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Chronic Illness (49)


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» A Day in a Life with Chronic Illness Open in a new browser window
   A personal account of daily events aims to promote better understanding.
» Biotoxin Illness Open in a new browser window
   Ritchie Shoemaker, MD and his research team share new peer-reviewed medical research and clinical treatment protocols along with an online screening test for biotoxin illnesses such as CFIDS, Fibro and Lyme.
» Center for Research on Chronic Illness Open in a new browser window
   Current research by the Carolina School of Nursing, pilot projects, publications on specific diseases as well as in general on preventing and managing chronic illness in vulnerable people.
» Chronic Disease Management Open in a new browser window
   British Columbia resources for physicians, patients and researchers. Includes success stories, self-management program, reports, research and Chronic Care Model.
» Chronic Disease Prevention Open in a new browser window
   Overview by National Center (USA) offers statistics, state programs, risk surveillance and risk factors per state.
» Chronic Disease: Forming Healthy Relationships Open in a new browser window
   Advice for doctors and health workers on treatment and support of chronic ill patients.
» Chronic Disease: Prevention and Management Open in a new browser window
   Calgary Health Region to host its second international conference from October 29 to November 1, 2007. Registration opens October 2006.
» Chronic Illness Open in a new browser window
   Journal providing a forum in which researchers from a wide range of disciplines, clinicians, policy makers, and people living with chronic illness come together to clarify the common principles underlying the experience and management of chronic illness.
» Chronic Illness Alliance Inc. Open in a new browser window
   A representative body for Australian organizations. Promotes details of campaigns and activities, and offers news, articles and information.
» Chronic Illness Coping Open in a new browser window
   Lists articles including lessons from Christopher Reeve, treatment of whole person, psychological control, and coping techniques.
» Chronic Illness Tips Open in a new browser window
   A personal account of strategies for daily living.
» Chronic Illness: Acceptance Is the First Step Toward Healing Open in a new browser window
   Short description of the day to day acceptance process.
» Coping with Chronic Illness Open in a new browser window
   Offers links to patient information and publications by the National Institutes of Health.
» Diet, Nutrition and the Prevention of Chronic Diseases Open in a new browser window
   Combined World Health Organization and Food and Agriculture Organization expert report on prevention of obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, dental diseases and osteoporosis.
» Guidance for People Facing Serious Illness Open in a new browser window
   Handbook gives short, practical advice how to handle serious illness and dying.
» Health Action Network Open in a new browser window
   A volunteer non-profit organization helping to rehabilitate people with chronic mental or physical illness into the community. Includes details of training and resources.
» Health Issues Unmasked Open in a new browser window
   A weblog dedicated to exploring the issues behind the diagnoses, the statistics, and behind the headlines on chronic illness, health policy, and complementary and alternative medicine. By a journalist, Jacqueline L. Jones.
» Household Management Questions for Others with Chronic Illness Open in a new browser window
   Practical advice on adjusting expectations, cleaning, time management and recommended books. Short thread in The New Homemaker.
» Illness, Disability and Social Inclusion Open in a new browser window
   Evaluates policies on education, social security, employment, anti-discrimination, and independence. From the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions.
» Improving Chronic Illness Care Open in a new browser window
   Research and resources, including a model to promote interaction between patient and care givers. Essential elements are the community, self-management support, decision support and clinical information systems.
» It's Your Life Open in a new browser window
   E-book on chronic disease management available for free online reading or download.
» Learning to Cope with Chronic Illness Open in a new browser window
   Practical advice to patients and significant others.
» Learning to Live with a Chronic Condition Open in a new browser window
   Patient advice on communication with the health team, deciding on a treatment plan, and minimizing costs. From the Lifepath Information Series.
» Living with Chronic Illness Open in a new browser window
   Personal advice on making adjustments and maintaining hope.
» Living with Chronic Illness and Disease Open in a new browser window
   Personal perspective on living with chronic disease. Articles cover getting through each day, relaxations, tips, work, stories.
» Living with Long Term Illness Open in a new browser window
   Tips and ideas on dealing with a chronic condition in daily life. Personal site.
» Managing Long Term Conditions (Chronic Disease Management) Open in a new browser window
   A National Primary and Care Trust Development Funds program aimed to produce personalized care plans involving all medical and associated disciplines. No longer updated, it still contains valuable information for health care professionals.
» Managing your Chronic Illness Open in a new browser window
   British Columbia's patient information with links to programs.
» Next steps after your diagnosis: finding information and support Open in a new browser window
   Consumer health information for people with a disease or chronic condition on how to obtain reliable treatment information by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (USA).
» Palliative Care Council of South Australia Open in a new browser window
   Resources to comfort, relieve pain and distress for people who are dying, and to support parents, families and friends in approaching death and healing grief.
» Patient Self-Management - Chronic Disease Care Open in a new browser window
   Overview of research and publications showing evidence patient self-management interventions lead to improved health status, increased patient satisfaction and reductions in hospital and emergency room costs, listed by the Californian Health Care Foundati
» Poem, Pain Management, Chronic Illness Open in a new browser window
   Poem about coping with pain using relaxation and imagery.
» Preventing Chronic Disease: Public Health Research, Practice and Policy Open in a new browser window
   A peer-reviewed Journal by the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion in the United States. Contains essays, original research, special topics, case studies. Also available as PDF.
» Preventing Disability in the Elderly With Chronic Disease Open in a new browser window
   Discusses outcome of patient self management program. Education and lifestyle changes improve health, preserve functions and reduce costs. Also in PDF (published in 2002).
» Report of the Working Group on Long-Term Care Open in a new browser window
   US Department of Labor, Advisory Council Report to recommend policy changes and education on broad scope of findings.
» Stanford Self-Management Programs Open in a new browser window
   Center develops, evaluates, and disseminates community-based, peer-led, programs for people with all kinds of chronic diseases. Part of School of Medicine, Stanford University, California.
» Ten Steps for Coping with a Chronic Condition Open in a new browser window
   Harvard Health Publication Letter. Patient oriented advice.
» Yoga For Chronic Illness Open in a new browser window
   Article explains how yoga helps to maintain and restore health by stretching and breathing.

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Last Updated: 2010-08-16 04:47:11

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