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Windows (11) See Also:
» JNIRegistry
Java native interface for the Windows Registry API. Allows Java programs to access, modify, and export Windows Registry resources. [Open Source, GPL] http://www.trustice.com/java/jnireg/ » JTray - Java System Tray For Windows
A Java System Tray API for Windows. [Commercial, trial version] http://www.jpackages.com/jtray/ » Java Bean Word Processing
A Windows interface to allow Java applications to control Word for Windows. Simple operations such as typing text, creating, saving and printing documents, and calling macros, are supported. [Freeware] http://www.java400.de/Javactpe.htm » Java Dial-up Networking API - JDUN
A dial-up networking (DUN) Java interface for Windows operating systems. [Commercial, trial version] http://www.jpackages.com/jdun/ » Java Flash Player API - JFlashPlayer
Offers Flash Player API that lets developers play and control Adobe Flash Player movies within Java applications. http://www.jpackages.com/jflashplayer/ » Java Native Interface to Microsoft Windows Registry
Make easy access to Microsoft Windows registry from JVM. [Freeware] http://jrgwin32.narod.ru/ » Java bean for Crystal Reports
Interface to control Crystal Reports by java applications. http://www.must.de/Jareport.htm » Softhema Group
JPA-API (Java Process Automation API) - executing and remote controlling of external applications, access to user interfaces through Java. JTC-API (Java Toolkit Collection API) Class library with useful extensions for file access, text processing, string http://www.softhema.de/ » Windows DDE API for Java
DDE for Java library allows Java applications to communicate with native applications on Windows platform via Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) protocol. [Commercial] http://www.javaparts.com/ » com.neva.Coroutine class
Provides the mechanism for Java classes to call external functions located in Win32 DLLs without having to build wrappers that utilize one of the Java-To-Native interfaces. [Shareware] http://www.nevaobject.com/_docs/_coroutine/coroutine.htm » jRAS32
A Dial-Up Networking (DUN) or Remote Access Service (RAS) Java interface for Windows operating systems. [Open Source, LGPL] http://jras32.sourceforge.net/ This category needs an editor
Last Updated: 2007-01-02 19:58:06
The content of this directory is based on the Open Directory and has been modified by AllMusicSearch.com editors |