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Conditions and Diseases (50)


See Also:

» A New Vaccine Against Enteritidis Salmonella Open in a new browser window
   Javier Ochoa Reparaz undertook research at the University of Navarre into the development of an acellular vaccine against Salmonella enteritidis.
» A Study of Borrelia anserina Infection (Spirochetosis) in Turkeys Open in a new browser window
   Research paper on this subject by Ethel McNeil, W. R. Hinshaw, and R. E. Kissling.
» Aspergillosis Open in a new browser window
   Information on this fungal disease of birds. Description of the fungus and its mode of action, its transmission, symptoms, prevention, treatment and diagnosis.
» Avian Disease Fact Sheet Open in a new browser window
   Signs of health and disease in poultry, disease diagnosis, parasites, and nutritional deficiencies. From Virginia State University.
» Avian Reovirus Infections Open in a new browser window
   Provides information on the diseases caused by this group of viruses, their diagnosis and prevention.
» Bacterial and Viral Diseases Open in a new browser window
   Provides a brief description of the more common diseases of poultry, their symptoms, treatment and control.
» Blackhead Open in a new browser window
   Provides information on this disease, its cause, symptoms, the species affected, transmission, diagnosis, treatment and control.
» Blackhead Disease Open in a new browser window
   Information from Wikipedia on this important disease that affects chickens, turkeys and other poultry caused by the protozoan parasite Histomonas meleagridis.
» Blackhead in Turkeys: Questions and Answers Open in a new browser window
   Provides information on this disease in the UK and the products available for treatment.
» Botulism Open in a new browser window
   Provides information on this disease caused by the ingestion of a toxin produced by the Clostridium botulinum bacterium, and how it affects poultry.
» Chronic Respiratory Disease Open in a new browser window
   Provides information on this disease usually caused by Mycoplasma gallisepticum, its incidence, transmission, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and control.
» Common External Parasites in Poultry: Lice and Mites Open in a new browser window
   Provides information on these parasites, their life cycles, the flock symptoms and possible treatments.
» Disease Factsheet: Newcastle Disease Open in a new browser window
   Information from DEFRA on this notifiable disease, its clinical signs, lesions visible at post mortem, the legislation covering outbreaks and the disease control strategy adopted in the UK.
» Duck Plague Open in a new browser window
   Information from Wikipedia on this disease, also called duck viral enteritis, which causes high mortality in ducks.
» Egg Binding Open in a new browser window
   Provides information on this condition which is caused by the hen being unable to lay an extra large egg, and what can be done about it.
» Egg-laying Disorders Open in a new browser window
   Explains the egg laying process and some of the things that can go wrong.
» Eye Disorders of Poultry Open in a new browser window
   Article on ammonia toxicity and other causes of eye problems in the flock.
» Factors to Consider in Serologic Testing for Mycoplasma gallisepticum and Mycoplasma synoviae Open in a new browser window
   Article by G. D. Butcher, DVM, of the University of Florida Cooperative Extension.
» Fowl Cholera Open in a new browser window
   Information on this contagious bacterial disease, also called avian pasteurellosis, caused by Pasteurella multocida, and the diagnostic techniques used for identification of the agent.
» Gallid Herpesvirus 1 Open in a new browser window
   Information from Wikipedia on avian infectious laryngotracheitis which is caused by this virus and affects chickens, and sometimes pheasants.
» Gapeworm Open in a new browser window
   Information from Wikipedia on this parasitic nematode worm which is common in young, domesticated chickens and turkeys.
» Impacted Crop Open in a new browser window
   Provides information on this condition, the symptoms, prevention and treatment, with the help of a diagram of the hen’s digestive system.
» Infectious Bronchitis Open in a new browser window
   IB is a disease that mainly affects chickens. Information on the disease, its prevention and control, and the use of vaccines to protect the flock.
» Infectious Bronchitis and Its Effect on Egg Production and Egg Quality Open in a new browser window
   Article by Gary D. Butcher and Richard Miles at the University of Florida Cooperative Extension.
» Infectious Bursal Disease (Gumboro) in Commercial Broilers Open in a new browser window
   Provides information on this acute and highly contagious viral infection of immature chickens, its symptoms, diagnosis, prevention and control.
» Infectious Laryngotracheitis (ILT) Open in a new browser window
   Provides information on this disease, its cause, symptoms, transmission, diagnosis, treatment and control.
» Less Common External Parasites in Poultry Open in a new browser window
   Provides information on chiggers, stick-tight fleas, fowl ticks and scaly-leg mites, describes the flock symptoms and outlines possible treatments.
» Marek's Disease Open in a new browser window
   Provides information on this disease caused by a herpes virus, its symptoms, spread, treatment and prevention.
» Marek's Disease in Chickens Open in a new browser window
   This disease is caused by a herpes virus and is sometimes called fowl paralysis. This article outlines the means of spread, the signs, lesions and prevention.
» Molting and Other Causes of Feather Loss in Small Poultry Flocks Open in a new browser window
   This article provides information on the feathering process, what causes feather loss and what to do about it.
» Mycoplasma Gallisepticum: A Continuing Problem in Commercial Poultry Open in a new browser window
   Article by Gary D. Butcher, DVM of the University of Florida Cooperative Extension.
» Poultry Diseases Open in a new browser window
   Provides information on the symptoms and treatment of a variety of viral and bacterial diseases.
» Poultry Diseases Network Open in a new browser window
   Find a diagnostic guide, photo gallery, discussion forum, glossary, news, and about the industry.
» Poultry Fungal Diseases Open in a new browser window
   Provides information on the symptoms and treatment of aspergillosis, mycotoxicosis and moniliasis.
» Poultry: Causes for Fatty Liver Hemorrhagic Syndrome Open in a new browser window
   Provides information on this condition of fowls which is caused by high levels of dietary energy.
» Poultry: Parasitic Diseases Open in a new browser window
   Provides information on a number of parasitic diseases both internal and external, the life history of the parasite and its control.
» Poultry: Protozoan Diseases Open in a new browser window
   Provides information on coccidiosis, blackhead (histomoniasis, enterohepatitis) and hexamitiasis (infectious catarrhal enteritis).
» Poultry: Viral diseases Open in a new browser window
   Provides information on avian pox, Newcastle disease, infectious bronchitis, quail bronchitis, lymphoid leukosis, Marek's disease and infectious bursal disease.
» Prevention and Control of Fowl Pox in Backyard Chicken Flocks Open in a new browser window
   Article describing the simple precautions that can be taken to avoid this disease.
» Prevention of Blackhead in Turkeys Open in a new browser window
   Information on this disease caused by the protozoan Histomonas meleagridis. Biosecurity is the key to prevention in the UK as there are no authorised treatments.
» Respiratory Diseases Open in a new browser window
   The American Poultry Association provides information on several infectious diseases, the incubation periods and length of treatment.
» Salmonella Can Cause Poorer Eggshell Quality Open in a new browser window
   The USDA Agricultural Research Service provides information and news about scientific research.
» Sinus and Eye Infection in Chickens Open in a new browser window
   Some advice from PoultryHelp.com.
» Spraddle Legs Open in a new browser window
   Photographs and information from PoultryHelp.com about this condition of new hatched chicks.
» Summary of Avian Diseases: Fungal, Nutritional. Tumors, Parasites and Miscellaneous Open in a new browser window
   Veterinary information on a number of diseases including occurrence, signs, morbidity, mortality, diagnosis, prevention and treatment.
» UK National Control Programme for Salmonella in Breeding Flocks Open in a new browser window
   DEFRA provides a voluntary code of practice covering the prevention of the introduction of infection to the flock, the daily routine of hygiene and husbandry, and end of cycle routines.
» UK National Control Programme for Salmonella in Chickens Reared for Meat on Farm Open in a new browser window
   DEFRA provides a voluntary code of practice covering the prevention of the introduction of infection to the farm and monitoring the Salmonella status of the flock.
» UK National Control Programme for Salmonella in Layers Open in a new browser window
   DEFRA provides a voluntary code of practice covering the prevention of the introduction of infection to the flock, monitoring the Salmonella status of the flock and cleaning and disinfection after depopulation.
» UK National Control Programme for Salmonella in Turkeys Open in a new browser window
   DEFRA provides information on current regulations for the prevention and control of Salmonella infection in flocks.
» Viral Diseases Open in a new browser window
   The American Poultry Association provides information on several infectious diseases, the incubation periods and length of treatment.

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Last Updated: 2010-01-15 05:51:39

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