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Plagiarism (94)


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» A Few Words Pbout Plagiarism Open in a new browser window
   Real examples of Internet copyright violations. How to avoid plagiarism and cite Web-based material appropriately.
» Antiplagiarism Strategies Open in a new browser window
   Ideas to use in preventing and detecting plagiarism.
» Antiplagiarism.com Open in a new browser window
   Publisher's site providing information about The Plagiarism Handbook, a book with information about preventing, detecting, and dealing with plagiarism.
» Avoiding Plagiarism Open in a new browser window
   Examples and practice exercises from Rio Salado College.
» BBC NEWS Magazine - Cut and paste Open in a new browser window
   Bloggers are naming names, creating an award for news organizations who plagiarize weblogs without attribution.
» BBC News - Web checks for student cheating Open in a new browser window
   Detection software will search 800 million websites to stop students plagiarising from the internet.
» CNN.com - Boston University takes on term paper firms Open in a new browser window
   Boston University is suing eight companies that sell term papers over the Internet. The school wants the federal courts to enforce a Massachusetts law banning the sale of term papers.
» CSMonitor.com - Term Papers at the Click of a Mouse Open in a new browser window
   1997 article discussing the easily availability of online term papers.
» Catching Computer Science Cheaters (Wired News) Open in a new browser window
   Academic plagiarism has long been a problem in computer science faculties, but instructors and other university staff are increasingly turning to a series of free, Web-based tools to ferret out plagiarized code and catch cheaters.
» Center for Academic Integrity Open in a new browser window
   Provides a forum to identify, affirm, and promote the values of academic integrity among students. It is affiliated with the Kenan Institute for Ethics at Duke University.
» Copy-Cats, Copyright & Clones Open in a new browser window
   Internet plagiarism examples, remedies, proper behavior, and annotated related links.
» Copyright Issues on the Web Open in a new browser window
   Briefly discusses the relationship between copyright and plagiarism.
» Cut-and-Paste Plagiarism Open in a new browser window
   Preventing, detecting and tracking online plagiarism.
» Dalhousie University: Plagiarism and Intellectual Honesty Open in a new browser window
   Dalhousie's policies, news about plagiarism in university settings, and resources for faculty and students to help understand, avoid and detect plagiarism.
» Educause: Term Paper Mills, Anti-Plagiarism Tools, and Academic Integrity Open in a new browser window
   Article taken from the October 2001 issue of Educause Review.
» Email 'cheating' students face mass expulsion (The Register) Open in a new browser window
   A group of students accused of sharing "programming solutions" by email now face fines or expulsion.
» Georgetown University: What is Plagiarism? Open in a new browser window
   Answers common questions that college students may have on the subject and confronts some of their excuses for not giving proper credit to their sources.
» History News Network: What Is Plagiarism? Open in a new browser window
   Definitions of plagiarism from the American Historical Association, Modern Language Association, and the American Psychological Association.
» Homeschool Kids and Plagiarism Open in a new browser window
   Essay from Susan Richman asking, "Has plagiarism ever come up in conversation at home with your kids?"
» In Praise of Plagiarism Open in a new browser window
   Suggests that plagiarism and cheating aren't always the same. Argues that the emphasis on "originality" for everything written or otherwise created is a hard target to hit.
» Internet Essay Exposer Open in a new browser window
   Use this resource to confirm if an essay was created by the student who submitted it, or copied in part or in full from the web.
» John Templeton Foundation: College and Character Open in a new browser window
   An initiative to encourage colleges and universities to do as much as they can to reinforce the positive values instilled by parents, such as honesty, compassion, self-discipline, and respect.
» Kimbel Library - Cheating 101: Internet Paper Mills Open in a new browser window
   A list of Internet term paper and essay sites was compiled as part of a Teaching Effectiveness Seminar on cheating, plagiarism and Internet paper mills.
» Lemonade Plagiarism Tutorial Open in a new browser window
   Professor's tutorial refuting excuses and bad logic used to try to justify plagiarism.
» NPR : All Things Considered : Preaching and Plagiarism Open in a new browser window
   Realaudio-format radio report about the recent suspension of a clergyman for plagiarism (segment is 4 minutes and 15 seconds in duration).
» NPR : All Things Considered: Internet & College Cheating Open in a new browser window
   A Realaudio-format radio report about the temptation to cheat via the internet on college coursework and how professors are fighting this trend. (segment is 9 minutes 30 seconds in duration).
» NPR : All Things Considered: Plagiarism Open in a new browser window
   Realaudio-format radio report. NPR talks with Thomas Mallon, author of Stolen Words: Forays into the Origins and Ravages of Plagiarism, about the discovery of plagiarism by well-known authors such as Steven Ambrose, and research techniques which should he
» NYTimes.com- Colleges Use Sites to Expose Cheaters Open in a new browser window
   Account of how a University of California at Berkeley professor caught students cheating.
» Plagiarism Open in a new browser window
   What It is and How to Recognize and Avoid It. From Indiana University Writing Resources page.
» Plagiarism 101 Open in a new browser window
   Subtitled "How to Write Term Papers Without Being Sucked into the Black Hole."
» Plagiarism Today (PT) Open in a new browser window
   A site targeted at webmasters and copyright holders regarding the issue of plagiarism online.
» Plagiarism and Anti-Plagiarism Open in a new browser window
   Guide for teachers and faculty discussing some issues and responses to the problem.
» Plagiarism and Copyright Infringement Open in a new browser window
   Article briefly discusses plagiarism in commercial and educational settings on the web.
» Plagiarism and How to Avoid It Open in a new browser window
   Techniques, listing references, self-tests and worksheets from David Gardner of the University of Hong Kong.
» Plagiarism and the Internet Open in a new browser window
   Bibliography of print resources on plagiarism and the web.
» Plagiarism and the Web Open in a new browser window
   Presents a concise list of methods for combating plagiarism in the classroom. From Bruce Leland of Western Illinois University.
» Plagiarism: A Guide For Law Lecturers Open in a new browser window
   Alison Bone, University of Brighton, provides basic information on the nature of plagiarism and how to prevent it, supplemented by extracts from the University of Brighton's student guide on plagiarism.
» Plagiarism: Definitions, Examples and Penalties Open in a new browser window
   Documents used by the University of Kentucky Department of Chemistry.
» PlagiarismAdvice.org Open in a new browser window
   Provides generic advice and guidance on all aspects of plagiarism prevention and detection to institutions, academics and students.
» Purdue University - Avoiding Plagiarism Open in a new browser window
   A handout designed to help writers develop strategies for knowing how to avoid accidental plagiarism.
» Resources for Preventing and Detecting Plagiarism Open in a new browser window
   A professor provides an informal collection of web resources on preventing and detecting plagiarism.
» Salon - The Web's Plagiarism Police Open in a new browser window
   Author writes how plagiarism.org found a copy of the author's thesis online but did not recognize it as such. It instead flagged the author as a plagiarist. Plagiarism detection in general is also discussed.
» School of Education, Indiana University: How to Recognize Plagiarism Open in a new browser window
   A tutorial with many examples, practice questions with feedback, and a test.
» SparkNotes: The Plagiarism Plague Open in a new browser window
   Study guide company explains its stance on plagiarism, explains what it is and how to entirely avoid it.
» Talking with Students About Plagiarism Don'ts and Dos Open in a new browser window
   Describes language to use in a syllabus to help clarify what plagiarism is and what responsible writing practices are. Teachers are welcome to use any or all of the content in their own syllabi.
» Technorati: Plagiarism Open in a new browser window
   Links to various weblog entries dealing with the topic of plagiarism (as self-described by their authors).
» The Impact of Technology on Plagiarism Prevention and Detection Open in a new browser window
   White paper by James Douglas Beasley subtitled, "Research Process Automation, a New Approach for Prevention." Argues that technology can prevent accidental plagiarism and reduce the temptation and ability to do it on purpose.
» The New Plagiarism Open in a new browser window
   Highlights differences between 'electronic' plagiarism and traditional plagiarism.
» The Plagiarism Resource Center Open in a new browser window
   Free software that allows teachers to compare papers and determine if one is plagiarized, plus links to other resources.
» The Ultimate Plagiarism Resource: Detecting Plagiarism & Preventing It Open in a new browser window
   An article written through conversations with university professors. It is designed to provide teachers with the tools to encourage academic honesty and open communication in the classroom.
» Tips For Handling Technology Enhanced Cheating Open in a new browser window
   Information for deterring "technology enhanced academic dishonesty".
» UIUC Computer Science Cheating Policy Open in a new browser window
   From the University of California, Irvine.
» Web Miner: Plagiarism Open in a new browser window
   Clearinghouse for articles, resources, and information about plagiarism.
» Wired News: Catching Digital Cheaters Open in a new browser window
   Term paper websites are proliferating and making a lot of money. Digital tools and services have been created to catch the cheaters who use the purchased papers or who cut and paste from various internet sites.
» Wired News: Cheating's Never Been Easier Open in a new browser window
   Faculty in high schools and colleges say the internet is making cheating too easy and too tempting.
» Wired News: Electronic Snoops Tackle Copiers Open in a new browser window
   Plagiarism detection software isn't just for academic papers any more.
» Wired News: Got Cheaters? Ask New Questions Open in a new browser window
   Better questions as an antidote for rampant Internet plagiarism.
» Wired News: Noted War Blogger Cops to Copying Open in a new browser window
   Sean-Paul Kelley, owner of the weblog he named The Agonist, got caught fraudulently writing about the invasion of Iraq by plagiarizing a paid news service called Stratfor.
» Wired News: Plagiarist Booted; Others Wait Open in a new browser window
   One student has been expelled, and more than 100 cases of plagiarism remain to be resolved at the University of Virginia after a physics professor used a computer program to catch students who turned in duplicate papers, or portions of papers that appeare
» Wired News: Thin Line Splits Cheating, Smarts Open in a new browser window
   Google Answers sometimes takes school kids up on the offer to answer homework questions or parts of assignments for a price.
» Wired News: Where Cheaters Often Prosper Open in a new browser window
   Purveyors of collegiate prose are finding life on the dark side of online commerce quite lucrative.
» “Uni Cheats Racket”: A Case Study in Plagiarism Investigation Open in a new browser window
   Article by Justin Zobel investigates an Australian case in 2001 in which around thirty students appear to have obtained material from a private tutor. Some details were reported in the press during 2003 when a student and the tutor were sentenced in court

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