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Napster (66)

See Also:

» Band posts songs as apology for Napster ban Open in a new browser window
   Hard rock band Rage Against The Machine is offering an olive branch to fans angry about being booted from Napster last week, posting a long list of otherwise unavailable songs and videos to its Web site. [News.com]
» Band rages against Napster ban of fans Open in a new browser window
   Another round of music fans has been banned from Napster's music-swapping service for trading copyrighted music - but this time, the band involved appears to be as angry as the fans. [News.com]
» Big Blue touts new Napster-proof music locks Open in a new browser window
   IBM releases a new version of its anti-piracy technology for music that it says could help block song traders who use services such as Napster or Gnutella. [News.com]
» Can Napster and Bertelsmann make sweet music together? Open in a new browser window
   Can Napster continue to exist as before with the recent merging with Bertelsmann? [News.com]
» Colleges spurn Metallica request to ban Napster Open in a new browser window
   At least three renowned universities have decided against banning the use of the popular Napster digital music file-swapping software on their college campuses. [News.com]
» Court adjourns without decision in Napster case Open in a new browser window
   A panel of appellate judges harshly grilled lawyers for both Napster and the recording industry before adjourning without a decision today in the latest round of a closely watched legal clash that pits the Internet against copyright laws. [News.com]
» Court grants stay of Napster injunction Open in a new browser window
   Nine hours before it would have been forced to shut down its music-swapping service, Napster has won a temporary reprieve. [News.com]
» Courts set rhythm for online music Open in a new browser window
   Year in Review: In a crowded San Francisco courtroom last July, Napster chief executive Hank Barry listened in dismay as a judge pronounced sentence on his vision of digital music's future. [News.com]
» Dave Matthews Band releases single on Napster Open in a new browser window
   The popular group releases a single on Napster in what is the first official promotion by a BMG Entertainment-backed act to tap the controversial file-swapping service. [News.com]
» EMusic software to block Napster members Open in a new browser window
   After failing to reach an agreement with Napster, EMusic on Tuesday unveiled software that identifies and blocks songs being shared by people using the controversial music-swapping service. Includes video footage. [News.com]
» Fans undaunted by Napster constraints Open in a new browser window
   Although they're quick to defend the music file-swapping service, fans seem to have little loyalty to Napster as it battles the courts. [News.com]
» Feds disagree about Napster controversy Open in a new browser window
   The legal fight over music-swapping start-up Napster has divided Washington, pitting at least one powerful legislator against the Clinton administration. [News.com]
» Free web music not just a fad Open in a new browser window
   Napster not just for college students: 42 percent of US Internet users who download free copies of songs are between the ages of 30 and 49, according to a study released yesterday. [SFGate.com]
» Hacker smears Web sites with pro-Napster messages Open in a new browser window
   A pseudonymous hacker has launched a Web graffiti spree, defacing Web sites ranging from NASA to the Communications Workers of America with a pro-Napster message. [News.com]
» How the Napster ban affects users Open in a new browser window
   List of frequently asked questions for users about the order for Napster's shutdown. [News.com]
» Inside Napster Open in a new browser window
   Detailed article delving into how the music-sharing phenom began, where it went wrong, and what happens next. [BusinessWeek Online]
» Judge expands on Napster shutdown order Open in a new browser window
   Federal Judge Marilyn Hall Patel released the details of her decision ordering the company to close its digital doors. [News.com]
» Legal experts see one course for Napster: litigation Open in a new browser window
   Napster's appeal of a court-ordered shutdown has granted the company more time but little room to maneuver in its ongoing clash with the recording industry. [News.com]
» Listen Up: Napster Is Infringing Open in a new browser window
   Napster's "New Artist Program", was recently redesigned to include a genre tree of music categories. Listen.com is now suing, because it thinks that the pages look too similar to information on its website. [Wired News]
» Metallica's new album is Napster-proof Open in a new browser window
   Metallica released their long awaited "Download This" CD, and the band declared it Napster-proof. [BBspot]
» Metallica, Dr. Dre urge colleges to cut Napster access Open in a new browser window
   The attorney representing Metallica and rap star Dr. Dre in their lawsuits against Napster is sending a barrage of letters to top universities, pushing them to block students from using the popular file-swapping software. [News.com]
» Musicians launch national anti-Napster campaign Open in a new browser window
   An industry-backed group of musicians has launched a high-profile ad campaign against online music piracy, hoping to persuade fans not to use Napster and other similar Net tools. [News.com]
» Napster Goes to Washington Open in a new browser window
   Digital music heavyweights gathered in Washington, D.C. to give testimony at a hearing on music downloading and file trading. [Wired News]
» Napster Links Open in a new browser window
   Features a large list of links to various news reports and other related information about Napster and their lawsuit.
» Napster Shares the Wealth Open in a new browser window
   Just days after punk band The Offspring began selling unauthorized Napster merchandise through its website, the two parties choose collaboration instead of litigation. [Wired News]
» Napster adds CDNow link with upgrade Open in a new browser window
   The file-swapping service releases a new version of its software that includes an e-commerce component linking to the Bertelsmann-owned retail site. [News.com]
» Napster among fastest-growing Net technologies Open in a new browser window
   Fans of the online music-swapping company downloaded 1.39 billion songs in September, transforming the hotly contested technology into one of the Internet's most popular applications, according to new studies. [News.com]
» Napster asks fans to purchase CDs Open in a new browser window
   Napster is asking its fans to participate in a two-day "buy-cott" this weekend, a plan aimed at winning support for the music-swapping firm. [News.com]
» Napster co-founder swaps one start-up for another Open in a new browser window
   Napster co-founder Jordan Ritter has left the company and joined a San Francisco financial technology start-up, Round1 Private Capital Marketplace. [News.com]
» Napster fans fight back Open in a new browser window
   More than 30,000 of the Metallica fans banned from Napster last week have appealed the move, saying they didn't do anything illegal. [News.com]
» Napster fans seen as music browsers, not buyers Open in a new browser window
   More people may be window-shopping at online music retailer CDNow since they started using software from file-swapping service Napster, but fewer people are buying, according to a new report. [News.com]
» Napster fans squeeze through loopholes Open in a new browser window
   For faithful Napster members wondering how they'll get free music from now on, solutions are quickly making the rounds. [News.com]
» Napster finds help for filtering songs Open in a new browser window
   The music-swapping company hires Gracenote, which maintains a massive database identifying recorded music, to help find and block songs from being traded online. [News.com]
» Napster hack allows free distribution of software and movies Open in a new browser window
   New Napster 'hack' that allows not just music transfers, but video and software also. [News.com]
» Napster lawyers prep defense in music battle Open in a new browser window
   Explanation of the Napster software and the law suit details to date. [News.com]
» Napster opens doors to Mac owners Open in a new browser window
   Napster on Wednesday released a Macintosh version of its wildly popular file-swapping software, officially welcoming Apple computer users to the free-music revolution. [News.com]
» Napster pleads with court for survival Open in a new browser window
   A federal judge made a legal error in ordering Napster to ban the trade of copyrighted music on its service, lawyers for the popular file-swapping service told an appeals court today. [News.com]
» Napster popularity boosts gadget demand Open in a new browser window
   Napster's legal pain has become the computer industry's financial gain as millions of people download digital music to burn onto CDs or transfer to portable players. [News.com]
» Napster suit tests new copyright law Open in a new browser window
   A new copyright law designed to protect the works of songwriters, is being tested in a case that pits the powerful recording industry against a wildly popular but controversial music start-up Napster. [News.com]
» Napster takes last stab at record industry arguments Open in a new browser window
   Napster has fired its final legal salvo before meeting the record industry in appeals court, accusing the big labels of trying to hijack the beleaguered music-swapping company's technology. [News.com]
» Napster traffic figures raise new questions Open in a new browser window
   The drama of Napster's legal death-sentence has catapulted its site into the list of the Internet's most popular destinations. [News.com]
» Napster updates software as court case looms Open in a new browser window
   Despite the uncertain outcome of a court case that threatens to deal Napster a potentially fatal blow, the music-swapping service has released an updated version of its software that makes it easier to find specific songs and bands. [News.com]
» Napster wildfire spreads beyond music Open in a new browser window
   Article explaining how Napster works and why the music industry is against it. [News.com]
» Napster will live or die by 'fair use' Open in a new browser window
   Discusses the laws of 'fair use' and how it fits in with the Napster trials. [The Register]
» Napster's Good? Bad? Er, What...? Open in a new browser window
   Benefits of free music to the recording industry, and does streaming and downloading music on the Internet encourages CD sales? [Wired News]
» Napster, Bertelsmann draw indie label to new service Open in a new browser window
   Napster and Bertelsmann have attracted their first ally in their attempt to create a subscription-based version of the start-up's controversial music-swapping service. [News.com]
» Napster, by all of the Top Cartoonists Open in a new browser window
   Political cartoons about the Napster issue from top newspaper editorial cartoonists around the world.
» Napster: Downloading music for free is legal Open in a new browser window
   Napster's message for the courts and the recording industry is that downloading songs online without payment is legal. [News.com]
» Napster: friend or foe? Open in a new browser window
   Fans have already embraced new music-distribution technologies. Musicians can fight them or join them. [Salon.com]
» New Tools Tame Napster Traffic Open in a new browser window
   How traffic shapers are used to prevent Napster and similar bandwidth hogs from overwhelming campus and corporate networks.
» New technologies could be key for Napster resolution Open in a new browser window
   As music-swapping company Napster and the record industry skirmish in court, a bevy of technology companies are coming out with ideas they say can help the two sides settle their legal disputes. [News.com]
» Presidential candidates drawn into Napster debate Open in a new browser window
   We have some idea where George W. Bush and Al Gore stand on health care, foreign policy and social security. But what about Napster and copyright claims, the issue that has taken the Net by storm? [News.com]
» Pro-Napster vandal talks after FBI raid Open in a new browser window
   The law has caught up with "Pimpshiz," the hacker allegedly responsible for defacing some 200 Web sites with pro-Napster graffiti. [News.com]
» Programmers help Napster clones take off Open in a new browser window
   Article about the new open source program Gnutella which shares music files over the internet, similar to Napster. [News.com]
» RIAA asks judge to pull all major-label songs off Napster Open in a new browser window
   RIAA asked the courts to block all major-label content from being traded through Napster. [News.com]
» RIAA chief asks Napster to apologize to Metallica Open in a new browser window
   If Napster really wants to bury the hatchet with the Recording Industry Association of America, it may have to eat crow and issue a personal apology. [News.com]
» Record label signs deal with Napster Open in a new browser window
   German media conglomerate Bertelsmann said Tuesday that it has formed an alliance with online music-swapping service Napster, signaling a significant shift in the so far hostile face-off between the major record labels and the start-up. [News.com]
» Senator Hatch's Napster Epiphany Open in a new browser window
   Discusses the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). [The Register]
» Study finds Napster use may cut into record sales Open in a new browser window
   Report on some of the first statistics to reflect the effects of the popular MP3 software Napster, on retail CD sales. [News.com]
» Study: College students would pay for Napster Open in a new browser window
   About one in three students would be willing to pay for an online music subscription service such as the one proposed by the file-swapping company, a report says. [News.com]
» Tech giants slam Napster injunction Open in a new browser window
   A broad coalition of technology and Internet companies are filing legal briefs today that are bitterly critical of last month's court decision against Napster, saying it could threaten the future of much of the technology industry. [News.com]
» The Great Napster Hope Open in a new browser window
   Napster's legal dream team had a rather lengthy response to the recording industry's lawsuit, but the message could be boiled down into two words: Screw you. [Wired News]
» The Smashing Pumpkins takes music directly to Napster fans Open in a new browser window
   Alternative rock band The Smashing Pumpkins released what is being called its final album on vinyl and the MP3 format last week, forgoing a CD release through its record label, Virgin Records, according to postings on the band's Web site and published rep
» The week in review: Pay to play Napster? Open in a new browser window
   Napster may be changing the face of its service, making it subscription-based, and offering legal song downloads from supporting record labels. [News.com]
» Transcript of the injunction against Napster Open in a new browser window
   Transcript of Judge Marilyn Hall Patel's ruling in the Napster vs RIAA legal case. [News.com]
» Unreleased Madonna Single Slips onto Net Open in a new browser window
   Madonna's new unreleased single found its way into the music-swapping Napster community and onto a few MP3 Web sites. [News.com]

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Last Updated: 2007-09-28 09:05:16

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