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Bibliography (139)


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» American National Election Studies - ANES Open in a new browser window
   Bibliography of citations of known published works and a large number of unpublished papers that make use of NES data. Offered as a research and teaching resource and available for download in pdf format.
» Biblical Studies Open in a new browser window
   An indexed catalogue of internet resources.
» Bibliographic Resources Spain Open in a new browser window
   Links to academic, history, literature, language and culture readings. Resources specific to Latin America are excluded.
» Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zealand Open in a new browser window
   Focuses on scholarly interest in physical bibliography and the history of the written word. Includes membership, publications and conferences.
» Bibliographical Society of Canada Open in a new browser window
   Scholarly study of the history, description, and transmission of texts in all media and formats, with a primary emphasis on Canada. Includes membership, publications, and conferences.
» Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia Open in a new browser window
   Scholarly society devoted to analytic bibliography and textual criticism. Includes links to online journals and texts.
» Bibliographies of the Hypertext Bibliography Project Open in a new browser window
   Searchable database of a range of individual subject areas.
» Bibliographies on Diversity Topics Open in a new browser window
   Offers a collection of bibliographies that are focused on issues relating to multicultural and diversity areas. Created by librarians at Central Michigan University.
» Bibliography of Julian of Norwich Open in a new browser window
   Materials related to the "Showing of Love" from The Godfriends Library. Includes manuscripts, book reviews, and library links.
» Bibliography of the Grand Canyon and the Lower Colorado River. Open in a new browser window
   Lists books, periodicals, serials, maps, audio-visual works, and electronic media produced between 1540 and the present. Includes an introduction and table of contents.
» Bibliography of the Hebrew Book 1473-1960 Open in a new browser window
   Searchable database of books published in Hebrew languages. Provides researchers with multi-level full-text search, navigation and data manipulation tools for both Hebrew and Latin characters.
» Bibliotheca Canadiana Open in a new browser window
   Exhibition of a historical survey of Canadian bibliography. Includes the images and selected text currently on view in the library exhibit.
» Black American Feminism Bibliography Open in a new browser window
   Includes bibliography of writings from across the disciplines, dating back to the early nineteenth century.
» Body of Knowledge on Quality Management Open in a new browser window
   Database containing citations and abstracts to journal articles, and books on the subject of quality and performance improvement. From the Carlson School of Management.
» Booklist Center Open in a new browser window
   Collection of book lists including lists of book awards and prizes and their winners and recommended lists of books by leading authorities. Listed by subject category.
» British & Irish Archaeological Bibliography Open in a new browser window
   Searchable database for references to material published from 1695 to 1991, including the early antiquaries, post-processualism and planning-led contract archaeology.
» Dental Amalgam Research Bibliography Open in a new browser window
   Features a listing of selected scientific research on the health effects of mercury accumulation .
» Drug Discrimination Bibliographic Database Open in a new browser window
   Listing of references published since 1951 and includes abstracts, journal articles, book chapters and books. The database is searchable and available for download.
» EBSCO Publishing Open in a new browser window
   Offers a broad range of full text and bibliographic databases designed for research. Subject areas include: academic, biomedical, government, school, and corporate libraries. Requires registration.
» Eastgate Systems Open in a new browser window
   A brief and idiosyncratic bibliography of hypertext, with an emphasis on storyspace and the systems that have influenced it over the years.
» EconLit Open in a new browser window
   The American Economic Association's electronic bibliography of economic literature. A source of journals, abstracts and citations covering all fields of economics.
» Economic Working Papers Open in a new browser window
   Provides links to a range of online resources for bibliographies and working papers.
» Edinburgh Bibliographical Society Open in a new browser window
   Focuses attention on bibliography of and in Scotland. Features membership, publications, and meetings.
» Eighteenth Century Bibliography Open in a new browser window
   Published and unpublished texts that were printed and circulated between 1680 and 1810; texts can be browsed by author and decade.
» Eighteenth Century Current Bibliography - ECCB Open in a new browser window
   An interdisciplinary bibliography of "long eighteenth-century studies" (1650-1800). Editor details, documents and guidelines for contributors, and subscription data.
» Environmental Archaeological Bibliography Open in a new browser window
   Published reports of biological, pedological and geological work on material from archaeological excavations. Features a queries builder, subject codes, and related links.
» Feminine Moments Open in a new browser window
   Listing of books on fine art made by lesbian, bisexual and queer women in visual arts. Also features links to web galleries, art projects, and art theory.
» GetCited Open in a new browser window
   A member-controlled academic publication database, directory and discussion forum, edited by members of the academic community.
» HTML Bibliography Open in a new browser window
   Collection of resource links including hypertext design guides and style manuals, language guides and tutorials, and history.
» Institute for Theme Park Studies Open in a new browser window
   Books, articles and journals on the academic study of theme parks and amusement park tourism.
» International Bibliography of Sign Language Open in a new browser window
   Focuses on modern sign language research, and records text related to deaf culture, sign language interpreting as well as education of the deaf. Includes academic literature, abstracts, and journal articles.
» Is It A Book? Open in a new browser window
   Bibliography of materials relating to nonlinearity and literature, concrete poetry, surrealism, film, the book arts, typography, and the book as a physical object.
» Jazz Bibliography Open in a new browser window
   Indexed listing of books and magazines with prices for which these have been recently offered or sold.
» Language Learning in Tandem Open in a new browser window
   Provides detailed bibliographical information on new research . Includes authors' full first names as well as exact page references .
» Marjory Stoneman Douglas Open in a new browser window
   Features books, pamphlets, plays and articles by this writer and environmentalist, cataloged by date .
» Multiple Intelligences Open in a new browser window
   Features books, articles, and online links to related resources about Howard Gardner's MI theory.
» Museum Management Bibliography Open in a new browser window
   Features links to books, manuals, technical leaflets and articles. From the National Park Service.
» Mythological Booklist Open in a new browser window
   Features a listing of book titles, authors, publishers, and ISBNs. Categorized by geographical area.
» NYU Literature, Arts, & Medicine Database Open in a new browser window
   This online journal resource produced by New York University's School of Medicine serves as a dynamic annotated bibliography for journals and magazines dedicated to various forms of alternate healing.
» NoodleBib - The MLA Bibliography Composer Open in a new browser window
   Free service that simplifies the process of creating and editing MLA-style bibliographies.
» Oriental Institute Research Archives Open in a new browser window
   Guide to introductory readings on the peoples and cultures of the ancient Near East including Egypt, Nubia, and Mesopotamia. Indexed by subject.
» Oxford Bibliographical Society Open in a new browser window
   Encourage bibliographical research. Details programme of events, publications and how to join.
» Panel Study of Income Dynamics Open in a new browser window
   Offers a listing of publications, working papers and government reports.Searchable by author or by area of study.
» Patent Information Users Group Open in a new browser window
   Annotated bibliography of books and articles of professional, scientific and technical interest. Includes links to related bibliographies.
» Population Index Open in a new browser window
   First published in 1935, a primary reference tool to the world's population literature. Offers a searchable annotated bibliography of recently published books, journal articles, working papers, and other materials .
» Religious Studies Open in a new browser window
   A substantial listing of links to bibliographies of use to researchers involved in academic study. Categorized by religion.
» Repertorium Bibliographicum in usum scholarum Open in a new browser window
   Index of bibliographies, catalogues, and bibliographic reference works. Intended for educational and reference purposes. Indexed by author, title, and country name.
» Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography Open in a new browser window
   Presents selected articles, books, and other printed and electronic sources that are useful in understanding publishing efforts on the Internet. Available for download.
» South Asia Bibliographies: Afghanistan Open in a new browser window
   Listing of printed material from the library at the University of California, Berkeley. Includes links to related resources .
» Stormwater Finance Materials Open in a new browser window
   Annotated bibliography of previously published materials concerning stormwater management and finance programs. Available for download in pdf format.
» Tennis Book Bibliography Open in a new browser window
   Listing of publications catalogued by author, year of publication and publisher .
» The American Bibliography of Slavic and East European Studies Open in a new browser window
   Records journal articles, books, book chapters, book reviews, dissertations, and selected government publications on eastern Europe, Russia, and the former Soviet Union.
» The Bibliographical Society Open in a new browser window
   Objectives include historical, analytical, descriptive and textual bibliography. Features membership, publications, fellowships and bursaries.
» The Bibliographical Society of America - BSA Open in a new browser window
   Scholarly society dedicated to the study of books and manuscripts as physical objects. Features membership, publications, meetings, and fellowships.
» The European Union : Collections Bibliography Open in a new browser window
   Official depository of publications held at The University of California, Berkeley. Includes primary and secondary legislation, treaties, and policy documents.
» The Evolution of Poker Open in a new browser window
   Bibliography of books from the early 1800s to the present, sorted by date of publication, author, and genre.
» The Library Open in a new browser window
   Subscription based journal of the Bibliographical Society includes general and economic history of production and distribution of books.
» The NLS Annotated Bibliography Open in a new browser window
   Searchable record of research based on data from all cohorts of the National Longitudinal Surveys. Contains citations and abstracts of journal articles, working papers, conference presentations, and dissertations.
» Victorian Fiction: An Online Guide to Research Open in a new browser window
   Source of research information on important publications from 1830 to 2007.
» WWW Psychedelic Bibliography Open in a new browser window
   Collection of literature references concerning over 60 years of research on psychedelic compounds. Include single keyword searching of all records fields.
» What is an Annotated Bibliography Open in a new browser window
   Provides explanations and preparation advice. Includes a sample entry for a journal article.

Category Editor: ddrj

Last Updated: 2007-01-17 16:51:07

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