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Clubs (30) See Also:
» AL - North Alabama Cowboy Action Shooting
Monthly Shoots are First Sunday of the Month (New Caverns Location) at 1:00 p.m. for main stages and 10:30 a.m. for side matches. Some summer matches are moved to Saturday and start at 4:00 pm to avoid the heat of summer and end on Saturday near dark. http://www.reloadammo.com/cowboyna.htm » AZ - Arizona Cowboy Shooters Association, Inc.
We get together at our monthly matches to fulfill our cowboy fantasies, socialize with other cowboys and cowgirls that share our same interest, and to enjoy shooting our guns. http://www.acsainc.com/ » AZ - Rio Salado Sportsman's Club
Cowboy Action Shooting will be held at Rio Salado Sportsman's Club. Matches are held on the first Saturday of each month on the Practical Pistol Range. http://www.riosaladocowboys.org/ » British Western Shooting Society
A National Organisation. Includes information about events and members. http://www.tonywilk.co.uk/bwss/ » CA - Barbary Coast Vigilance Committee (BCVC)
The on-line home of the BCVC, serving Cowboy Action Shooters throughout the SF Bay Area and beyond. http://www.bcvc.net » CA - Old West Shooting Society of Chabot (OWSS)
A non-SASS club. Information on match dates and location. http://www.bcvc.net/owss » CA - Richmond Roughriders (SASS Club)
Includes shooting and practising days, newsletters, match results, and detailed directions. http://www.bcvc.net/rr/ » CA - Robbers Roost Vigilantes
SASS-affiliated Cowboy Action Shooting club meets in the Indian Wells Valley. Includes pictures, results, and a general overview. http://www.robbersroostvigilantes.com/ » Canada - AB - Alberta Frontier Shootists Society
The AFSS is a non-profit organization dedicated to the appreciation of the Canadian Frontier Heritage and to the promotion of Cowboy Action Shooting and good clean fun in the province of Alberta. http://www.albertafrontiershootists.net/ » Carolina Cowboys
Information on both North and South Carolina Cowboy Action clubs including match locations and dates. Also includes a message board for the discussion of anything related to Cowboy Action Shooting and links other sites of interest to Cowboy Action Shooter http://www.carolinacowboys.us » Colorado River Regulators
The Colorado River Regulators is a Cowboy Action Shooting club affiliated with the Single Action Shooting Society. Monthly matches are held September through May. http://www.aztrinity.com » Dakota RoughRiders
Cowboy Action Shooters group of the Bismarck Mandan Rifle Pistol Association in North Dakota. Includes a match schedule, news, and photographs. http://www.dakotaroughriders.com/ » IL - Boneyard Creek Regulators
Champaign-Urbana, Illinois-area group that offers details on its local shoots and shoot calendar, location maps, and guestbook. http://www.boneyardcreekregulators.com/ » IL - McLean County PeaceMakers
Illinois-based club that features events calendar, members list, photo gallery, and links. Members of the Single Action Shooting Society (SASS). http://www.mcleancountypeacemakers.com/ » KS - Capitol City Gun Club (CCGC) - Cowboy Action Shooting
The Capital City Cowboys shoot on the fourth Sunday of each month. We are SASS affiliated and follow their rules. http://www.capitalcitygunclub.com/cowboy.htm » KS - Cowboy Action Shooting Club
Web pages for the Stateline Ridgerunners Cowboy Action Shooting Club with information, photographs, match results, and newsletter. http://www.kansascas.com/ » KS - Free State Ranger Home
Bring your single action pistol (2 if you have them), lever action pistol caliber rifle, and double barrel or exposed hammer pump shotgun to the Free State Rangers range outside Parker Kansas for 6 action packed stages of cowboy action shooting. http://www.kansascas.com/free_state_rangers.htm » MN - East Grand Forks Rod and Gun Club - SASS
Cowboy Action Shooting Events. Home of the MN CAS Championship shoot. http://www.egfgunclub.org/CAS_Info.htm » NC - The Old North State Posse
The Old North State Posse hosts the North Carolina state championship each year. Here you can find information on that event plus information on monthly matches. http://www.oldnorthstateposse.com/ » Single Action Shooting Society
Features this organization where each participant is required to adopt a shooting alias appropriate to a character or profession of the late 19th century. http://www.sassnet.com/ » TX - Comanche Trail Shootists- Midland
A Cowboy Action Shooting Club located in Midland, TX. SASS Affiliated. http://www.comanchetrailshootists.org/ » TX - Gulf Coast Cowboy Mounted Shooters
A Cowboy Mounted Shooting Association club located in southeast Texas near Houston. http://www.gulfcoastmountedshooters.com/ » TX - Oakwood Outlaws Cowboy Shooting Club
Oakwood, TX: A SASS-affiliated cowboy action shooting club for old west enthusiasts. http://www.oakwoodoutlaws.org/ » TX - Texas Historical Shootist Society
We shoot Cowboy Action the 3rd Sunday of each month and the preceding Saturday at 1:00pm. http://www.thss.org/ » UK - Scottish & the Border gunslingers
Some photos of Gunslingers and westerners from all over Scotland mainly from The Homestead in Edinburgh. http://blueboy_country.tripod.com/blueboyshome » UK - The Single Shot Black Powder Cartridge Rifle Club of Great Britain
A UK Club for anybody who loves shooting the big old single shot rifles like Sharps and Rolling Blocks. Specialises in Silhouette, Buffalo and Creedmoor competitions. http://www.ssbpcrc.co.uk » WA - Renton United Cowoy Action Shooters
Monthly matches are on the first Sunday of each month. Westmatch, our two day annual match, is the first weekend of August. http://www.rucascowboys.com/ » WI - Oconomowoc Cattlemen's Association
Cowboy action shooting events, annual shoot-"Hang um high". Monthly shoots. http://www.ocassn.com » WI - Western Wisconsin Wild Bunch
The home of the Western Wisconsin Wild Bunch (WWWB), cowboy action shooting club. It the site of the "Mississippi Fandango" annual Southwestern Wisconsin Championship match. http://wwwbunch.homestead.com/home.html » WY - The Cheyenne Regulators
Cowboy Action shooting club and home of Hell on Wheels Shootout SASS Regional. http://www.cheyenneregulators.com This category needs an editor
Last Updated: 2007-03-28 03:46:56
The content of this directory is based on the Open Directory and has been modified by AllMusicSearch.com editors |