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Education (163)


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» Accrediting Bureau of Health Education (ABHES) Open in a new browser window
   Recognized by the US Department of Education as an accrediting agency of post-secondary institutions and programs primarily in the allied health field. School listings, links to resources, and reports.
» Allied Health Sciences- Rochester Institute of Technology Open in a new browser window
   Describes the programs offered for allied health, classes, faculty and staff. Includes a calendar of events, news and links.
» American Career College Open in a new browser window
   Provides courses in several allied health fields, with details of programs, staff, admissions procedures, and employment opportunities. California.
» American Institute of Health Sciences Open in a new browser window
   A school in Long Beach that offers courses in Pharmacy Technician, Research Medical Assistant, and clinical research.
» American Seminar Institute Open in a new browser window
   Continuing medical and dental education courses available worldwide throughout the year.
» CEUonline Open in a new browser window
   Provides courses for RNs, LPNs, CRNAs, home health aides, accupunturists, and Licensed Massage Therapists. Includes list of programs and online ordering.
» CME Meetings Open in a new browser window
   Provides continuing medical education for medical, legal, and dental professionals. All CME, CLE, and CDE courses are fully accredited.
» CNI College Open in a new browser window
   Provides training and placement to students who wish to pursue occupations in the health care industry.
» Carolinas College of Health Sciences Open in a new browser window
   Programs in medical technology, nursing, radiologic technology, surgical technology,phlebotomy, and individual, general education classes. Information about schedules and application information are offered.
» Center for Phlebotomy Education Open in a new browser window
   An educational resource for those who perform, teach and supervise phlebotomy. Offering conferences, workshops, posters and literature and expert witness services.
» Children's Hospital Medical Center of Cincinnati Open in a new browser window
   Continuing education for healthcare professionals. A list of educational events intended for healthcare professionals through the Ohio State Medical Association.
» Clarian Health Education Center Open in a new browser window
   Information on training and education for allied health professions in Indianapolis, Indiana.
» Education Resources, Inc Open in a new browser window
   Source for educational seminars for physical therapists, occupational therapists, speech language pathologists. (Medfield, MA)
» Eventmed UK Ltd - Training & Development beyond First-Aid Open in a new browser window
   Provides training in all aspects of emergency medicine for doctors, nurses, paramedics, fire-fighters, police and off-shore workers.
» Fondation PH Open in a new browser window
   Swiss organization providing health education and training for the countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia.
» Great Lakes Institute Career Training and Development Open in a new browser window
   Offering career training in dental, medical and veterinary assisting, surgical technology, massage therapy and cosmetology professions. (Erie, Pennsylvania)
» Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts Open in a new browser window
   Offers ultrasound technician, medical assistant, and phlebotomist programs. Includes academic requirements, program information, and fees. San Mateo, California.
» Hall of Health Open in a new browser window
   A community health-education museum and science center dedicated to promoting wellness and individual responsibility for health.
» Health Education Professional Resources Open in a new browser window
   Information about the health education profession and resources to facilitate health education practice.
» Hospice, Palliative, and Home Care Speakers Bureau Open in a new browser window
   Professional, seasoned, and successful speakers all of whom have been published. Speaker provides a clear contract, including handouts required for CEU's and CME's.
» ISC - Division Of Wellness Open in a new browser window
   Provides medical seminars, health publications, and health products in areas such as nutrition, exercise, preventive medicine, massage therapy, and sports medicine.
» Institute for Caregiver Education, Inc. Open in a new browser window
   The Institute provides continuing education and professional development for healthcare managers, a variety of basic education, ESL, and job skills training for long term care employees. (PA)
» Inter-Face International Open in a new browser window
   Offers resources (training, consulting and publications) to build cultural and linguistic competency in today's diverse healthcare environment.
» Jel Health Education Open in a new browser window
   Offers educational packages for paraprofessional workers. Includes catalog, package components, and fee schedule.
» LTU Healthcare Open in a new browser window
   Offers seminars and online courses in case management, quality management, and end of life care. Includes seminar schedules, list of courses, and list of authors.
» Life Support Services, Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Offers a variety of educational and consulting services for health care professionals and institutions.
» Long Term Care Education Open in a new browser window
   Learn about continuing education units, college courses, key books and publications, and state by state requirements for nursing home and assisted living administration.
» Med-Ed Seminars Open in a new browser window
   Offers continuing education seminars on-site and throughout the United States for nurses, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, nurse anesthetists, and respiratory therapists. Includes lists by title and location, bookstore, and faculty qualification
» Medical Education Cooperation with Cuba Open in a new browser window
   Offers elective experiences in Cuba for students in the health sciences working towards academic degrees in the United States and Canada.
» National Association of Health Science Education Partnership Open in a new browser window
   A non-profit educational partnership program devoted to improving pre-college (K-12) health and science education.
» National Consortium on Health Science and Technology Education Open in a new browser window
   A national partnership with a vested interest in health science and technology education. Purpose is to stimulate creative and innovative leadership for ensuring a well prepared health care workforce
» North-West College of Dental and Medical Assistants Open in a new browser window
   Accredited school for medical and dental assistant, pharmacy technician, medical receptionist, optometric technician, nursing assistant and other related fields. Four locations in California.
» PCI Health Training Center Open in a new browser window
   Information about the programs for medical and psychiatric assistant training. Offer details on financial aid, links and request information. Located in Dallas, Texas.
» Physical and Occupational Therapy Seminars Open in a new browser window
   Seminars given by Patrick Hoban, PT, ATC.
» ProSport Open in a new browser window
   Continuing education for sports chiropractors, physical therapists, and doctors through classes and seminars.
» Professional Travel Abroad Open in a new browser window
   Worldwide CME travel programs for physicians, health care professionals, their families and friends. Tour and educational program highlights and destination information.
» Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions Open in a new browser window
   Providing Master's and Doctoral education to Allied Health Professionals using a distance learning model. (Provo, Utah)
» Sanford-Brown Institute Open in a new browser window
   Private, career-oriented postsecondary learning institution offering highly focused, high quality, short-term, programs in a variety of healthcare fields.
» Seasons Geriatric Care Management Open in a new browser window
   Continuing education provider for nursing home administrators and other healthcare professionals. Includes list of seminars.
» Southwest Seminars Open in a new browser window
   Offers seminars for a variety of healthcare professionals. Includes fee schedule, registration information, updates, and policies.
» Synermed Communications Open in a new browser window
   Collaborations with CME Sponsors and medical organizations in the development and distribution of customized, continuing education programs for physicians, pharmacists, nurses, and other healthcare professionals.
» The Dogwood Institute, Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Located in Atlanta, Georgia, offers over 250 continuing education courses for the healthcare profession throughout the United States each year.
» The Michener Institute for Applied Health Sciences Open in a new browser window
   Post secondary educational institution which offers courses and programs in health care disciplines at entry and graduate levels. Provides full and part-time, continuing and distance education. (Toronto, Ontario, Canada)
» Twin Cities Health Professionals Education Consortium Open in a new browser window
   Offers continuing education courses for nurses and allied health professionals online and at Saint Paul, Minnesota. Includes list of courses, calendar, and registration information.
» University Learning Systems, Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Offering seminars about evidence based drug information to healthcare professionals, with details of locations and courses.
» University of South Florida Professional Education Open in a new browser window
   The University of South Florida's CPE department offers live continuing education courses for health Care professionals.
» symposiamedicus.org Open in a new browser window
   Continuing medical education for physicians, nurses and other health care professionals.

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Last Updated: 2010-07-10 10:36:42

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