spain. Design, manufacture and supply of thermoplastic geomembranes, grids and complementary products for environmental and civil engineering projects, and building applications. Detailed product catalog. Technical information and specifications on PDF fi
» BP Amoco Group Open in a new browser window
   USA. Multi-national petro-chemical company. Geotextiles for civil and environmental engineering. Woven and nonwoven fabrics for drains, roadways, railroads, erosion control, embankments, landfills and retaining wall systems. Extensive product specificatio
» Barbiflex Srl Open in a new browser window
   Italy. Manufacturers of needlepunch, thermobonded geotextiles, from polypropylene. Descriptions of product applications and functions. English and Italian.
» Bend Tarp & Liner, Inc Open in a new browser window
   USA. Manufacturers of pond and lake liners for residential, industrial and commercial use. Technical information and specifications. Links to related sites.
» Bradley Industrial Textiles, Inc Open in a new browser window
   USA. Geotextile tubing for erosion and flood control. Also, needlepunch fabrics and boards for protection, retaining and separation. Fabrics for landscaping and agricultural applications.
» Carlisle Syntec, Inc Open in a new browser window
   Design and manufacture of reinforced and unreinforced polypropylene membrane systems for aquaculture, and water treatment and storage plants. Also, single-ply roofing systems, georods and geoflashing sheets. Extensive technical information on PDF files. L
» Carthage Mills Open in a new browser window
   USA. Woven and nonwoven, standard and custom designed geofabrics for separation, draining, erosion control and retaining applications. Also, suppliers of geogrids. Detailed product specifications.
» Climax Synthetic Pvt., Ltd Open in a new browser window
   India. Manufacturers of high density (HDPE) and low density (LDPE) polyethylene sheets, films and membranes for geotechnical applications. Also, UV stabelized films, and pipes and fittings.
» Colbond Geosynthetics Open in a new browser window
   The Netherlands. Polymer products and nonwoven composite structures for geotechnical uses. Slideshow offers introduction to Colbond geosynthetic materials and their applications. Member of Acordis.
» Coletanche Open in a new browser window
   UK. Manufacturers of bitumen coated nonwoven geomembranes for environmental protection and civil engineering works. Technical information and specifications.
» Conwed Fibers Open in a new browser window
   USA. Manufacturers of erosion control and landscape products from mulch and wood fiber, seed mattings and polypropylene, extruded nettings. Section on lawn care.
» Cooley Group, Inc Open in a new browser window
   USA. Advanced polymer materials for transportation, recreation, safety, protective, construction and medical applications. High-performance geo-membranes for roofing purposes. Product descriptions and specifications.
» Dae Han Co., Ltd Open in a new browser window
   Korea. Woven and nonwoven fabrics, products and composite structures for environmental and geotechnical applications. Large site with technical and application descriptions. Case studies and specifications. English and Korean.
» Don & Low, Ltd Open in a new browser window
   UK. Woven geotextiles for separation, filtration, drainage, erosion control and reinforcement applications, from polypropylene. Also, design software and guide.
» Du Pont de Nemour Co Europe Open in a new browser window
   Polypropylene spunbond fabrics for geotechnical applications. Extensive applications descriptions and product datasheets. Installation guidelines and technical papers. English, French and German.
» East Coast Erosion Blankets Open in a new browser window
   USA. Manufacturers of three-dimensional erosion control blankets for short and extended term, and permanent soil protection, from polypropylene or jute netting with agricultural straw. Technical information, brochures and specifications on PDF files. Guid
» Edilfloor Spa Open in a new browser window
   Italy. Regular, scrim reinforced and bitumen coated, needlepunch fabrics for geotechnical and road maintenance applications. Also, nonwoven fabrics for soundproofing, insulation and industrial uses. English and Italian.
» Elco Solutions Pty., Ltd Open in a new browser window
   Australia. Manufacturers of nonwoven geotextiles, from polyester, polypropylene, polyamide and high-density polyethylene (HDPE). Also, sand filled geotextile containers for marine, coastal and estuarine solutions. Detailed product catalogs. List of case s
» Emas Kiara Industries Bhd Open in a new browser window
   Malaysia. Group of companies, involved in the development, manufacture and installation of woven, knitted and nonwoven needlepunch fabrics and composite structures for geotechnical applications, from polyester and polypropylene. Also, prefabricated vertic
» Engepol, Ltda Open in a new browser window
   Brazil. Manufacturers of flat die extruded, smooth and textured polyethylene geomembranes. Also, nets, composites, pipes, cells, gabions and erosion control fabrics. Technical information and specifications on PDF files. Links to related sites. English, P
» Enviroscape ECM, Ltd Open in a new browser window
   USA. Manufacturers of erosion control blankets from straw, coconut and polypropylene netting. Also, composite blankets, erosion control equipment and inlet protection products. Technical information and specifications on PDF files. Library of video presen
» Erosion Control Blanket Co Open in a new browser window
   Canada. Manufacturers of erosion control blankets and turf reinforcement mattings, from straw, coir and polypropylene. Blanket selector. Technical specifications. Installation guides. Links to related sites.
» ErosionTech, LLC Open in a new browser window
   USA. Manufacturers and distributors of woven and nonwoven geotextiles, straw and coconut erosion control blankets, fence products, geogrids and hydroseeding materials. Technical information and specifications on PDF files. Links to related sites.
» Ewald Dörken AG Open in a new browser window
   Germany. Diversified multi-national group of manufacturing companies, active in laminated construction sheets, house paints, and coating systems for industrial applications. Roofing sheets, foundation liners, and drainage and sealing products for construc
» Fawcett Liners Open in a new browser window
   UK. Manufacturers of woven polyethylene and reinforced PVC coated pond liners for residential ponds and civil engineering projects. Also, distributors of pond pumps and filters, underlays, lights, nets and heaters. Technical information and prices. Links
» Flag Group Open in a new browser window
   Italy. Group of companies involved in the design, development and manufacture of synthetic waterproofing membranes for roofing, hydraulic works, construction and civil engineering applications, from PVC, ethylene propylene rubber (EPR) and polyester mesh
» GEOfabrics, Ltd Open in a new browser window
   UK. Needlepunch fabrics for geotechnical end uses.
» Garware-Wall Ropes, Ltd Open in a new browser window
   India. Group of companies, active in ropes, twines and cordage, nettings, multi-filament yarns, and geotechnical nets and fabrics. Woven and nonwoven geotextiles, from polypropylene. Also, plastic and metal gabions, geobags and -tubes, vertical drains and
» Geo Products, LLC Open in a new browser window
   USA. Manufacturers of cellular confinement systems for geotechnical applications, from high-density polyethylene. Technical specifications and information. Installation guides.
» Geo-Tipptex Industrial & Commercial, Ltd Open in a new browser window
   Hungaria. Manufacturers of needlepunch thermobonded and stitchbonded fabrics for separation, filtration, drainage, erosion control and roofing applications, from polypropylene. Technical information, specifications and installation manuals on PDF files. M
» GeoCHEM, Inc Open in a new browser window
   USA. Manufacture, fabrication and distribution of geotechnical products and services for civil engineering, land protection and soil remediation. Product specifications. Installation guides. Extensive links to related sites. List of job offerings. On-line
» GeoTech Systems Corp Open in a new browser window
   USA. Insulated drainage panels, geofoams and synthetic compressible inclusion for geotechnical applications. Product and installation FAQs and construction drawings. Specification data sheets on PDF files. Requires Acrobat Reader.
» Godfreys of Dundee, Ltd Open in a new browser window
   UK. Manufacturers of woven fabrics for erosion control, drainage, reinforcement and ground stabilization, from polypropylene tapes. Also, carpet backings, roofing felts and wrapping fabrics. Links to installation instructions, and uses of geofabrics.
» Greenfix America Open in a new browser window
   USA. Manufacturers of biodegradable erosion control blankets, landscaping and related products. Technical information and specifications. List of distributors. Glossary of technical terms on PDF files.
» Greenvision Group Open in a new browser window
   Italy. Group of companies, involved in a wide range of ecologically friendly products and services for construction, electrical, automotive and textile applications. Manufacturers of geocomposites for planar and vertical soil drainage applications, from c
» Hayleys Exports, PLC Open in a new browser window
   Sri Lanka. Subsidiary of Hayleys, PLC involved in the processing and marketing of coir fiber and products. Mesh woven fabrics and stitched blankets for soil erosion prevention, and coir logs for stream bank stabilization applications. Technical specificat
» Hi-Tech Specialty Fabrics Pvt., Ltd Open in a new browser window
   India. Manufacturers of woven fabrics for geotechnical applications. Technical specifications.
» Hong Xiang Group Open in a new browser window
   China. Group of companies, active in textiles, nonwovens and plastics. Woven and nonwoven geotextiles, plastic geogrids, composites and membranes, drainage pipes, and geocells and nets. Also, substrates for artificial leather, concrete reinforcement fiber
» Hsia Cheng Textile Co., Ltd Open in a new browser window
   Taiwan. Woven UV protected nettings for agricultural and geotechnical applications, from high-density polyethylene and polyester filament. Also, mosquito nets.
» Huesker Synthetic GmbH Open in a new browser window
   Germany. Woven and nonwoven geotextiles, and geogrids, composites and clay liners for civil engineering, agriculture and industrial applications. Detailed product and application descriptions. Link to case studies. English, German, French, Spanish and Por
» Huesker, Inc Open in a new browser window
   USA. Marketing arm and technical service center for Huesker Synthetic GmbH, specialised in the supply and manufacture of geogrids, geotextiles, geocomposites and nonwovens. Extensive technical information and material specifications on PDF files.
» Huikwang Corp Open in a new browser window
   Taiwan. Diversified manufacturing company, active in crop protection, specialty chemicals and geosynthetics. Design and manufacture of geomembranes, from high and linear low density polyethylene. Links to related sites.
» Intermas Nets SA Open in a new browser window
   Spain. Plastics manufacturing company, involved in films, netting and products for geotechnical, gardening, packaging, construction, agriculture and industrial applications. Extruded, laminated and woven polypropylene and polyethylene meshes for drainage
» JBC International Open in a new browser window
   India. Manufacturers of hand loom woven mesh fabrics for geotechnical applications, from coir and jute. Also, sand lock systems and fiber logs, and mattings and baskets.
» JayDee Pty., Ltd Open in a new browser window
   Australia. Manufacturers of cellular confinement systems for slope and channel protection, and earth retention applications. Technical specifications.
» Jin Tai Ming Plastics Enterprise Corp Open in a new browser window
   Taiwan. Manufacturers of polypropylene and polyethylene, woven and nonwoven geotextiles for hydraulic, maritime and geotechnical engineering applications. Technical information and specifications. English and Chinese.
» Jinda Geosynthetics Co., Ltd Open in a new browser window
   China. Warp-knitted geotextile fabrics, grids and membranes for erosion control, civil engineering and construction applications. Detailed product specifications. Als, tarpaulins and apparel fabrics.
» Jiuding New Material Co., Ltd Open in a new browser window
   China. Manufacturers of warp knitted mesh fabrics and composite structures with needlepunch nonwovens for geotechnical applications, from glass fiber, polypropylene and polyester. Also, unidirectional and biaxial plastic geogrids. Technical information an
» Johns Group Open in a new browser window
   India. Diversified group of companies, active in geotextiles, umbrellas and scooters. Manufacturers of open mesh woven fabrics for erosion protection applications, from jute. Technical information and fabric specifications.
» KT Europe, Ltd Open in a new browser window
   UK. European arm of the KT Group, involved in the manufacture of flat woven and flat bed knitted, and spunbond nonwoven fabrics for geotechnical, agricultural and shading applications, from ultraviolet (UV) resistant polypropylene and high-density polyeth
» Kaytech Engineered Fabrics Open in a new browser window
   South Africa. Manufacturers of soltution dyed polyester spunbond fabrics for geotechnical applications. Also, geosynthetic testing services.
» Liso Coir Tex Open in a new browser window
   India. Manufacturers of handwoven geotextile fabrics for soil erosion control, from coir. Also, coir yarns and ropes. Detailed technical specifications.
» Maccaferri Gabions, Inc Open in a new browser window
   USA. Manufacturers of double twisted wire mesh gabions, gabion mats and sacks for erosion control, and soil retention and reinforcement structures. Suppliers of woven and nonwovens geotextiles, grids and mattresses. Software. List of events. Case studies.
» Maccaferri SA Open in a new browser window
   South Africa. Manufacturers and suppliers of gabions, mattresses, nettings, grids and nonwoven geotextiles for geotechnical and civil engineering applications. Technical information and specifications. Installation guides. Links to related sites. Part of
» Naue Group Open in a new browser window
   Germany. Multi-national group of manufacturing companies, active in geotechnology. Woven and nonwoven fabrics and composite structures for landfill enclosure, groundwater protection, civil and hydraulic engineering, and tunnelling. Technical articles and
» Neoplastic Plastic Packing, Ltd Open in a new browser window
   Brazil. Plastics manufacturing company, involved in packaging products, canvasses, layered agricultural films, and membranes. High-density polyethylene (HDPE) geomembranes for civil and environmental engineering works. Technical information and specificat
» NewGrids, Ltd Open in a new browser window
   China. International marketing organization of BOSTD Geosynthetics Qingdao, Ltd, involved in bi-axial and uni-axial plastic and glass fiber geogrids for soil reinforcement and stabilization, and asphalt repair and reinforcement applications. Extensive tec
» Noramix Group Open in a new browser window
   Sri Lanka. Group of companies involved in the manufacture of mesh reinforced erosion control blankets, logs and hand and machine woven geotextiles, from coir. Also, a range of coir based consumer products. Technical information and specifications.
» North American Green, Inc Open in a new browser window
   USA. Biodegradable erosion control blankets and nettings, from natural and synthetic fibers and materials. Free registration for project analysis software. Technical data, product specifications and information on PDF and Word files. Installation guide, t
» P.I.L. Produits Industriels Lorrains Open in a new browser window
   France. Manufacturers of nonwoven fabrics for geotechnical applications, from polypropylene. Technical specifications and test reports. Also, suppliers to the construction and building industry. English, French, German and Spanish.
» PRS Mediterranean, Ltd Open in a new browser window
   Group of companies, active in research, development and manufacturing of advanced geotechnology and cellular confinement systems for load support, slope and channel protection, earth retention systems, reservoirs and landfills.
» Plastika Kritis SA Open in a new browser window
   Greece. Manufacturers of masterbatches, agricultural films, geosynthetics and polyethylene pipes. High density polyethylene (HDPE) geomembranes for environmental and geotechnical applications. Also, liners, and recycling of plastics.
» Poly-Flex, Inc Open in a new browser window
   USA. Manufacturers of geomembrane liner products for a wide range of environmental and containment applications. Technical information and specifications. Extensive FAQ.
» Polyfelt GmbH Open in a new browser window
   Austria. Geosynthetic fabrics, products and composite structures. Extensive product and application descriptions. Technical articles and case studies available upon request. Member of OMV AG. English and German.
» Presto Products Co Open in a new browser window
   USA. Versatile manufacturing company, active in geosystems, industrial films and wraps, and industrial design. Cellular confinement systems from polyethylene, and interlocking pavement blocks from recycled plastic. Case studies and FAQ. Download of specif
» Pretty Lion Light Industrial Products Co., Ltd Open in a new browser window
   China. Manufacturers of woven, knitted and nonwoven needlepunch geotextiles, from polyester. Also, geogrids and -nets, synthetic clay liners, gabions and drainage boards. Detailed product catalogs, including technical information and specifications. Engli
» Profile Products, LLC Open in a new browser window
   USA. Manufacturers and distributors of erosion and sediment control products, turf establishment products, design software and complementary accessories to control erosion and accelerate seed germination. Also, inorganic soil amendments for sports fields,
» Ravago Group Open in a new browser window
   Multi-national group of companies, active in the distribution, compounding and recycling of plastic and elastomeric raw materials. Manufacturers of geotextiles.
» Raven Industries Open in a new browser window
   USA. Diversified company, active in engineered plastic films, electronic systems and flow controls. Polyethylene and polypropylene monolayer and co-extruded films, and a wide range of scrim-reinforced films for high-performance industrial and technical, g
» Renolit AG Open in a new browser window
   Germany. Design and manufacture of homogeneous or polyester and glass fiber reinforced PVC membranes for waterproofing applications in roofing, mining, geotechnical and chemical markets, and covering and lining uses. Technical information. Multi-lingual s
» SGS Geotechnik GmbH Open in a new browser window
   Austria. Manufacturers and suppliers of woven and nonwoven geotextiles, and geosynthetics for civil engineering. Detailed product catalog, with technical information and specifications. List of projects. English and German.
» SI Geosolutions Open in a new browser window
   USA. Manufacturers of woven and nonwoven geotechnical products and textiles for construction, waste containment, water management and site development applications. Technical information and specifications on PDF files. Library of case studies and article
» SKAPS Industries Open in a new browser window
   USA. Manufacturers of fabrics, nets and composite systems for civil and environmental drainage control. Woven and needlepunch nonwoven geotextiles, from polypropylene. Technical specifications and test results. List of job offerings.
» Sarna Polymer Holding, Inc Open in a new browser window
   Switzerland. Multi-national group of manufacturing companies, active in synthetic membranes and functional parts and modules for the automotive industry. Dimensionally stable waterproofing membranes for roofing and civil engineering applications. Technica
» Solmax International Open in a new browser window
   Canada. Manufacturers of polyethylene geomembranes. Fabricators and installers of geosynthetics. Also, distributors of geotextiles and grids, and drainage, erosion control and landscaping products. English and French.
» Soorya International Open in a new browser window
   India. Manufacturers of woven and nonwoven fabrics and products for applications in soil erosion prevention and stabilization, river bank protection, horticulture, geotechnical and revegetation projects, from coir and jute.
» Syntec, LLC Open in a new browser window
   USA. Manufacturers, representatives and suppliers of geotextiles, geosyntheticsd, geogrids, reinforcement mats and cellular confinement systems for civil, erosion control and environmental construction projects. Detailed product catalogs, including techni
» Synteen Technical Fabrics, Inc Open in a new browser window
   USA. Design, development and manufacture of woven high-tenacity uni- and biaxial geogrids and fabrics for geotechnical and civil engineering applications, from high-performance polyester filaments. Detailed fabric catalogs, including technical specificati
» Synthetic Industries, Inc Open in a new browser window
   USA. Specializes in advanced nonwovens and custom engineered fabrics and solutions for support, strength and stabilization. Besides carpet backing, the company is active in technical textiles, geofabrics and membranes, construction and civil engineering.
» TC Mirafi Open in a new browser window
   Spain. Polypropylene, woven and nonwoven geotextiles, geogrids and specialty products. Case studies. Data sheets, technical documents and installation guidelines on PDF files. Downloadable design software on Zip files. Links to related sites. English and
» Taian Modern Plastic Co., Ltd Open in a new browser window
   China. Nabufacturers of polypropylene (PP) and high density polyethylene (HDPE) biaxial and uniaxial geogrids and geomembranes. Also, geocells and chopped polypropylene fiber for concrete reinforcement. Detailed product catalogs, including technical infor
» Taifeng Geosynthetics Co., Ltd Open in a new browser window
   China. Manufacturers and suppliers of geogrids, geocells, geonets and mats, geomembrane and nonwoven geotextiles. Detailed product catalogs. English and Chinese.
» Taiyo Kogyo Corp Open in a new browser window
   Japan. Engineered membranes and fabrics for water treatment, floating fence, erosion prevention systems, and barrier linings, from polyester and polyethylene. Also, fabrics for overhead structures from polyester and fiberglass, and container systems. Link
» TechFab India Open in a new browser window
   India. Manufacturers of woven geotextiles, geogrids, and gabions for construction, filtration, separation, drainage, reinforcement, and erosion control applications, from polyester and polypropylene. Technical specifications. Case studies.
» Techno Fabrics Open in a new browser window
   India. Manufacturers of woven fabrics for geotechnical applications, from polyester and polypropylene multi-filaments. Technical information and specifications. Introduction to geotextiles and their applications.
» Tenax Spa Open in a new browser window
   Italy. Multi-national group of manufacturing companies, active in thermoplastic polymer extrusion. Geogrids, nettings and composite structures for erosion control, soft soil stabilization and slope reinforcement. Also, nettings for construction, agricultu
» Terram Co Open in a new browser window
   UK. Geosynthetic products and composite structures, and nonwoven geotextile fabrics. Member of BBA Nonwovens.
» Texiplast AS Open in a new browser window
   Czech Republic. Manufacturers of a complete range of cord reinforced geomeshes, geocomposites and geotextiles based on polyester and polypropylene, designed to stabilise unstable subsoil, embankments and asphalt surfaces. Part of the Kord Group. English,
» Thai Wiring System Co., Ltd Open in a new browser window
   Thailand. Design and manufacture of zinc coated steel wires, and PVC coated gabions, mattresses and mesh products for geotechnical applications. Descriptions of mechanical and physical properties. Technical specifications.
» Thrace-LINQ, Inc Open in a new browser window
   USA. Manufacturers and suppliers of woven and nonwoven fabrics for geotechnical, agricultural, landscaping and carpet backing applications, from polypropylene. Technical information, fabric specifications, installation guides and library of technical pape
» Thulica AB Open in a new browser window
   Norway. Manufacturers of biodegradable geotextiles, from natural fibers. English and Norwegian.
» Tildenet, Ltd Open in a new browser window
   UK. Manufacturers of polypropylene netting, and woven and nonwoven geotextiles for civil engineering, construction, fish farming and agriculture. Also, remote controlled pitch protection and covering systems.
» Vantage Partners, LLC Open in a new browser window
   USA. Manufacturers and distributors of polypropylene woven and nonwoven fabrics for separation, stabilization and reinforcement applications in the geotechnical, construction, landscape, and agricultural industries. Also, narrow webbing for furniture appl
» Viganò Pavitex SpA Open in a new browser window
   Italy. Diversified group of companies, active in needlepunch and fiber bonded carpets, and geotechnical products. Needlepunch fabrics, composite products and plastic grids for geotechnical and civil engineering applications. Technical specifications on PD
» Virendera Textiles Open in a new browser window
   India. Manufacturers of woven, needlepunch nonwovens and knitted fabrics for geotextile and geotechnical applications, from polyester and polypropylene mono- and multi-filaments. Also, canvas fabrics and nonwoven rollgoods. Detailed product catalogs, incl
» WKS Exports Pvt., Ltd Open in a new browser window
   Sri Lanka. Cultivation, manufacture and export of coconuts and its derived products. Woven blankets for erosion control applications, from mattress coir fiber.
» Watersaver Company, Inc Open in a new browser window
   USA. Manufacturers of geomembranes for landscaping, erosion control and groundwater protection applications, from polypropylene, polyvinylchloride and polyethylene. Access to technical data review and download area, upon registration.
» Web Tec, Inc Open in a new browser window
   USA. Geotextiles and grids for drainage, erosion control, soil stabilization, retaining walls and barrier applications. Also, prefabricated drainage systems and cellular confinement products.
» ÃœNSA Umbalaj AS Open in a new browser window
   Turkey. Vertically integrated textile manufacturing company. Woven fabrics for agriculture and geotechnical applications, from polypropylene. Also, polypropylene flexible intermediate bulk containers (FIBC). Extensive technical information and specificati
» ÖKON-Vegetationstechnik GmbH Open in a new browser window
   Germany. Manufacturers and installers of mattings, fabrics, bolsters and gabions for the prevention of soil erosion, from jute. Detailed product and installation descriptions. English, German and French.

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