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Animal Assisted Therapy (95)


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Editor's Picks:

» Delta Society Therapy Animals Open in a new browser windowEditor's Pick
   A national registrar. Training and screening for people who want to visit hospitals, nursing homes, and other facilities with their animals.
» Therapy Dogs International Open in a new browser windowEditor's Pick
   A national registrar. Provides qualified handlers and their therapy dogs for visits. Training and testing programs.


» 585 Area Cat Handicap Training Open in a new browser window
   Cats and kittens trained for handicapped persons. Companion kittens selected according to personality for a client's needs.
» AATProfessionals Listserve Open in a new browser window
   Practice Animal Assisted Therapy, or for persons who intend to use AAT after completing their degree programs, exams, licensures.
» Alternative Solutions in Long Term Care Open in a new browser window
   Animal Assisted and Pet Therapy Web Site for long term care. Information on how to set up a pet therapy clubs with children Also government regulations, nursing home information, links and resources to get you started in pet therapy.
» Angel on a Leash Open in a new browser window
   Pet therapy program of Westminster Kennel Club in New York City. Involvement of dogs in treatment makes physical therapy fun for young patients.
» Animal-Assisted Therapy & Activities Open in a new browser window
   A guide to resources about pet therapy, courses, and the links between animal abuse, domestic violence and child abuse.
» Bark Avenue on Parade - Therapy Dogs Open in a new browser window
   Provides certification and training to dog and handler teams as well as continuing education regarding animal assisted therapy. A non-profit charitable organization in St Paul - Minneapolis, Minnesota.
» Blind Students Love These Dog Days Open in a new browser window
   Garnet, a 75 pound shepherd, helps students at Perkins School for the Blind. She adjusts her level of play to a child's ability. The dog has protected some students by sensing an oncoming seizure. [The Boston Globe]
» Caring Canines: Boston Pet Therapy Program Open in a new browser window
   Typical visit to nursing home is four to six dogs in a community room. Other programs include a crises response team. Pictures of the animals and friends. Visiting Therapy Dogs, Inc.
» Caring Critters Open in a new browser window
   People and their animals participate in Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT) activities. Over 200 volunteers visit over 20 facilities in the greater Houston area. A non-profit organization.
» Central Ohio Good Shepherds Open in a new browser window
   COGS: Therapy dogs visit institutions, facilities, and other locations in the Columbus Metropolitan area. A TDI chapter. Photo gallery and a list of facilities.
» Comfort Caring Canines Therapy Dogs, Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Caring volunteers share the love of their canine campanions with others. Visits seniors, children, and hospitals in southeastern PA, NJ, DE, and MD area. How to socialize a puppy for later therapy dog work.
» Companion Animal Association of Arizona Open in a new browser window
   Their social pet therapy program includes training and qualification for volunteers and their animals. Phoenix, Arizona.
» DOGTORS Animal-Assisted Therapy Open in a new browser window
   Training and certification of Animal-Assisted Therapy teams in the Miami Valley area of Ohio. Home of DOGTORS University and DOGTORS On-Call Emergency Services.
» Denver Pet Partners Open in a new browser window
   Training and evaluations for people and their pets interested in animal-assisted activities and therapy. Affiliated of Delta Society.
» Dog B.O.N.E.S. Open in a new browser window
   A network of Massachusetts therapy dog volunteers. How to get involved. Getting your dog certified. Links to sites in Massachusetts seeking therapy dog visits.
» Dog Play Open in a new browser window
   Taking pets, especially dogs, visiting people in health care facilities; therapy ranges from mental and physical stimulation; petting the dogs, formal supervised therapy addressing a particular situation.
» Dog Visitation Program Overview, Children's Hospital Medical Center of Cincinnati Open in a new browser window
   The Children's Hospital Medical Center of Cincinnati Dog Visitation program recruits, screens, and trains teams of volunteer dogs and their handlers to visit pediatric patients.
» Dog-Play: Joining a Therapy Dog Group Open in a new browser window
   Finding someone to certify your dog is often a frustrating experience. The evaluations offered by the national organizations aren't always as frequent and convenient as you might like.
» Dr. Paws - Michigan Open in a new browser window
   How to get your dog certified for pet therapy. Testing and activities in several Michigan cities.
» Dreamworkers, Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Helps dog and cat owners in the Atlanta area to volunteer their pets for animal assisted therapy and activity. Also helps find service dog volunteers.
» Fidos for Freedom, Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Fidos for Freedom is a volunteer assistance dog training organization in Baltimore. Includes information about volunteering, and service, hearing and therapy dogs.
» Furry Friends Pet Assisted Therapy Services Open in a new browser window
   Delivering the love and affection of volunteers and their pets to enhance lives and reopen closed emotional doors of people with special needs. Where they go. How to help. San Jose, CA.
» Good Dog Foundation Open in a new browser window
   Pet therapy group in metro New York area. Facilities covered. Training and participation opportunities. How to contribute.
» Hand-In-Paw Open in a new browser window
   Provides registered Delta Society Pet Partner teams as therapeutic tools in medical, social service, and educational settings. An Alabama non-profit.
» Happy Tails Pet Therapy Open in a new browser window
   Paws that Heal. What they do and how to volunteer. Atlanta, Georgia.
» Healing Dogs Open in a new browser window
   Describes the psychological healing and support provided by service dogs, especially companion golden retrievers. Included are true stories and a psychology contest named "You vs Your Dog".
» Heart of Texas Therapy Dogs Open in a new browser window
   Animal Assisted Therapy dog organization in Dallas metro area. Membership information and where they visit. Affiliated with Therapy Dogs, Inc.
» Helping Hounds Ltd. Open in a new browser window
   These greyhound owners share their hounds with the community through health care facility visits, research, education, and art. Animals can improve the quality of life at all levels of society. Memphis, TN.
» High Desert Obedience Club "Pet Pals" Open in a new browser window
   Pictures of their therapy dogs in action. Training and testing available. In Antelope Valley and Lancaster, California.
» Inmates Get Therapy from Pets Open in a new browser window
   Program at Autry State Prison, Georgia. Visits by dogs relieve depression and teach responsibility. Almost 400 of the 1500 inmates participate. [WALB-TV]
» Intermountain Therapy Animals Open in a new browser window
   Non-profit organization bringing animal resources to human needs. Specializing in animal-assisted therapy in the areas of physical, occupational, speech and psychotherapies.
» Jackie's List Open in a new browser window
   A directory of Animal Assisted Therapy programs and services. Site is in Fargo, North Dakota, but the list covers all of the United States.
» Mastiffs Offer Therapeutic Companionship Open in a new browser window
   The story of four giant mastiffs and their new-found roles as therapy dogs. [Lubbock Avalanche-Journal, TX]
» National Capital Therapy Dogs, Inc. Open in a new browser window
   The Caring Canines: offers Animal-Assisted Activities (AAA) and Animal-Assisted Therapy (AAT) services, primarily to health care facilities in Baltimore, Washington, D.C., and surrounding areas. How to volunteer. How to have them visit a facility.
» Nationwide Therapy Dog Listings and More Open in a new browser window
   Articles about training visiting dogs and the benefits of pet therapy. Links to many groups in the U.S. and Canada and other resources.
» North Star Foundation Open in a new browser window
   A nonprofit that breeds, trains, and places golden retrievers with children who have developmental disabilities, autism, physical challenges, or emotional problems.
» Oklahoma Dog Programs Open in a new browser window
   Combines three sites. American Dog Obedience: school for therapy dogs and handlers. Reaching People Through Dogs: for educators, health care professionals, and volunteers around the US. Petworks in Progress: non-profit group of therapy dog volunteers in c
» PAWS - Pets Are Wonderful Support Open in a new browser window
   Companions for disabled and others in need of the stimulation that pets can provide. Offers program description and contacts. Orange County, CA.
» Pals on Paws Open in a new browser window
   A Minnesota chapter of (TDI) Therapy Dogs International in the northwest suburbs of the Twin Cities. Trained dogs and partners cheer patients and staff at local hospitals, nursing homes, hospices, and other facilities.
» Paws & Hearts Open in a new browser window
   Enrich the lives of seniors and children with one-on-one attention that only a four-legged healer can provide." In Palm Desert, CA.
» Paws With A Purpose Open in a new browser window
   Non-profit pet therapy organization in Asheville North Carolina provides dogs to schools, hospitals, and retirement homes.
» People and Animal Learning Services Open in a new browser window
   PALS, Inc. is a therapeutic riding program for children and adults with disabilities.
» Personal Ponies Ltd. Open in a new browser window
   This non-profit provides miniature Shetland ponies to terminally ill or disabled children. Active in most U.S. states.
» Pet Express - Pet Therapy Club Open in a new browser window
   Kids, pets, and seniors. Pet Therapy Express is a complete instruction manual on how to set up an intergenerational and pet therapy program in a seniors facility. Purchase training guide and video.
» Pet Therapy Society of Northern Alberta Open in a new browser window
   Training, support, and coordination of volunteers and companion animals for animal-assisted therapy and animal-assisted activity. Offers visitation in healthcare settings, activity programs for clients with disabilities and literacy program for children.
» Pet Therapy, Pets and Stress Relief Open in a new browser window
   Therapeutic use of pets for a wide variety of patients. Animals provide comfort and bring out our nurturing instinct. They make us feel safe and unconditionally accepted. We can just be ourselves.
» Pets Helping People Open in a new browser window
   Non-profit organization prepares people to use their pets in visits to nursing homes, schools, and half-way houses. Certifies animals in Canine Good Citizen, Feline Good Citizen, and Therapy Dog International. Serves Southeastern Wisconsin. Based in New B
» Pets On Wheels, Delmarva Open in a new browser window
   Volunteer teams of pet and handler visit nursing homes, assisted living homes, homes for the handicapped, and other facilities. On some days, a visit may be the only contact from the outside world for a resident.
» Pets on Wheels Open in a new browser window
   A pet visitation therapy program serving some 16 health care centers in Scottsdale, AZ. The benefits of visits. How to start a similar program. Some members teach pet care to second graders.
» Pets on Wheels of Prince George's County, Maryland Open in a new browser window
   A non-profit organization dedicated to providing friendly pet visitation for residents and senior citizens of nursing care facilities. Events, volunteers, and donations.
» Pets on Wheels, Charles County Open in a new browser window
   Arranges for volunteers and their pets to visit residents of nursing homes and provide pet facility therapy. Emphasis on patients with impaired cognitive abilities. Charles County, Maryland.
» Pets on Wheels, Fairfax Open in a new browser window
   Volunteers and their pets provide pet therapy to improve the quality of life of area nursing home residents. Fairfax, Virginia.
» Potential Benefits of Animal Assisted Therapy for Children with Special Needs Open in a new browser window
   For children with special needs, the ability to interact with a dog, cat, or other furry friend can have a very positive impact upon their quality of life.
» Prescription Pet Program Open in a new browser window
   RxPets dog assisted therapy started in 1984 by Children's Hospital and Denver Area Veterinary Medical Society. Almost half the inpatients at The Children's Hospital are offered a dog visit every day.
» Prison Pet Partnership Program Open in a new browser window
   Inmates at a correctional facility for women learn how to train, groom, and board dogs within the prison walls. A feeling of satisfaction directly contributes to the mental and physical wellness of all who are involved.
» Project Pooch at MacLaren Correctional Facility Open in a new browser window
   When incarcerated youth offenders train homeless dogs, both get a new leash on life. In Woodburn, Oregon.
» Rottweilers Can Be Friends, Therapy Dogs, Too Open in a new browser window
   An entertaining article about a rescued Rottweiler with a new and rewarding job. [Pittsburgh Post-Gazette]
» Service Dogs for Victims of Assault Open in a new browser window
   Non-profit organization which uses dogs as therapeutic aids for victims of assault. Includes information about the dogs used and their training.
» Sirius Healing of Seattle Open in a new browser window
   An animal assisted therapy and animal assisted activity program in Seattle, Washington. Therapy dog training to Delta Society Pet Partners standards.
» Study Links Animal Abuse to Home Violence Open in a new browser window
   Domestic abuse and animal abuse go together. Therapy dogs teach empathy to women and children in a shelter. [Columbus Online Community, Nebraska]
» Tails of Joy - Animal Assisted Therapy Open in a new browser window
   Provides therapeutic benefit to challenged people through the use of animals. Support and training in pet therapy. Connecticut. Volunteers certified by Delta Society Pet Partners or Therapy Dogs International.
» Teton County PAL Open in a new browser window
   People Animal Love is a pet partner program in Jackson, Wyoming. Volunteers visit others to provide them with the benefits of contact with an animal.
» The Bright and Beautiful Therapy Dogs Open in a new browser window
   Non-profit organization evaluates, tests, trains, qualifies, and supports therapy dogs for the purpose of giving loving and empathic support in a variety of facilities where emotional service dogs are indispensable. Qualified members receive benefits incl
» Thera-Paws Open in a new browser window
   El Paso Chapter of Therapy Dogs International. Volunteers with their TDI Certified dogs provide emotional support, education, and other aid to various groups.
» Therapaws of Michigan, Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Canine-assisted therapy dog visits. Promotes the human-animal bond in therapeutic and educational settings.
» Therapet Animal Assisted Therapy Foundation Open in a new browser window
   Non-profit to facilitate use of animals in healing and rehabilitation of acute and chronically ill individuals. Education of volunteers, animals, and health care professionals.
» Therapy Dog Team Training Program Open in a new browser window
   Lyn Richards talks about the requirements for a good therapy dog. From her DogLogic.com site.
» Therapy Dogs Open in a new browser window
   Links to therapy dogs, animal-assisted therapy, and animal-assisted services, from Dog-Play.
» Therapy Dogs Inc. - Helping People Nationwide Open in a new browser window
   A national registrar. Helps dog owners use their pets for therapy work. Qualifications of therapy dogs. How to have a safe visit.
» Therapy Dogs, Singapore Open in a new browser window
   Provides pet-assisted therapy (PAT) to meet the physical and emotional needs of the underprivileged. Find mission statement, links, articles, and information on recent visits.
» TherapyPets - California Open in a new browser window
   Non-profit promotes animal assisted therapy. Benefits both the volunteer and those visited. Oakland, California.
» Utah Animal-Assisted Therapy Association Open in a new browser window
   Non-profit organization based in Salt Lake City dedicated to bringing comfort, love, and hope to those in need through the miracle of the human-animal bond.
» Visiting Dogs Open in a new browser window
   An article by the owner of Jake on doing therapy dog visits.
» Visiting Pet Program Open in a new browser window
   A New Orleans non-profit. Hospital and nursing home visits by a variety of mix-breed and pedigreed dogs and cats, guinea pigs, and rabbits. All animals have been temperament tested during Pet and Handler Evaluation Days.
» Visits to the Elderly from Active Therapy Visiting Dogs Open in a new browser window
   The loneliness of the terminally ill and elderly is relieved by visits from approved dogs. The health benefits of pets. Over 4500 volunteers in the United Kingdom.
» What is Animal Assisted Therapy? Open in a new browser window
   Crossroads Group Home uses an Animal Assisted Therapy program stressing the benefits of animals and birds of many varieties to its residents.
» animaLINK Open in a new browser window
   Michigan non-profit that works to improve lives through beneficial human-animal interactions. Program areas include therapeutic, companion, and working animal services.

Category Editor: tome2

Last Updated: 2008-04-03 17:20:07

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