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Organizations (37)

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» Association of Greater Cincinnati for Down Syndrome Open in a new browser window
   Information on the programs they offer, and upcoming events.
» Central Illinois Down Syndrome Organization (CIDSO) Open in a new browser window
   Includes a list of the organization's goals, and information about their library and events.
» Colorado Springs Down Syndrome Association Open in a new browser window
   Information about the organization as well as the disease. Includes membership, events, a photo album, articles and links.
» Connecticut Down Syndrome Congress Open in a new browser window
   Dedicated to improving the lives of persons with Down syndrome. Includes information on scholarships, and resources.
» DSAOC- Down Syndrome Association of Orange County Open in a new browser window
   Down Syndrome Association of Orange County, based in Santa Ana, California.
» Down Syndrome Association of Central New Jersey Open in a new browser window
   Providing support, information, resources and education. Offers monthly meetings, newsletter and social activities.
» Down Syndrome Association of Greater New Orleans Open in a new browser window
   Has photo gallery and a list of the association's board members.
» Down Syndrome Association of Greater St. Louis Open in a new browser window
   Education, events and information for people interested in helping with Down syndrome awareness in St. Louis Missouri. Includes events, forums and alerts.
» Down Syndrome Association of Jacksonville Open in a new browser window
   DSAJ is a non-profit organization providing awareness and education and helping individuals with this condition reach their full potential. Includes information and details of events and activities.
» Down Syndrome Association of NSW Australia Open in a new browser window
   Articles, newsletters, stories and photos for people with Down syndrome, their families, friends, educators and health care professionals.
» Down Syndrome Association of Toronto Open in a new browser window
   Information on education and health as it relates to Down Syndrome.
» Down Syndrome Association of Virginia Peninsula Open in a new browser window
   Organization for families and individuals with down syndrome. providing new parent packets, community awareness, social gatherings, advocacy and informational workshops for parents and professionals.
» Down Syndrome Association of the Lowcountry Open in a new browser window
   Offering support meetings, information for new parents and calendars of events.
» Down Syndrome Catalana Foundation Open in a new browser window
   Non profit foundation in Spain offering support, services and training.
» Down Syndrome Centre, Ireland Open in a new browser window
   An online community which has been developed to provide families and those involved in the care of people with Down syndrome with access to a support network and up-to-date information on national and international news and developments relating to Down s
» Down Syndrome Guild of Greater Kansas City Open in a new browser window
   KCDSG seeks to provide the entire community with information and education to broaden awareness and foster positive attitudes regarding people with Down syndrome. Includes activities, and how you can help.
» Down Syndrome International Open in a new browser window
   International federation of Down Syndrome organizations, seeking funds to assist people with Down syndrome in less developed countries.
» Down Syndrome Research Foundation Open in a new browser window
   Information on the Antioxidant Research Project and raising funds for it. Includes news, health issues, research, events, education, alternate therapies and contact details.
» Down Syndrome Research Foundation and Resource Centre Open in a new browser window
   Articles on psychological, social, and physical development, also on health issues. Research project reports and summaries.
» Down Syndrome Research Online Advocacy Group Open in a new browser window
   Information on clinical, biomedical, and scientific research into Down syndrome.
» Down Syndrome Research and Treatment Foundation Open in a new browser window
   Funding biomedical research that will accelerate the development of treatments to significantly improve cognition (i.e. learning, memory, and speech) for individuals with Down syndrome. Details about DSRTF, about DS and news.
» Down Syndrome Society of Kenya Open in a new browser window
   Aims to educate, inform and lobby for the welfare and advancement of the 40,000 people in Kenya living with this condition. Includes details of services, events and resources.
» Down's Heart Group Open in a new browser window
   Parent friendly support and information relating to heart conditions associated with Down Syndrome. Includes news, contact information and links.
» Eastern Pennsylvania Down Syndrome Center Open in a new browser window
   Non-profit organization proving medical support and consultation to persons with Down syndrome and their families. Information about services, staff, and volunteers, FAQs, and special events.
» Grand Strand Down Syndrome Society Open in a new browser window
   Offering parental support meetings, information on upcoming local events and an information for new parents.
» Hawkeye Area Down Syndrome Association Open in a new browser window
   The organizations' goals, and also how to get on the MR Waiver List.
» International Mosaic Down Syndrome Association Open in a new browser window
   Provides information and support for people with this condition and their families.
» Jane and Richard Thomas Center for Down Syndrome Services Open in a new browser window
   Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center offers innovative approaches to caring for children with Down Syndrome.
» Michiana Down Syndrome Open in a new browser window
   Down Syndrome Family Support and Advocacy Group of Michiana is a non profit serving Northern Indiana and South West Michigan. They serve people with Down Syndrome and their families by offering education, advocacy, research, and fellowship.
» Mile High Down Syndrome Association Open in a new browser window
   Has a section on research, as well as examples of the Kids 'R Kids calendar.
» NDSC, National Down Syndrome Congress Open in a new browser window
   Provides information, resources, support, and education, as well as teaching advocacy and networking opportunities.
» National Association for Down Syndrome Open in a new browser window
   In Chicago. Includes a bulletin board.
» National Down Syndrome Society Open in a new browser window
   Not-for-profit organization supporting research in the United States. Includes details of education and advocacy programs.
» Northern New England Down Syndrome Congress Open in a new browser window
   Non-profit organization of families, professionals, and others who are interested in sharing knowledge and the experience of Down Syndrome.
» Riverbend Down Syndrome Parent Support Group Open in a new browser window
   Resources and abstracts for parents and professionals on communication, early intervention, therapies, medicine, literacy, medical issues, mathematics, vitamins and other supplements.
» Sharing Down Syndrome Arizona Open in a new browser window
   Has a listing of Down Syndrome events in their area, also many poems and stories.
» The Down Syndrome Educational Trust Open in a new browser window
   Based in the United Kingdom. Working to advance the development and education of individuals with Down syndrome

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Last Updated: 2007-05-24 14:06:31

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