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Libraries and Frameworks (52)

See Also:

» Angkor Web Framework Open in a new browser window
   A component model for producing interactive and reusable J2EE web systems using object oriented methodologies. It is built on a flexible pipeline architecture and is easy to integrate with other technologies. [Open source, LGPL]
» AppStats Application Monitoring Framework Open in a new browser window
   Capture, analyze, and publicize health, performance, and monitoring statistics for Java applications. [Open source, LGPL]
» Avalon Open in a new browser window
   An application server component framework, includes logging, thread pooling, and scheduling. [Apache]
» Barracuda Open in a new browser window
   Open source, servlet-based, presentation framework. Includes project mailing list, FAQ, and documentation.
» Cameleon Open in a new browser window
   A framework for developing reliable database applications in a technology independent and predominantly editorial way. User interfaces may be easily exchanged from Swing to HTML and vice versa. Also test JavaServerPage sample application for it. [Open sou
» Coldbeans Open in a new browser window
   Offers a set of web controls (custom JSP tags, servlets, filters) for J2EE applications.
» Common Controls Open in a new browser window
   Form a Java Presentation Framework based on Java Servlets, JSP and Struts. The Presentation Framework contains the most common control elements like lists, trees, tabfolders, menus and forms, which are required for the development of J2EE applications wit
» Corendal Framework Open in a new browser window
   A Java framework for web applications accessing one or several databases to generate dynamic content. It can be used as part of intranet applications automating complex business processes or work-flows. [Open source, GPL]
» DMLDoc Open in a new browser window
   Allows the creation of dynamic web content whilst separating content from presentation. [Freeware]
» Dresdner Releases Middleware Source Code Open in a new browser window
   Article at the Financial Technology Network about the release of the source code of OpenAdaptor as Open Source.
» Expresso Open in a new browser window
   Library of extensible Java Servlet components for providing services to web-based applications. [Open Source, BSD-like]
» IBM Branch Transformation Toolkit for WebSphere Studio Open in a new browser window
   Formerly known as WebSphere Business Components Composer were derived from the IBM SanFrancisco Application Business Components for Java product.
» IT Mill Toolkit Open in a new browser window
   A web user interface framework for developing Ajax web applications. Feature overview, pricing, developers and company information. [Commercial, trial version]
» JMX - Java ManagementExtensions Open in a new browser window
   A universal, open technology for management, and monitoring that can be deployed wherever management and monitoring are needed. By design, this standard is suitable for adapting legacy systems, implementing new management and monitoring solutions and plug
» JMapView Open in a new browser window
   JavaBean for adding interactive maps or GIS to your Internet applications.
» JNotify Open in a new browser window
   A JavaBean component class library provides a classification and notification scheme for exception handling.
» JOT Servlets Open in a new browser window
   Software framework for publishing dynamic content, separating out and automatically re-combining programming logic with presentational HTML. [Commercial]
» JUnivers Open in a new browser window
   A modular Java framework. It uses connectors to access data in a standard way. Those data could then be used transparently in others modules to be, by example, rendered or updated in HTML or Swing layouts.
» Java Web Development with Stripes [ONJava.com] Open in a new browser window
   Mark Eagle shows how to put together a basic Stripes framework and discusses the framework's integration with Ajax and Spring.
» Joist Open in a new browser window
   Framework for web applications that takes care of the common processing that happens for every request, thereby relieving the author of an application servlet from having to worry about them. Uses WebMacro, servlets, and MySQL. [Open Source]
» Karapan Sapi Open in a new browser window
   A generator that automatically create files for Struts framework based web application. It generates Struts Actions, Struts Forms, JSPs, DAOs. [Open source, LGPL]
» Knopflerfish OSGi Open in a new browser window
   A complete, open source (BSD), OSGi R3 framework.
» MX4J Open in a new browser window
   An initiative to build an Open Source implementation for the JMXTM technology, specification version 1.1, and to build related tools. [Open source, Apache Software License ]
» Makumba Open in a new browser window
   A taglib that helps rapidly develop data driven web applications. It offers both JSP tag library and a Java API for data manipulation. Works with various DB engines. [Open source, LGPL]
» Millstone Web UI library Open in a new browser window
   A user interface library for development of Web applications. It provides a terminal independent component model that can be adapted to different terminal types and user interface themes. [Open source, LGPL]
» ONJava.com: What Is Struts Open in a new browser window
   Chuck Cavaness takes a whirlwind tour of the Struts framework, with overviews of many of it most important features.
» ObjectWeb JTOM (Java Open Transaction Manager) Open in a new browser window
   A fully functional standalone transaction manager that implements the XA protocol and is compliant with the JTA APIs. [Open Source, BSD-like]
» Ohioedge J2eeBuilder Open in a new browser window
   A library of generic implementations of core J2EE patterns and practices and packaging tools essential for building/composing Web-based, XML-driven, EJB-JavaBean-JSP tier J2EE applications. [Open source, LGPL]
» OpenEmcee Microflow Engine Open in a new browser window
   A Java framework designed to encourage development of modular, reusable, and independent units of business logic. [Open source, MPL]
» OpenSymphony Open in a new browser window
   A web application framework for J2EE. It is based on a concept called "Pull HMVC" (Pull Hierarchical Model View Controller). It supports an arrange of view technologies - XSLT, JSP, Velocity, Applet. [Open source]
» Openadaptor.org Open in a new browser window
   A Java/XML-based software platform which allows for rapid business system integration with little or no custom programming.
» Powered Open in a new browser window
   A Java/J2EE framework and complete "business object centric" solution combining: architecture, infrastructure, and methodology. Developers focus on the business solution rather than technical components and patterns. Swing and web applications can be deve
» SOFIA (Salmon Open Framework for Internet Applications) Open in a new browser window
   A rapid application development (RAD) framework for the J2EE for creating database driven Web applications and web sites. [Open source (GPL) or registered Salmon license]
» Simple Open in a new browser window
   A Java framework for the development of web services. It consists of service engine and an API comparable to Servlets, with better support for concurrency and component chaining, and a simpler interface. [Open source, GPL]
» Spring Application Framework Open in a new browser window
   System for assembling components via configuration files. Documentation and downloads.
» Spring-Dashboard Open in a new browser window
   Provides real-time statistic and monitoring view of any spring-framework web application for monitoring flows within the application, as well as gather statistic information on application usage.
» Struts Framework Open in a new browser window
   An open source framework for building Servlet/JSP based web applications based on the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design paradigm [Open Source, BSD-like]
» Struts for transforming XML with XSL (stxx) Open in a new browser window
   An extension of the struts framework to support XML and XSL without changing the functionality of struts. [Open source]
» TICL - the Tag Interface Component Library Open in a new browser window
   A complete toolkit of server-side GUI components accessible through custom tags. Menus, tabbed panes, table views, tree views, styling framework with customizable rendering, HTML forms encapsulation and extensions, declarative form validation mechanism. [
» Tapestry Open in a new browser window
   Organizes web applications development into component-based framework. Requires Servlet API 2.2 and JDK 1.2. [LGPL]
» Turbine [from the Apache project] Open in a new browser window
   Web application development framework to facilitate building secure web applications, based on and extending the Dash framework (see above). [Open Source, BSD-like]
» Velosurf Open in a new browser window
   A database access layer for the Jakarta Velocity template engine. [OPen source, Apache Software License]
» WUI (Web User Interface) Open in a new browser window
   A component-based framework for developing web-based user interfaces using a single language: Java. [Open source]
» Wicket Open in a new browser window
   A Java web application framework that takes simplicity, separation of concerns and ease of development to a whole new level. [Open source, Apache License]
» WidgetServer Open in a new browser window
   A Java/XML server-side GUI-framework which enables an application to run as either a monolithic Swing application, a client/server Swing application, or as a Web/HTML application without change.
» Windward Reports Open in a new browser window
   A J2EE report engine in Adobe PDF, Word RTF, html with css, html 3.2 (no css), ascii text formats. Servlet, JSP examples with sources. [Commercial]
» XFP eXtensible Filtering Pipelines Open in a new browser window
   A framework for building data management procedures using XML-based configuration files. XFP is also a server that provides scheduled execution of procedures, email notifications and a configurable logging system. [Open source, Apache Software License]
» XStream - About XStream Open in a new browser window
   XStream is a simple library to serialize objects to XML and back again. One advantage is ease of use. [Open Source]
» Xoplon Open in a new browser window
   XML/XSLT framework for Java servlets, which supports building of HTML-based web applications. Features include generating of the HTML pages, dispatching of HTTP requests and validation of user input. [Open Source, BSD-like]
» metaQueue.NET Open in a new browser window
   A scalable, and secure solution for building J2EE applications. It include Application Framework, Group Messaging and Content Management System. [Commercial]
» neteye actioncache Open in a new browser window
   An extension to the Jakarta struts framework that provides a powerful caching facility for actions and views [Open Source, BSD-like]
» realMethods Framework Open in a new browser window
   A complete implementation of the core J2EE design patterns; a collection of independent components/services brought together as one cohesive framework. Site includes download, services and support overview. [Open source, GPL]

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Last Updated: 2007-02-28 17:25:39

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