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See Also:

» Analysis of P3P and US Patent 5,862,325 Open in a new browser window
   This Note is a response to a request from the W3C for Pennie and Edmonds' opinion as to whether implementations of the W3C's Platform for Privacy Preferences Project ("P3P") specification would infringe any claim of Intermind's U.S. Patent No. 5,862,325.
» Can a labeling system protect your privacy? Open in a new browser window
   "[P3P] has been both lauded as the answer to everyone's privacy worries and castigated as a Trojan horse that will divert public attention from real problems. The truth is, it's neither. It's merely a potentially nifty tool that might help ensure privacy
» Companies move slowly on P3P adoption Open in a new browser window
   CNN.com article: Some companies are gradually implementing the proposed Platform for Privacy Preferences[...] But it remains unclear whether P3P will succeed as a standard.
» Cover Pages: W3C Releases P3P 1.0 as a Recommendation. Open in a new browser window
   Cover Pages article with links to specifications, websites and tools.
» E-Commerce News: White House, Industry Giants Back Net Privacy Project Open in a new browser window
   Everything you need to know about doing business on the Internet. Information for C-Level executives and small-to-mid-sized business managers.
» Finally, Agreement on P3P Open in a new browser window
   The World Wide Web Consortium reaches cross-industry agreement on an XML-based language for expressing Web site privacy policies.
» Is P3P "the Devil"? Open in a new browser window
   Paper from the University of Miami School of Law discussing P3P, its potential benefits and pitfalls.
» Mailbag: P3P misses the privacy boat Open in a new browser window
   Many of you wrote in to agree with me that the W3C's Platform for Privacy Preferences might be a far cry from an antidote to privacy woes.
» Microsoft Buys Into Privacy Open in a new browser window
   This article does not mention P3P directly. It is included here for historical reference. Microsoft began its internal P3P initiative with this acquisition.
» Network Computing | Workshop | Security | P3P's Privacy Promises | Page 1 | July 23, 2001 Open in a new browser window
   This article talks about the Platform for Privacy Preferences Project, and talks about P3P's goal of building trust between users and Web site operators without requiring users to read and interpret the site's privacy policies.
» O'Reilly Network: Help! IE6 Is Blocking My Cookies [Oct. 04, 2002] Open in a new browser window
   Lorrie Cranor, author of Web Privacy with P3P offers an introduction to P3P and an overview of what you need to do to prevent IE6 from blocking your cookies.
» P3P plan: How is it deployed, what is collected. Open in a new browser window
   What exactly is collected, shared and acted upon isn't always evident to end users. This may lead to trust problems between site visitors and site owners, resulting in loss of business and even legal problems.
» P3P: Protector Of Consumers' Online Privacy Open in a new browser window
   An overview of the W3C's new P3P protocol for implementing consumer privacy preferences. Includes discussion on Microsoft, I.E. 6 and online privacy for consumers.
» Pass the P3P Open in a new browser window
   'Intelligent Enterprise' article on Microsoft's P3P involvement.
» Pretty Poor Privacy: An Assessment of P3P and Internet Privacy Open in a new browser window
   A critical article published by Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) and Junkbusters.
» Privacy Tools and Services Debut Open in a new browser window
   A look at the emerging technologies and management of corporate privacy policies. The spawning of a new software and services sector.
» Privacy as Computer Language Open in a new browser window
   Early P3P Wired article talks about P3P and P3P issues from the WWW7 conference in Australia in March '98.
» Promise of P3P stalls as backers regroup Open in a new browser window
   Six months after its recommendation as an Internet standard, a major privacy initiative is entering an awkward adolescence as software heavyweights adopt it and individual Web sites leave it to languish.
» Promises, Promises, Promises-A Closer Look at P3P Open in a new browser window
   Andy Oram article discussing P3P as a social protocol, as well as his views of the motivations behind the protocol.
» SuperCookies bypass P3P and cookie controls Open in a new browser window
   Article by Richard M. Smith point out an Internet Explorer potential privacy design flaw.
» The Trouble with P3P Open in a new browser window
   Early P3P article discusses issues with the P3P policy and its development.
» The W3C, P3P and the Intermind Patent Open in a new browser window
   XML.com article. Claims of patent infringement and the potential implications for implementors of the W3C's Platform for Privacy Preferences framework
» Turning up the heat on Web privacy Open in a new browser window
   When Microsoft introduced version 6 of its Internet Explorer browser last year, many webmasters were puzzled to find that their cookies were being blocked in increasing numbers. [Cnet News]
» Wired News: Patent May Threaten E-Privacy Open in a new browser window
   The future of a key Web standard that would give consumers control over their online privacy hangs in the balance after news emerged that an entrepreneur will likely be awarded a set of patents on the technology.

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Last Updated: 2007-01-02 19:57:50

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