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Object Persistence (54) Categories:
See Also:
» A Simple Data Access Layer using Hibernate
Hibernate is a popular open source Object-Relational mapping tool. This article by Mario Aquino provides a quick introduction to get started with Hibernate. http://www.ociweb.com/jnb/jnbNov2003.html » Abra
A Java library and a set of tools that can be used for storing and retrieving Java objects in a relational database. [Open source, BSD license] http://abra.sourceforge.net/ » Apache ObJectRelationalBridge - OJB
A framework that provides transparent persistence of Java objects for JDBC-compliant RDBMS. Implements ODMG 3.0, JDO and uses XML-based O/R Mapping. [Open Source, LGPL] http://db.apache.org/ojb/ » COBRA
An object persistence layer written in Java which uses a relational database to provide persistent storage, whilst shielding programmers from the details of relational database access. [Open Source, GPL] http://www.kimble.easynet.co.uk/cobra/index.htm » CarrierWave
Provides the following features: build generated client side data objects structurally mirroring server side business objects; pluggable persistence; pluggable binding between client and server; pluggable query mechanism; zero-configuration externalizatio http://carrierwave.sourceforge.net/ » Cayenne
An Object-Relational mapping framework working with relational databases. [Open Source] http://cayenne.apache.org/ » CocoBase Enterprise O/R
Object/Relational mapping tool, with customized mappings for each major EJB server (including JBoss). [Commercial] http://www.thoughtinc.com/ » DB Objects for Java
Lightweight and flexible solution for storing and retrieving java objects into and from relational databases, without using SQL. [Open source, LGPL] http://dbobjects.sourceforge.net/ » DB Visual Architect
An Object-Relational mapping tool. Generate persistent enable Java source from Class Diagram or ERD. A diagram editor is provided. It can generate code for client applications and server side applications. [Commercial] http://www.visual-paradigm.com/product/dbva/ » EclipseLink
ORM project from Eclipse (Oracle, Sun). Provides ORM, JPA, OXM, JAXB, SDO, WebServices, EIS. JPA 2.0 reference implementation, JPA provider of Oracle WebLogic, Sun Glassfish. [Open source, EPL] http://www.eclipse.org/eclipselink/ » FormPers
A persistence framework with forms automation. It support on-the-fly SQL table creation/structure modification base on definition in Java class, automated form creation and automated form result parsing. [Freeware] http://www.jslope.com/formpers.html » Hibernate ORM framework
Hibernate an open source Java persistence framework project. Perform powerful object relational mapping and query databases using HQL and SQL. [Open source, LGPL] http://www.hibernate.org/ » Inductor
A fully type-save, declarative ORQL for Hibernate, JDO, and EJB. http://www.certiv.net/products/inductor.html » J-Database Exchange (JDX)
A cross-platform solution for transactional persistence of Java objects . By Software Tree, Inc. [Commercial] http://www.softwaretree.com/products/jdx/Jdx1.htm » JDBM
A simple transactional persistence engine for Java. It can used to store a mix of objects and BLOBs, and all updates are done in a transactionally safe manner. JDBM also provides scalable data structures, such as HTree and B+Tree, to support persistence o http://jdbm.sourceforge.net/ » JDO vs. EJB by Gopalan Suresh Raj
Compares and contrasts the Two Persistence Frameworks provided Java. Java Data Objects(JDO) which provides Language Transparent Orthogonal Persistence with Enterprise JavaBeans(EJB) that provides Functional Persistence. http://my.execpc.com/~gopalan/java/jdo/jdo_vs_ejb.html » JGrinder
Initially began as a solution for Object/Relational persistence. Supporting this involved the creation of many utility classes and tools that could be used to accelerate any application development effort. [Open source, LGPL] http://jgrinder.sourceforge.net/ » JORM (Java Object Repository Mapping)
The ObjectWeb open source adaptable persistence service. It is used to offer CMP 2.0 for the JOnAS server, as well as Speedo, a JDO implementation. [Open source, LGPL] http://jorm.objectweb.org/ » Java Persistence
Wikibook on JPA, and Java persistence from Wikimedia Wikibooks. http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Java_Persistence » JavaRanch - Object Relational Mapping
JavaRanch Big Moose Saloon forum for object relational mapping. http://saloon.javaranch.com/cgi-bin/ubb/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=forum&f=78 » Jaxor
Simple and lightweight Object/Relational mapping and persistence framework. Configuration is stored in XML files and code generation relies on Apache velocity templates. [Open Source, Apache] http://jaxor.sourceforge.net/ » ONJava.com: Don't Let Hibernate Steal Your Identity
Typical means of establishing uniqueness and identity in databases, and thus Hibernate, don't necessarily suit Java's identity-oriented equals() and hashCode() methods. James Brundege has another idea for how to solve this problem. http://www.onjava.com/pub/a/onjava/2006/09/13/dont-let-hibernate-steal-your-identity.html » ONJava.com: Object-Relational Mapping with Apache Jakarta OJB
Charles Chan demonstrates OJB, an open source Java object persistence framework. http://www.onjava.com/pub/a/onjava/2003/01/08/ojb.html » Object Matter
Provides an Object/Relational mapping tool with a persistence layer. Also features an introduction to Object/Relational mapping. [Commercial] http://www.objectmatter.com/ » Object-Relational Mapping
Information and facts about object-relational mapping products, architecture problem-solving, and direction in product comparison and selection. http://www.service-architecture.com/object-relational-mapping/ » Objective database abstraction layer (ODAL)
A database persistence framework including query API, ORM, data validation/conversion, stored procedure support, code generation. Download and documentation are offered. [Open source, LGPL] http://odal.sourceforge.net/ » Osage
Object-Relational mapping for JDBC databases, with XML features. [Open Source, LGPL] http://osage.sourceforge.net/ » SimpleORM
Implement, low overhead object/relational mapping on top of Java JDBC. [Open source] http://www.simpleorm.org/ » TopLink
Object-relational bridge by Oracle. Quick tour, tutorials, and howtos. [Commercial] http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/ias/toplink/index.html » Torque
An XML-based persistence layer. Part of the Apache Jakarta family. [Open Source, BSD-like] http://db.apache.org/torque/ » iBatis
XML-based Object/Relational mapping and persistence framework as well as a data access abstraction layer. [Open source] http://ibatis.apache.org/ » jRelationalFramework
A lightweight framework that was written to automate the most tedious 80% of relational database access coding and leave the other 20% to the developer. [Open Source, MPL] http://jrf.sourceforge.net/ » jStorm
Simple tool for object-relational mapping, based on DbObjects, with mechanisms for aggregation and concurrency stamps. [Open Source, GPL] http://jstorm.sourceforge.net/ This category needs an editor
Last Updated: 2008-11-10 14:30:10
The content of this directory is based on the Open Directory and has been modified by AllMusicSearch.com editors |