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B (75) Categories:
» Bavisoft Software
Develops software for the blind and visually impaired. Offers FAQ, product information, and technical support. http://www.bavisoft.com/ » BigWorld Technology
Australian computer games developer. Includes 3D client, advanced load-balancing server and world building tools. http://www.bigworldtech.com » Bit Managers
Official site of Game Boy Advance developers. Company and game information. http://www.bitmanagers.com/ » Black Dragon Productions
Producer of adult computer games including Riana Rouge. http://www.blackdragon.com/ » Blitz Games Studios
An independent console game developer based in the UK. Titles include Karaoke Revolution American Idol (Xbox 360, PS2, PS3, Wii), Spongebob and Bratz games (PS2 & Wii), BK Games (Xbox 360), Frogger 2 (PSX), Glover (N64). http://www.blitzgamesstudios.com/ » Blue Planet Software
Computer and video game developer. Sole agent of the Tetris brand. http://www.blueplanetsoftware.com/ » Broadsword Interactive Ltd
Designs and produces computer software for the Computer and console games industry, screen savers, web design and 3d modelled illustrations for the advertising sector. http://www.broadsword.demon.co.uk/ » The Bitmap Brothers
Game developer of titles such as Z: Steel Soldiers, Speedball Arena, Speedball 2100, Cadaver, Chaos Engine, Chaos Engine 2, Gods, Magic Pockets, Xenon, Xenon 2: Megablast, and Xenon 2000: Project PCF. http://www.bitmap-brothers.co.uk/ This category needs an editor
Last Updated: 2007-01-02 21:40:21
The content of this directory is based on the Open Directory and has been modified by AllMusicSearch.com editors |