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Hobby Farms (46) Categories:
See Also:
» At Home Farm
A pleasure farm with haflinger horses, rare poultry breeds, ducks, dogs and dexter cattle. Pictures and descriptions of the animals. http://www.freewebz.com/athomefarm/ » Baggins
Home of the Little Valley farm pages with diary, programming information and downloads, and a photo gallery. http://www.baggins.co.nz/ » Fir Tree Farm
Rare breed poultry, sheep and pigs. A five acre smallholding in East Anglia UK, with the farmhouse being a former medieval hall built between 1500 and 1550. http://firtreefarmweybread.bravehost.com » Goat Haven Farm
A family affair involved in raising and showing pet goats. http://goathavenfarm.tripod.com/ » Gypsyfarm
Progress of the Newberry family learning to live in a rural setting and building a house with earth using superadobe and cob building techniques. http://www.gypsyfarm.com/ » Maria's Duck Tales
Meet Maria and read her stories and observations of the waterfowl and wildlife who visit her home on the south shore of Long Island. http://www.mariasducktales.com/ » Shepherd's Song
Narrated photo album of a family on an Iowa farm raising farm animals with stories of raising an abandoned fawn and some baby raccoons, a crafts page with quilts and home spun yarn, and animal and homesteading links. http://dalekleiner.mystarband.net/ » The Farm at Morrison Corner
The last hill farm in Mansfield Vermont documents the history of a cottage farm dating from the 1700's. Contextual history from the 1850's to today, as well as links to current farm activities and events. http://www.gatewaytovermont.com/summerindex.htm This category needs an editor
Last Updated: 2007-01-17 16:49:23
The content of this directory is based on the Open Directory and has been modified by AllMusicSearch.com editors |