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Mulch (13) See Also:
Editor's Picks:
» Mulches
Discusses the uses and benefits of mulching, along with tabular information about mulch materials and best mulching practices for different types of plants. From the University of Missouri Extension. http://extension.missouri.edu/xplor/agguides/hort/g06960.htm Sites:
» Are Mulches a Good Idea?
Discusses the types and effects of mulching, including the results of a study where shredded newsprint was used as mulch. http://www.wvu.edu/~agexten/ageng/resource/mulch.htm » Beware of Toxic Mulch
Brief article explaining how some materials can make mulches acidic and toxic to growing plants, and how to recognize problem mulches. http://www.gardening.cornell.edu/factsheets/mulch/toxicmulch.html » Is There a Difference in Red Mulch?
Description of a research project evaluating various red-colored plastic mulches. Conclusions about which give rise to the highest plant yields. http://plasticulture.cas.psu.edu/RedMulch.htm » Much Ado About Leaves
Suggestions for using shredded leaves for composting or as a winter mulch to protect tender plants in the garden. http://www.hort.purdue.edu/ext/leaves.html » Mulches for Enhanced, Low-Cost, Low-Maintenance Landscapes
Provides definition of mulch, discusses benefits, application methods, and how to water through mulch. Also lists many organic and inorganic mulch materials, with brief descriptions, pros, and cons. http://aggie-horticulture.tamu.edu/plantanswers/drought/mulches.html » Mulches for Gardens and Landscapes
Article explaining the different types of mulch and how they should be applied in the garden. http://www.cahe.nmsu.edu/pubs/_h/h-121.html » Mulches for the Home Vegetable Garden
This article by the Virginia Cooperative Extension covers organic and inorganic mulches, as well as green manures and cover crops. http://www.ext.vt.edu/pubs/envirohort/426-326/426-326.html » Mulches in the Landscape
Explains the benefits of mulching, describes a variety of organic and inorganic mulch materials, and provides a guide to selecting a suitable one. http://web1.msue.msu.edu/genesee/hort/mulches.htm » Mulching Landscape Plants
Defines mulching, its benefits, and its effects on the soil, discusses timing and depth of application, and lists recommended materials. http://ohioline.osu.edu/hyg-fact/1000/1083.html » Mulching for a Healthy Landscape
This article provides mulching basics: what it is, how to apply, and lists commonly used materials. http://www.ext.vt.edu/pubs/envirohort/426-724/426-724.html » Pits In Pieces
Promotes a peach industry by-product consisting of dried, cracked pits, yielding a biodegradable enhancement for landscaping or ground cover. Product information and distributor listing. http://www.pitsinpieces.com/ » Sweet Peet
Manufacturer of an organic mulch. Site gives usage information and a list of dealers who carry it. http://sweetpeet.com/ This category needs an editor
Last Updated: 2007-09-29 09:18:30
The content of this directory is based on the Open Directory and has been modified by AllMusicSearch.com editors |