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Add-Ins (90)

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» A3 Solutions Open in a new browser window
   Solutions for forecasting, budgeting and management reporting. Located in San Franciscon, CA, USA.
» ARMON Technologies, LLC Open in a new browser window
   Developer of XLActuary, an Excel add-in designed to handle all actuarial factor calculations via new worksheet functions. Website includes details about their consultancy, a help file and support information.
» ASAP Free Utilities Open in a new browser window
   Excel add-in contains over 300 utilities to fill the gaps in Excel, and automate frequently used tasks.
» AbleBits Open in a new browser window
   Provides Pivot Table AutoFormat XL, allowing the creation of collection of autoformats.
» Add-ins.com Open in a new browser window
   Proposes collections of add-ins and visual basic macros.
» BYG Software Open in a new browser window
   The Excel Auditor, tool to control, audit, and document workbooks. BYG utilities lite, shareware, Goldmine, free technique demonstration files, bugs. (BYG stands for Big Yellow Gorilla.)
» BeGraphic Open in a new browser window
   Provide interactive maps and graphics for both Excel and PowerPoint. Website includes free and professional versions, business cases and a forum.
» Boardwalktech Open in a new browser window
   Software to allow several users to work on the same spreadsheet data using server-side change management.
» BugdetMedia: Xlquotes Open in a new browser window
   Allows users to download stock prices from Yahoo Finance into Microsoft Excel. The site has English and German language versions and a manual.
» Business Functions Open in a new browser window
   Excel functions for projecting costs and revenues, coping with time periods and growth.
» Business Spreadsheets Open in a new browser window
   Sells templates designed for project management, business analysis, investment and option valuation, multiple regression forecasting, portfolio monitoring and optimization.
» C2 Estimator Open in a new browser window
   Construction add-on to Excel for quantity surveying or cost estimating. Free download.
» CDX Technologies: CDXZipStream Open in a new browser window
   Provides zip code analysis tools including distance calculations, codes within a given radius, reverse look-ups, address verification and geo-coding. Website includes product features, FAQs, pricing, and a 30 day trial.
» DJI Computer Solutions Open in a new browser window
   Proposes applications for personal finances, golf, scheduling, tax calculations and task management.
» DPlot Open in a new browser window
   Offers graphing software for scientists and engineers, with the facility to import data from Excel.
» Daniel's XL Toolbox Open in a new browser window
   Free, open-source add-in for Excel providing data analysis and presentation functions. Site includes the developer's blog and a German language version of the whole site.
» Data Manager Open in a new browser window
   Transforms Excel into a fully functional database. Allows you to convert worksheets into tables and conduct queries within the Excel environment.
» DataSafeXL Ltd Open in a new browser window
   Provides software to obfuscate Excel VBA code. Website includes the software download, demonstration video and details of their consultancy and training business.
» DatabilioSuite.com Open in a new browser window
   Provides data conversion tools allowing the extraction of data from text reports in Excel.
» DealMaven Open in a new browser window
   Provides tools to gather, analyze, check and present quantitative data. Presentation of the company and its products and FAQs.
» Decision Models' FastExcel Open in a new browser window
   Professional spreadsheet consultant has developed FastExcel to help run Spreadsheets quicker. FastExcel provides analysis and helpful solutions to potential spreadsheet problems.
» Decision Toolworks Open in a new browser window
   San Francisco based software company providing several different add-ins in the areas of decision tree diagrams, sensitivity analysis and Monte Carlo simulations. Website also includes sample chapters from a book about decision analysis with Excel.
» DiffEngineX Open in a new browser window
   Software to compare Excel spreadsheets and highlight the differences with color. Options exist to hide matching rows revealing just the differing ones. Site includes news, screenshots, full features list, and trial version download.
» DigDB Open in a new browser window
   Proposes a tool for difficult data manipulations.
» Dutchcode Open in a new browser window
   Timeslider adds the third dimension of time to your spreadsheets
» Edgeseeker Open in a new browser window
   Free software that downloads stock and company data from the popular Internet sources such as Yahoo and Google Finance. Website includes screen-shots and a manual.
» Enventra Open in a new browser window
   Produces MoboCalc which supports pen input for Excel on tablet PCs through a custom Excel tablet input panel. Features natural maths notation and function shortcuts in formulas.
» Excel Business Solutions Open in a new browser window
   Provides several VBA add-ins in the areas of finance and statistics. The source code is unprotected for educational purposes.
» Excel Magic Open in a new browser window
   Provides custom solutions and assets and inventory control programs. Presentation of the company, demonstrations of the programs and contact information.
» Excel Password Remover Open in a new browser window
   Add-in that removes passwords, with certain limits. Postcard-ware.
» Excel Planet Open in a new browser window
   Multiple utilities such as a graphical calendar and a tool to spot duplicates in lists.
» Excel Quick Search Open in a new browser window
   Tool which extends Excel's search facilities.
» Excel Unit Conversion Open in a new browser window
   Add-in offering unit conversion, dimensional analysis and definition of engineering and periodic table constants. Website includes demonstration videos.
» ExcelCalcs Open in a new browser window
   Displays Excel formulae as mathematical equations.
» ExcelEverywhere Open in a new browser window
   Converts a spreadsheet to an HTML page with formulas translated to javascript. Provides a FAQ, online ordering and company information.
» ExcelSavvy Open in a new browser window
   Software to discover spreadsheet errors, help with auditing and understand complex models.
» ExcelSentry Open in a new browser window
   Encrypts spreadsheets allowing normal operations only for authorized users.
» Excelential Open in a new browser window
   Changes And Trends Software offers a product which allows you to see the important parts of your spreadsheets on a dashboard.
» EzForecaster Open in a new browser window
   A business forecasting add-in for Microsoft Excel.
» Fas Formulas Open in a new browser window
   Proposes spreadsheets configured with interactive formulas in many different subject areas.
» FlowBreeze Open in a new browser window
   Provides an add-in that converts text into flowcharts. Website includes templates, demonstration videos and a help file.
» Frontline Systems Open in a new browser window
   The company that developed the basic solver offers the Premium Solver. Provides download, online ordering, company information and a tutorial.
» GamesExcel Open in a new browser window
   Collection of games for Excel.
» HayaHaya Flow Open in a new browser window
   Add-in to allow the creation of flowcharts describing algorithms, organizational charts etc. Website contains an instructional video, a purchase page and system requirements.
» IPredict Open in a new browser window
   Time-series predictions using Bayesian algorithms and Wavelet analysis.
» Jabsoft Open in a new browser window
   Proposes formatting and financial tools. Presentation of the company and the products, online support. In Peru.
» Knowledge Dynamics Open in a new browser window
   Turns Excel workbooks into interactive web applications.
» Leaning Birch Software Open in a new browser window
   DiagramEX provides a graphical user interface for the entry and modification of Excel formulae.
» Lindo Systems Open in a new browser window
   What's Best allows the creation of optimization models in Excel. It solves linear, nonlinear and integer programming problems.
» Lumenaut Open in a new browser window
   Monte Carlo, Decision Tree and Statistics add-in for risk analysis
» MSDN: Isolating Microsoft Office Extensions with the COM Shim Wizard Version 2.3 Open in a new browser window
   Software developers can isolate managed add-ins using this free COM Shim Wizard.
» Macabacus Open in a new browser window
   Provides keyboard shortcuts designed for use by members of the financial community.
» MacroRunner Open in a new browser window
   Automates the process of running Excel macros.
» Mapland Open in a new browser window
   Spreadsheet mapping software that allows you to chart Excel data on a map.
» Moverve Open in a new browser window
   UK company providing Isolist for data matching and reconciliation.
» NEKO to Excel Open in a new browser window
   Proposes free games for Excel, developed with VBA.
» Navigator Utilities Open in a new browser window
   Eases navigating through complex spreadsheets. Provides company and purchasing information, free demo and a presentation of the product.
» NodeXL Open in a new browser window
   Provides an Excel 2007 template allowing the display and analysis of network graphs. Can import graphs from a variety of formats.
» O2Olap Open in a new browser window
   Offers data analysis and reporting tools for budgeting and forecasting. Proposes consulting services. In London, UK.
» Oak Focus Software Open in a new browser window
   QueryCell allows you to query Excel data using SQL. Website includes screenshots, tutorials and articles.
» PATools Data Toolkit Open in a new browser window
   Add-in for manipulating and analysing data.
» Palo Open in a new browser window
   Open Source OLAP software ideal for budgeting and forecasting
» Phraseswapper Open in a new browser window
   A utility that aids with translation and cleanup of Excel spreadsheets. It captures and lists all words in the spreadsheet, allowing the user to globally substitute alternate words.
» PrecisionCalc Open in a new browser window
   Allows mathematical formulae to provide much more precise results, use of larger and smaller numbers and eliminates binary conversion errors.
» Project KickStart Open in a new browser window
   Project management add-in. Link to Excel for adding detail, sorting, filtering, and sharing data.
» Quick Excel Open in a new browser window
   This add-in provides a simple, ergonomic way to enter data.
» SBS Development Open in a new browser window
   XL-DBQuery is an alternative to Microsoft Query and allows you to query and analyse your data.
» SQL Drill Open in a new browser window
   Freeware which can be used to connect to and import from ODBC compliant databases.
» SQL*XL Links Excel to Oracle Open in a new browser window
   Adds a menu item to Excel through which SQL can be submitted to Oracle. Full featured and allows bulk inserts/updates, PL/SQL, VBA.
» ScanXLS Open in a new browser window
   This tool by Systems Modelling finds the spreadsheets on your network and their links/dependencies. Addresses Sarbanes-Oxley concerns.
» SimulAr Open in a new browser window
   Provides Monte Carlo simulation software for the risk analysis of decisions. Their license states users must email SimulAr with models developed using their tool.
» SmartChart XP Open in a new browser window
   Provides a flow chart generator. Site includes samples, instructional videos and a choice between English and German language versions.
» SolveXL Open in a new browser window
   Single and multiple-objective genetic algorithms optimization add-in for Microsoft Excel.
» Sovereign NewZealand Open in a new browser window
   Provide an improved GoalSeek algorithm. Site includes a download link and a comparison between the capabilities of their algorithm with the ones developed by Microsoft and Lotus.
» Spheresoft Open in a new browser window
   Proposes the Modeler and the Highlighter tools.
» Spinnaker Software Solutions Open in a new browser window
   Add-ins for Microsoft Excel. Downloadable shareware and freeware: Spinnaker Screens, Alerts, Strings, Functions, Merges, Columns, Extracts, Passwords, Fuel Tax Program, Image Wizard, Statistics and Prints.
» Spreadsheet Advantage Open in a new browser window
   Provides utilities including those to compare, analyse, map and track down the sources of circularities in spreadsheets.
» Spreadsheet Detective Open in a new browser window
   Provide reporting and error auditing tools, including ones to show how formulae have been copied, follow precedent/dependent relationships, compare workbooks and manipulate named ranges.
» Spreadsheet Innovations Ltd Open in a new browser window
   Provides development tools for building, testing, documenting and using spreadsheets. Presentation of the company and its product, contact and purchasing information. In the UK.
» Spreadsheet Tools Open in a new browser window
   LockXLS protects VBA and spreadsheet formulae from reverse engineering and provides trial period functionality.
» The Spreadsheet Store Open in a new browser window
   Free help, a forum and templates for a wide variety of purposes including stock market, real estate and financial statement evaluation, invoicing and personal finance.
» Trace Open in a new browser window
   Draws dependency graphs/diagrams to depict relationships between cells in Excel. Use this tool for spreadsheet auditing, mathematical modeling, and other calculations. Trace is freeware.
» User Solutions Open in a new browser window
   Solutions for scheduling, material control, graphing and time sheets.
» World Clock Open in a new browser window
   File shows the local times in the USA, the UK and Japan relative to GMT and 4 different time zones, including Los Angeles, Ohio and Europe (GMT+1).
» XLCubed Open in a new browser window
   Provides access to SQL Server Analysis Services to manipulate business data directly in a spreadsheet. Presentation of the company and its technology. In the UK.
» XLStatistics Open in a new browser window
   Set of workbooks for statistical analysis of data. All working and code is visible. Freeware version available.
» XMLtoXLS Open in a new browser window
   Allows XML data to be imported into Excel.
» ZRandom Open in a new browser window
   Provides a Mersenne Twister pseudo-random number generator. It can be used from its menu, VBA code and in formulae.
» Zementis ADAPA Open in a new browser window
   Predictive analytics add-in allows scoring of data and the execution of complex statistical models. Links exist to the same software as a service and running outside of Excel.
» xl-IQ Interactive Excel Training Open in a new browser window
   Add-in that teaches you how to use Excel through its user-interface.

Category Editor: martinarain

Last Updated: 2009-01-21 05:27:31

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