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Top: Reference: Biography: L:
- L'Affilard, Michel@
- L'Amour, Louis@ (5)
- L'Engle, Madeleine@ (9)
- L'Orme, Philibert@ (2)
- L.L. Cool J@ (7)
- La Fayette, Marie-Madeleine@ (3)
- La Fontaine, Jean de@ (4)
- La Mettrie, Julien Offray de@ (3)
- La Rue, Pierre de@ (3)
- La Salle, Robert Cavelier@ (4)
- La Tour, Georges de@ (6)
- LaBaredas, Paula@ (1)
- LaBelle, Patti@ (4)
- LaBute, Neil@ (2)
- LaDuke, Winona@
- LaFontaine, Don@ (1)
- LaMarche, Maurice@ (4)
- LaMorte, Robia@ (2)
- LaPaglia, Anthony@ (1)
- LaSalle, Eriq@ (1)
- Labonte, Bobby@ (4)
- Labonte, Terry@ (2)
- Labyorteaux, Patrick@ (1)
- Lachey, Drew@
- Lachey, Nick@
- Lackey, Mercedes@ (16)
- Lacy, William@ (1)
- Ladd, Cheryl@ (2)
- Ladd, Chris@ (1)
- Ladden, Cassidy@
- Ladin, Osama bin@ (45)
- Lafave, Jimmy@ (4)
- Lafaver, R. S.@ (1)
- Lafferty, R. A.@ (1)
- Lagerkvist, Pär@
- Lagerlöf, Selma@ (2)
- Lago, David@ (1)
- Lahiri, Jhumpa@
- Lahti, Christine@ (1)
- Lai, Francis@ (2)
- Lai, Kitty@ (1)
- Lai, Leon@ (3)
- Lail, Leah@ (2)
- Laine, Shelley@ (2)
- Lakatos, Imre@ (9)
- Lake, Simon@ (3)
- Lake, Veronica@ (5)
- Lakin, Christine@ (1)
- Lakner, Yehoshua@ (2)
- Lakoff, George@ (5)
- Lakshmibai, Rani of Jhansi@ (2)
- Lalande, Michel-Richard de@ (3)
- Lalime, Patrick@ (2)
- Lalonde, Newsy@ (1)
- Lam, Bowie@ (1)
- Lamarr, Hedy@ (4)
- Lamarr, Mark@
- Lamb, Brent@ (1)
- Lamb, Charles@ (4)
- Lamb, Wally@ (1)
- Lamb, William@ (5)
- Lambe, Walter@ (1)
- Lambert, Christopher@ (2)
- Lambert, Constant@ (6)
- Lambert, Tom@ (1)
- Lambton, Joseph@ (1)
- Lamming, George@ (5)
- Lamont, Corliss@ (2)
- Lamott, Anne@ (6)
- Lampman, Archibald@ (3)
- Lancaster, Burt@ (2)
- Lancaster, Chris@ (1)
- Lancaster, Sarah@ (2)
- Land, Edwin Herbert@ (4)
- Landau, Juliet@ (1)
- Landers, Ann@ (2)
- Landi, Stefano@ (2)
- Landino, Cristoforo@
- Lando, Joe@ (4)
- Landon, Michael@ (1)
- Landowski, Marcel@ (1)
- Landry, Ali@ (12)
- Landré, Guillaume@ (1)
- Landseer, Edwin@ (5)
- Lane, Diane@ (14)
- Lane, Nathan@ (1)
- Lane, Shawn@ (2)
- Lanegan, Mark@ (7)
- Lang
- Langdon, Harry@ (2)
- Lange, Jessica@ (3)
- Langella, Frank@ (3)
- Langenkamp, Heather@ (1)
- Langer, A. J.@ (1)
- Langer, Susanne@ (1)
- Langford, Frances@
- Langlais, Jean@ (5)
- Langland, William@ (4)
- Langley
- Langton, Brooke@ (2)
- Langton, Jane@ (1)
- Lanier, Sidney@ (12)
- Lanois, Daniel@ (4)
- Lansbury, Angela@ (10)
- Lansdowne, Henry Charles Keith Petty-Fitzmaurice, 5th Marquess of@ (4)
- Lanyer, Aemilia@ (2)
- Lanz, David@ (3)
- Lanza, Mario@ (5)
- Lanza, Suzanne@ (2)
- Lara, Nil@ (1)
- Laraque, Georges@ (1)
- Larkin, Patty@ (2)
- Larkin, Philip@ (17)
- Larson, Jill@ (2)
- Larson, Nicolette@ (3)
- Larter, Ali@ (3)
- Lasdun, Denys@ (2)
- Lasker-Schüler, Else@ (2)
- Lassez, Sarah@
- Lassus, Orlando de@ (13)
- Laswell, Bill@ (5)
- Lathan, Sanaa@ (2)
- Latona, Amanda@ (1)
- Latrobe, Benjamin Henry@ (2)
- Latta, Chris@ (1)
- Lau, Andy@ (2)
- Lau, Carina@
- Lau, Evelyn@ (2)
- Lauderdale, Jim@ (2)
- Laugee, Georges@ (2)
- Laum, Kristina@ (1)
- Laumer, Keith@ (6)
- Lauper, Cyndi@ (9)
- Lauren, Tammy@ (2)
- Laurence, Margaret@ (8)
- Laurens, Jean-Paul@ (2)
- Laurie, Hugh@ (10)
- Laurie, Piper@ (5)
- Laurier, Sir Wilfrid@ (8)
- Laus, Paul@
- Lautréamont, Comte de@
- Lavant, Christine@ (1)
- Lavin, Steve@
- Lavoisier, Antoine@ (4)
- Law, Jude@ (10)
- Lawhead, Stephen@ (5)
- Lawler, Jerry@ (2)
- Lawless, Lucy@ (13)
- Lawrence
- Lawson
- Layolle, François de@ (4)
- Layton, Irving@ (3)
- Lazarevich, Alexander@
- Lazarus of Bethany@ (2)
- Lazenby, George@ (3)
- Lazerowitz, Alice Ambrose@ (2)
- Le Bon, Simon@ (1)
- Le Corbusier, Charles-Edouard@ (18)
- Le Fanu, J. Sheridan@ (19)
- Le Gallienne, Eva@
- Le Guin, Ursula K.@ (14)
- Le Jeune, Claude@ (3)
- Le Nguyen, Tony@ (1)
- Le Pen, Jean-Marie@ (3)
- Le Sueur, Jean-François@ (5)
- LeBlanc, Matt@ (3)
- LeClair, John@
- LeDoux, Chris@ (6)
- LeFanu, Nicola Frances@
- Lea, Nicholas@ (7)
- Leachman, Cloris@ (3)
- Leacock, Stephen@ (16)
- Leadbeater, Charles Webster@ (8)
- Leadbetter, Huddy@ (3)
- Leadon, Bernie@ (2)
- Leaf, Ryan@ (1)
- Leakey, Mary@ (8)
- Lean, David@ (5)
- Leandros, Vicky@ (1)
- Leapor, Mary@ (1)
- Lear, Edward@ (13)
- Leary, Denis@ (4)
- Leary, Timothy@ (11)
- LebiÄ, Lojze@ (2)
- Lebling, Dave@ (2)
- Lecavalier, Vincent@ (4)
- Lechner, Leonhard@ (2)
- Lederberg, Joshua@ (2)
- Ledford, Cawood@ (9)
- Ledger, Heath@ (14)
- Ledoyen, Virginie@ (1)
- Ledwidge, Francis@ (1)
- Lee
- Leech, Richard@ (2)
- Lees, Benjamin@ (5)
- Lees, Patrick David@ (2)
- Leeshock, Robert@ (3)
- Leeuw, Ton de@ (2)
- Leeves, Jane@ (2)
- Legace, Manny@ (1)
- Legley, Victor@ (1)
- Legorreta, Ricardo@ (1)
- Legrenzi, Giovanni@ (4)
- Leguizamo, John@ (1)
- Lehane, Dennis@ (8)
- Lehman, David@ (5)
- Lehmann, Elisabetha Nina Mary Frederica@ (4)
- Lehrer, Tom@ (14)
- Leiber, Fritz@ (3)
- Leiber, Justin@
- Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm@ (41)
- Leick, Hudson@ (3)
- Leigh
- Leighton
- Leinster, Murray@ (1)
- Leith, Valery@
- Leland, Charles G.@ (1)
- Lelliott, Jeremy@ (1)
- Lem, Stanislaw@ (13)
- Lemieux, Claude@ (1)
- Lemieux, Mario@ (11)
- Lemieux, Michèle@ (4)
- Lemke, Anthony@
- Lemper, Ute@ (5)
- Lenard, Alexander@
- Lenard, Mark@ (2)
- Lendzyk, Taras@ (1)
- Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich@ (9)
- Lennon
- Lennox, Annie@ (7)
- Lennox, Charlotte@
- Lennox, David@ (2)
- Leno, Jay@ (5)
- Lenz, Frederick@ (13)
- Lenz, Joie@ (1)
- Leo, Africanus@ (1)
- Leo, Melissa@ (1)
- Leon, Donna@ (2)
- Leonard, Elmore@ (3)
- Leonard, Robert Sean@
- Leonardo da Vinci@ (30)
- Leone, Sergio@ (2)
- Leonhardt, Fritz@ (3)
- Leoni, Téa@ (4)
- Leopardi, Giacomo@ (1)
- Leopold
- Lermontov, Michail@
- Lerner, Edward M.@ (1)
- Lerner, Ken@ (2)
- Lernet-Holenia, Alexander@ (1)
- Leroux, Gaston@ (10)
- Lesh, Phil@ (5)
- Lesniewski, Stanislaw@ (1)
- Lesser, Anton@ (3)
- Lessing
- Lester, Mark@ (1)
- Lethem, Jonathan@ (47)
- Leto, Jared@
- Letscher, Matt@ (2)
- Letterman, David@ (9)
- Leuchtenburg, William@ (4)
- Leucippus@ (3)
- Leung, Jade@ (3)
- Levertov, Denise@ (6)
- Levi, Primo@ (2)
- Levinas, Emmanuel@ (7)
- Levine, Philip@ (2)
- Levis, Patrick@ (2)
- Levitan, Isaac@ (7)
- Levitas, Andrew@
- Levy, D. A.@ (1)
- Lew, James@ (1)
- Lewin, Kurt@
- Lewis
- Lewko, Ken@ (1)
- Leyden, Paul@ (2)
- Leykis, Tom@ (1)
- Leyner, Mark@
- León, Hebreo@ (1)
- Li Po@ (11)
- Li, Gong@ (1)
- Li, Jet@ (8)
- Liberace@ (2)
- Liblick, Bill@
- Lichtenberg, Georg Christoph@ (1)
- Lichtenberg, Jacqueline@ (4)
- Lichtenstein, Roy@ (5)
- Liddy, G. Gordon@ (2)
- Lieb, Brendan@
- Liebler, M. L.@ (1)
- Lien, Jennifer@ (4)
- Lifshitz, Laura@
- Lightfoot, Gordon@ (6)
- Lightman, Alan@ (11)
- Likhovtseva, Elena@ (1)
- Lil Bow Wow@ (6)
- Lil' Kim@ (7)
- Liljeberg, Rebecca@ (3)
- Lillard, Matthew@
- Lillis, Rachel@ (1)
- Lim, Yvonne@
- Lima, Adriana@ (5)
- Lin, Brigitte@
- Lin, Jimmy@ (1)
- Lin, Ruby@ (1)
- Lincoln, Abraham@ (80)
- Lincoln, Mary Todd@ (2)
- Lind, Espen@ (3)
- Lind, Juha@ (1)
- Lindberg, Chad@
- Lindbergh, Charles@ (6)
- Linden, Trevor@
- Lindenthal, Gustav@ (4)
- Lindquist, Mark@ (1)
- Lindros, Eric@ (2)
- Lindsay, Robert@ (7)
- Lindsey, George@ (1)
- Lindvall, Angela@
- Linley, Thomas, Jr.@ (5)
- Linley, Thomas, Sr.@ (4)
- Linney, Laura@ (2)
- Lins, Osman@
- Linville, Larry@
- Linz, Alex D.@ (1)
- Liotta, Ray@ (3)
- Lipatti, Dinu@ (1)
- Lipinski, Tara@ (6)
- Lipnicki, Jonathan@
- Lippi, Fra Filippo@ (9)
- Lipsius, Justus@ (6)
- LisaRaye@
- Lisgar, John Young, 1st Baron@ (5)
- Lisle, Holly@ (1)
- Lissitzky, El@ (2)
- Lita@ (5)
- Lithgow, John@ (2)
- Little Crow@ (2)
- Little Richard@ (3)
- Littlefield, John@
- Littleford, Beth@
- Littrell, Brian@
- Liu, Lucy@ (3)
- Liu, Timothy@ (2)
- Lively, Eric@ (1)
- Livesay, Dorothy@ (2)
- Livier, Ruth@
- Livingstone, David@ (5)
- Livius Andronicus@ (1)
- Livy@ (2)
- Lizaso, Saúl@ (1)
- Llewellyn, Robert@ (3)
- Llewelyn, Desmond@ (2)
- Lloyd
- Lloyd George, David@ (9)
- Lloyd Webber, Andrew@ (37)
- Llull, Ramon@ (17)
- Lobo, Rebecca@ (2)
- Locane, Amy@ (2)
- Locatelli, Pietro Antonio@ (7)
- Locke, Alain@ (11)
- Locke, John@ (32)
- Lockhart, June@ (2)
- Locklear, Heather@ (7)
- Locklin, Danny@
- Locklin, Hank@ (2)
- Locorriere, Dennis@ (1)
- Loder, Anne Marie@ (1)
- Lodge, David@ (5)
- Loeb, Lisa@ (12)
- Loeb, Richard@ (2)
- Lofting, Hugh@ (2)
- Lofton, Cirroc@ (1)
- Loggins, Kenny@ (9)
- Logue, Christopher@ (1)
- Lohan, Lindsay@ (24)
- Lohner, Danny@ (1)
- Lohse, Rene@ (1)
- Loken, Duane@ (1)
- Loken, Kristanna@ (3)
- Lombard, Carole@ (2)
- London, Jack@ (71)
- Lonesome Bob@
- Long
- Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth@ (19)
- Longhin, Andrew Hyacinth@ (2)
- Longstreet, Augustus@ (2)
- Longstreet, James@ (4)
- Looking Glass@ (2)
- Loos, Adolf@ (2)
- Lopes, Lisa@ (6)
- Lopez
- Lorca, Federico Garcia@ (7)
- Lord, Jack@ (3)
- Lord, Walter@ (2)
- Lords, Traci@ (3)
- Loren, Sophia@ (4)
- Loring, William Wing@ (3)
- Lorrah, Jean@ (4)
- Lorrain, Claude@ (6)
- Lorre, Peter@ (5)
- Losev, A. F.@
- Loti, Pierre@ (8)
- Lotti, Antonio@ (12)
- Lotti, Helmut@ (1)
- Lotto, Lorenzo@ (11)
- Lotze, Rudolf Hermann@ (3)
- Louganis, Greg@ (3)
- Loughlin, Lori@ (3)
- Louis XIV@ (22)
- Louis-Dreyfus, Julia@ (2)
- Louise, Tina@ (4)
- Louise@ (9)
- Love, Courtney@ (11)
- Love, Laura@ (8)
- Lovecraft, Howard P@ (6)
- Lovelace, Ada@ (10)
- Lovelace, Richard@ (3)
- Loveless, Patty@ (5)
- Lovell, James@
- Lovett, Lyle@ (11)
- Lovett, Ruby@ (1)
- Lovich, Lene@ (2)
- Lovitz, Jon@ (1)
- Lovsky, Fay@
- Low, Juliette Gordon@ (10)
- Lowe, Chad@ (2)
- Lowe, George@ (7)
- Lowe, Rob@
- Lowell
- Lowndes, Marie Belloc@ (7)
- Lowry
- Lowther, Pat@ (2)
- Loy, Mina@ (1)
- Lubetkin, Berthold@ (1)
- Lucan@ (1)
- Lucas
- Lucci, Susan@ (3)
- Lucero, Dominic@ (1)
- Luchins, Edith H.@ (3)
- Lucian of Antioch@ (3)
- Lucic, Mirjana@ (1)
- Lucretius@ (14)
- Ludlow, Fritz Hugh@ (1)
- Ludlum, Robert@ (4)
- Ludwig, Christa@ (3)
- Luft, Lorna@ (2)
- Luger, Lex@ (1)
- Lugo, Richard@ (1)
- Lugosi, Bela@ (1)
- Lui Chung Yin, Jackie@ (1)
- Lukasiewicz, Jan@ (6)
- Lukather, Steve@ (3)
- Lumet, Sidney@ (2)
- Lumley, Brian@ (1)
- Lumley, Joanna@ (6)
- Lumme, Jyrki@
- Lun, Anthony@ (1)
- Lunari, Luigi@ (1)
- Lundqvist, Alex@ (2)
- Luner, Jamie@ (5)
- Lunghi, Cherie@ (2)
- Lunn, Janet@ (9)
- Luongo, Roberto@ (2)
- Lupasco, Stéphane@ (1)
- Lurie, Alison@ (3)
- Luther, Martin@ (50)
- Lutyens, Edwin Landseer@ (4)
- Lux, Thomas@ (1)
- Luxemburg, Rosa@ (3)
- Lyall, Edna@ (3)
- Lydgate, John@ (1)
- Lydon, John@
- Lyly, John@ (3)
- Lynch
- Lynn
- Lynne, Bjorn@ (1)
- Lynne, Shelby@ (6)
- Lynott, Philip@ (5)
- Lynskey, Melanie@ (1)
- Lyon, Sue@ (3)
- Lyonne, Natasha@ (1)
- Lyons, Eric@ (1)
- Lyotard, Jean-François@ (6)
- Lysenko, Tatiana@
- Lyttelton, George@
- Láng, István@ (1)
- Léautaud, Paul@
- Lévi, Eliphas@ (11)
- Lévy-Dhurmer, Lucien@
- López Velarde, Ramón@
- Løgstrup, Knud Ejler@ (1)
- le Carré, John@ (15)
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Last Updated: 2010-08-10 15:25:55
The content of this directory is based on the Open Directory and has been modified by AllMusicSearch.com editors