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Secondhand Smoke (32)


Editor's Picks:
» Environmental Tobacco Smoke Open in a new browser windowEditor's Pick
   American Heart Association: secondhand smoke causes heart disease and nearly doubles the risk of heart attack.
» Secondhand smoke and schaemic heart disease: an evaluation of the evidence Open in a new browser windowEditor's Pick
   Analysis of 19 epidemiological studies shows that people who have never smoked have 30% greater risk of ischaemic heart disease if they live with a smoker.


» Acute Effects of Passive Smoking on the Coronary Circulation in Healthy Young Adults Open in a new browser window
   Recent research shows that even brief exposure to secondhand smoke affects heart health.
» CNN - Study: Passive smoke an even greater risk Open in a new browser window
   New research provides some of the strongest evidence yet that constant exposure to passive smoke nearly doubles the risk of heart attack and death in non-smokers.
» Cardiovascular Effects of Secondhand Smoke: Nearly as Large as Smoking Open in a new browser window
   Review of recent research finds the effects of secondhand smoke on the heart and cardiovascular system are nearly as bad as smoking itself.
» ETS exposure increases heart attack risk Open in a new browser window
   ETS may be responsible for as many as 40,000 heart attacks a year. 13 of 14 recent epidemiological studies have shown an increased risk for coronary heart disease.
» Environmental tobacco smoke exposure and ischaemic heart disease: an evaluation of the evidence Open in a new browser window
   Article from the British Medical Journal.
» Epidemiologic Studies of Fatal and Nonfatal Cardiovascular Disease and ETS Exposure from Spousal Smoking Open in a new browser window
   "The evidence linking heart disease and ETS exposure from a spouse has become substantially stronger since OSHA first proposed including heart disease in its risk assessment of ETS in 1994".
» Health Effects of Secondhand Smoke: Heart Disease Open in a new browser window
   Describes the effect of secondhand smoke on circulation and the heart, and provides a bibliography of relevant research.
» NEJM -- Passive Smoking and the Risk of Coronary Heart Disease -- A Meta-Analysis of Epidemiologic Studies Open in a new browser window
   Review of the scientific literature finds that passive smoking is consistently associated with an increased risk of heart disease across a wide variety of studies.
» One Half Hour of Passive Smoking Damages Heart Open in a new browser window
   News report on research that shows that breathing secondhand smoke for just 30 minutes can damage the heart.
» Online NewsHour: Second Hand Smoke Open in a new browser window
   Interview with researcher on effect of secondhand smoke on heart health.
» Passive Smoking and Heart disease: Epidemiology, Physiology, and Biochemistry Open in a new browser window
   Review of the scientific literature outlines the mechanisms and documents the risk (the third leading preventable cause of death in America).
» Passive Tobacco Smoke And Heart Disease Open in a new browser window
   Summary of recent research showing that secondhand smoke causes more heart disease than cancer.
» Repace Associates - Secondhand Smoke and Cardiovascular Disease Open in a new browser window
   Reviews the literature up to most recent publications; presents summary and graphs results for major research items.
» Secondhand Smoke Breaks Down Blood Vessel Open in a new browser window
   Research results: After spending only 30 minutes in a smoke-filled room, participants in a study had losses in their blood levels of antioxidants.
» Secondhand Smoke Shortens Life Open in a new browser window
   One of the largest studies on secondhand smoke ever done finds that people who lived with a smoker die sooner than people who don't.
» Secondhand Smoke a First-Rate Danger Open in a new browser window
   Secondhand smoke is now recognized as a significant cardiovascular health hazard; summary of findings of 18 recent research studies.
» Secondhand Smoke and Acute Coronary Syndromes Open in a new browser window
   Research finds that even small exposures to secondhand smoke can damage health and even kill.
» Secondhand Smoke and Heart Attacks Open in a new browser window
   Research finds that exposure to secondhand smoke increases incidence of heart attacks.
» Secondhand Smoke as a Cause of Atherosclerotic Disease Open in a new browser window
   Article in a medical journal summarizes the research findings that secondhand smoke causes heart disease that may be irreversible.
» Six-month Public Smoking Ban Slashes Heart Attack Rate in Community Open in a new browser window
   In the first study of its kind, researchers have found that the number of heart attack victims admitted to a regional hospital dropped by nearly 60 percent during the first six months that a smoke-free ordinance was in effect in the community.
» Tobacco and Cardiovascular Disease Open in a new browser window
   Section on secondhand smoke and heart disease.
» Unfavorable Effects of Passive Smoking on Aortic Function Open in a new browser window
   Report in Annals of Internal Medicine. Research directly measured effects of secondhand smoke on blood vessels.
» Washington Post: Secondhand Smoke Linked to Increased Heart Attack Rate Open in a new browser window
   Article on a major study finding that high exposure to secondhand smoke nearly doubles a woman's risk of having a heart attack.

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Last Updated: 2007-01-02 16:31:45

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