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Propagation (36)

See Also:

» Aggie Horticulture - Asexual Plant Reproduction Open in a new browser window
   An overview of reproduction by grafting, budding, layering and micropropagation.
» Alpines From Seed Open in a new browser window
   Alpine plant enthusiast gives tips on raising bulbs and alpines from seed, including a section on gibberellic acid.
» Australian National Botanic Gardens - Growing ferns from spores Open in a new browser window
   Description of collecting and sowing spores, potting the fonds and includes a drawing of the fern life cycle.
» Australian National Botanic Gardens - How to Propagate Australian Plants Open in a new browser window
   Describes the collection and germinations of seeds, propagation by cuttings, safe use of growth hormones and a growing plants glossary with drawings.
» GardenWeb: Winter Sowing Open in a new browser window
   A forum for discussing all aspects of winter-sowing, the planting of seeds in containers outdoors in winter, for germination in spring. The FAQ includes a detailed explanation of the method.
» Gardenweb: Growing from Seed Open in a new browser window
   Forum for discussion of seed-starting topics by gardeners of all experience levels. Particularly active in winter and spring. FAQ includes many tips from home gardeners on variety of topics.
» Germination Database - Seeds Open in a new browser window
   Provides a listing of plant names and the methods to germinate the seed.
» Gibberellic Acid for Fruit Set and Seed Germination Open in a new browser window
   Gibberellins are potent growth hormones sometimes used to induce germination in recalcitrant seeds. This article by John M. Riley discusses uses and provides some basic recipes.
» Gibberellic Acid-3 Information Kit Open in a new browser window
   Background information on using the plant hormone to induce germination, with instructions for two methods, as well as safety information. Also sells kits for the home gardener.
» Grow a Pine Tree From Seed Open in a new browser window
   Detailed instructions on the entire process from seed collection and viability testing to sowing and maintenance the seedlings. Primary focus is on Coulter pine.
» Harry Lawson, Chrysanthemum Raiser Open in a new browser window
   Features books, breeding tips, photo gallery, and information on pests and diseases.
» Hawaiian Native Plant Propagation Database Open in a new browser window
   Information on propagation techniques for selected Hawaiian indigenous and endemic plants.
» How to Germinate Seed Open in a new browser window
   Bonsai enthusiast Brent Walston explains the fundamentals of germinating woody species, emphasizing the requirement to break down germination inhibitors.
» Jelitto Germination Tips and Tricks Open in a new browser window
   Provides insight on germinating seeds.
» Landscape Propagation Open in a new browser window
   Provides instructions on how to reproduce plants including amaryllis, narcissus, daffodils, lilies (by bulb section, scales and seed) and perennials, house plants, roses, vines, trees and shrubs (by root, stem and leaf cuttings).
» NC State University - Leaf, Cane and Root Cuttings Open in a new browser window
   Provides descriptions with drawings of leaf with petiole, leaf without petiole, split vein leaf, leaf bud, cane and root cuttings.
» NC State University - Stem Cutting Open in a new browser window
   Home gardener instructions for plant propagation by stem cuttings including a table of evergreen plants and deciduous trees by common name and type of cutting.
» Nearing Frames Open in a new browser window
   Information and measured plants for constructing a coop-style Nearing frame for propagating woody plants from cuttings.
» Ohio State University Extension - Master Gardener Open in a new browser window
   Detailed information on seed raising, as well as other propagation methods.
» Ontario Rock Garden Society Open in a new browser window
   The germination guide on this society's site lists requirements for a large number of plants (not just alpines), down to species level.
» Orchid Reserve, El Pahuma - Orchids Open in a new browser window
   Describes techniques employed for raising orchids from seedlings and includes a link to download Orchid Propagation Manual.
» Organic Gardening: Simple Seed Starting Open in a new browser window
   Step by step instructions illustrated with photos, with an emphasis on organically grown vegetables.
» Plant Propagation Open in a new browser window
   Demonstrates the basics of plant propagation using stem cuttings.
» Seed Germination of Wild and Cultivated Roses Open in a new browser window
   Article by Patricia Holloway on harvesting, preparing and sowing rose seeds, including warm and cold stratification, reprinted by the Alaska Rose Society.
» Seed and Sower Open in a new browser window
   Ontario gardener shares her experience starting and collecting flower seed in the garden. Also some information on other gardening topics.
» Society for Growing Australian Plants - Native Plants Open in a new browser window
   Provides simple techniques for plant reproduction from seed, cuttings, grafting and division with particular reference to the propagation of Australian native plants and includes diagrams and photographs.
» Starting Plants From Seed Open in a new browser window
   Home gardener describes his method for germinating seeds using moist filter papers and ziplock baggies. Also detailed germination information for many plant species.
» Texas A&M University - Mutated Plant Propagation Open in a new browser window
   Describes the origin, development and propagation of chimeras which includes such plants as variegated plants, thornless blackberries and peaches without fuzz.
» The Seed Site Open in a new browser window
   Harvesting, sowing, and a germination database of over 1000 plants, images of seeds, seedpods, seedlings, and botanical information.
» The Succulent Plant Page - Succulent Plants Open in a new browser window
   Describes how to take cuttings, make divisions, take offsets and various methods of grafting.
» Thompson & Morgan: Guide to Germination Open in a new browser window
   A guide for gardeners on raising plants from seeds.
» Tom Clothier's Garden Walk and Talk Open in a new browser window
   Most extensive online resource for seed germination information for specific plant species, including indexes for annuals/biennials, perennials, and shrubs/trees. Also general information on seed-starting techniques.
» University of Georgia: Propagating House Plants Open in a new browser window
   Sexual propagation by seed and spores and asexual propagation by separation and division, cuttings, layering, grafting and budding and micropropagation/tissue culture.
» University of Missouri - House Plants Open in a new browser window
   Describes various methods of cuttings, division and layering techniques (with pictures) and a chart of propagation techniques listed by common plant name.
» Virtual Seeds & Flags Open in a new browser window
   Small-scale seed supplier offers her down-home tips on seed-starting on the cheap, with general information as well as specifics on tomatoes, perennials, fall propagation, and seed-saving.
» Wintersown.org Open in a new browser window
   Winter sowing is a method of starting hardy seedlings outside during winter. This site, constructed by one of the method's gurus, documents which seeds are amenable and how to go about it.

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Last Updated: 2007-01-02 23:46:20

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