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Obfuscated (20) Categories:
See Also:
» BDAMD: Basic Demonic Asinine Multi-Dimensional
Home site, by its creator: descriptions, code samples, download. http://spots.flatland.com/jms/bdamd.html » Cat's Eye Technologies
Specifications, implementations, sample source code collections for several strange languages, comments on obfuscated language taxonomy and on several far-out coding practices, mail list, links to many related sites. http://catseye.tc/projects/eso.html » Comment Programming Language
An open-source language for writing comments. http://c-p-l.sourceforge.net/ » DM's Esoteric Programming Languages
D. Morgan-Mar esoteric languages Chef, Haifu, Ook!, Piet, Whenever. Links. http://www.dangermouse.net/esoteric/ » Esoteric Non-existent Standards Institute
"Institute" for the standardization of unstandardized standardizable things, mostly esoteric languages and extensions to them. http://esoteric.sange.fi/ENSI/ » Esoteric Programming Languages Ring
An organisation started to spread insanity and weird programming paradigms among the masses. http://homepage.eircom.net/~kmgaughan/esolang/index.html » False
Programming language with two main goals: confusing everyone with an obfuscated syntax, and designing as powerful a language as possible with a tiny implementation: this compiler executable is only 1024 bytes, written in pure 68000 assembler. http://wouter.fov120.com/false/ » Malbolge: Programming from Hell
Specifically designed to be extremely difficult to program in. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malbolge_programming_language » Orthogonal
A programming language in which program flow can go sideways. Closely related to Befunge. Tutorial, reference, sample source code, Public Domain implementation available. http://www.muppetlabs.com/~breadbox/orth/ » Owl
Obfuscated Weird Language: character-based language interpreter written in C, in the style of False. By Antonio Maschio. http://digilander.libero.it/tonibinhome/owl/ » P-nand-Q
Home of esoteric programming languages such as Java2K, Smith#, Sorted!, [], Esogotschi and the Great Python Language Zoo. Also heavy on the code obfuscation front. http://www.p-nand-q.com/ » Programming in Malbolge
Introduction to Malbolge programming. Also propose modificatins of Malbolge for making programming in it more worse. http://www.lscheffer.com/malbolge.shtml » Q-BAL Programming Language
A queue based programming language. It's not designed to be useful, just fun. http://homepage.tinet.ie/~kmgaughan/esolang/q-bal/ » Shakespeare
A language with beautiful source code that resembled Shakespeare plays. http://shakespearelang.sourceforge.net/ » The Unlambda Programming Language
Minimalistic functional language based on the Lambda calculus but lacking the Lambda operator. Tutorial, reference, GPLed interpreters available. http://www.madore.org/~david/programs/unlambda/ » Whitespace
Any non whitespace characters are ignored; only spaces, tabs and newlines are considered syntax. http://compsoc.dur.ac.uk/whitespace/ » ZT
The esoteric programming language. Documentation, interpreter, and example programs. http://www.philipp-winterberg.de/software/zte.htm » esoteric.sange.fi
Collection of esoteric programming language implementations, examples, and related files. http://esoteric.sange.fi/ » npiet
An interpreter for the piet programming language. In this language the programs are pictures, build out of 18 colors and black and white - this is about the real "art of programming". http://www.gaertner.de/~schoenfr/npiet/ This category needs an editor
Last Updated: 2007-01-02 19:58:03
The content of this directory is based on the Open Directory and has been modified by AllMusicSearch.com editors |