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Instructional Technology (270)


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» A Complete Manual of Videotaping and Editing Techniques Open in a new browser window
   A manual written for beginning videographers, parents and educators which includes discussions on equipment, videotaping situations, scripting, and other related topics.
» Adobe in Education: Resources for Educators and Students Open in a new browser window
   Tips and tricks, online tutorials, discussion forums, and resources.
» Apple Education Open in a new browser window
   Contains information about educational technology research, reports, funding, as well as links to other websites.
» CREATE for Mississippi Open in a new browser window
   How to view web sites offline, use an LCD projector for wireless laptops, use a HP Scanjet, and record data/audio as well as lesson plans, handouts and links.
» CSCL 2001 Open in a new browser window
   The European Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning 2001 was held at Maastricht, The Netherlands, on March 22-24, 2001. Euro-CSCL 2001 is devoted to the exploration of technology in collaborative forms of learning, teaching and working.
» Center For Technology Innovations in Education Open in a new browser window
   CTIE is a research and development center at the University of Missouri dedicated to the reform of teaching and learning methods at all education levels through the innovative application of technology.
» Centre for Learning, Knowing & Interactive Technologies Open in a new browser window
   Concerned with developing theories and practices which increase understanding of how cultural, cognitive and technological tools shape and support learning and knowing.
» Computer Mediated Communication Open in a new browser window
   Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication On the Web Quarterly Since June, 1995
» Comunicativo.net Open in a new browser window
   Free, printable lesson plans and class activities for teachers of Spanish.
» Distance Education at a Glance - Guides for Teachers and Administrators Open in a new browser window
   A series of guides distilled from the books by Barry Willis, "Distance Education–Strategies" and "Tools and Distance Education–A Practical Guide."
» EDTECH Open in a new browser window
   Information page for the largest electronic mailing list devoted to technology in education.
» ETEC Connections Open in a new browser window
   Tools, resources, grant information and ideas for technology integration standards with beginning and advanced levels.
» Education & Computer Connection Open in a new browser window
   Resources, links, state testing tips and strategies, lesson plans, web adventures, and lots of links.
» Education Consumers ClearingHouse Open in a new browser window
   Subscription-supported e-mailing list whose purpose is to empower education's consumers. Subscribers ask questions, post information and opinion, or just follow the various discussions.
» Evaluating the Impact of Technology Open in a new browser window
   Article on three main purposes of Instructional technology and how its usefulness can be evaluated.
» Florida Educational Technology Corporation Open in a new browser window
   In addition to providing an annual conference with the opportunity to review the latest technology trends, this site has technology articles with hyperlinks to resources.
» From Now On: The Educational Technology Journal Open in a new browser window
   Technology for schools; technology for learning.
» Great Expectations: Content, Communications, Productivity, and the Role of Information Technology in Higher Education Open in a new browser window
   Important challenges which higher education must address with realistic expectations and objectives, mindful about real costs, attentive to the capacity to deliver, and focused on the needs of an increasingly heterogeneous clientele in a rapidly changing
» Halff Resources Open in a new browser window
   Consulting services for instructional technology research, design, development, and implementation.
» ISOC - Interactive Socrates Projects Database Open in a new browser window
   Projects supported by the Socrates program for international cooperation in education and research. Projects are categorized according to target group, theme, and subject. Focus on new technology in learning and distance education.
» International Conference on New Technologies in Education ICTE2002 Open in a new browser window
   November, 2002, conference in Spain..
» J/P Associates Open in a new browser window
   Commercial video products for Direct Instruction, a reading program, as well as language, math, and technology offerings.
» Journal of Technology Education Open in a new browser window
   Provides a forum for scholarly discussion on topics relating to technology education.
» LESTER: Learning Science and Technology Repository Open in a new browser window
   An online community and database focused on innovations in learning science and technology (LST) that profiles innovative research projects and researchers. Registered users can add, update, or modify records about their projects and organization, thereby
» Learning Solutions Group Open in a new browser window
   A team of instructional development experts create customized, needs-based training material to improve employee knowledge, skills, and performance.
» Louisiana Region 4 Teaching, Learning, and Technology Center Open in a new browser window
   Training for educators in Louisiana's Region 4 using peer-instructor modeling of technology-connected lessons based on content standards.
» MicroSoft in Education: Instructional Resources Open in a new browser window
   Lesson plans and tutorials to help learn Microsoft applications and implement them in the classroom.
» Microsoft in Education Open in a new browser window
   Links to resources and partners available to help both schools (K-12) and higher education.
» MultiMedia Schools Magazine Open in a new browser window
   A practical how-to magazine that addresses multiple technologies used in K-12 schools today-CD-ROM, multimedia, online, and Internet resources. Articles, columns, news, and product reviews are contributed by practicing educators who use new technologies i
» North American Simulation and Gaming Association Open in a new browser window
   Links to web sites with components of design, implementation, and evaluation of games and simulations to improve learning results. Also includes a catalog of games and links to articles on such topics as getting a group to think like a genius and managing
» On the Horizon Open in a new browser window
   Provides an information database and a forum that explores the implications of a rapidly changing world on educational organizations and processes, and examines ways to make educational organizations and programs more effective.
» Project ECOLE Open in a new browser window
   Virginia teachers' automated curriculum which links national standards and Virginia standards of learning to activities, lesson plans, projects and automated testing component for students. Requires password.
» Quiz Hub Open in a new browser window
   Links to online games, puzzles, and quizzes.
» Round World Media Open in a new browser window
   Provides commercial online instruction on various subjects such as Flash 5 and HTML. Services for design and development of educational media for the web and interactive TV also available.
» Sara Jalali: Multimedia Producer Open in a new browser window
   Consultant for educational software, web-based training, and multimedia. Site also has her professional and personal links.
» School Web of Instructional Media Database (SWIM) Open in a new browser window
   A Web-based, searchable database that allows for access by students and teachers to different instructional media.
» ScienceMan Open in a new browser window
   A non-profit initiative aimed at helping teachers and students cope with technology integration. Many photographs of computer setups, and a good number of science resources.
» Stanford University Open in a new browser window
   Center for Teaching and Learning.
» Suite101.com: Educators' studies involving using media and multimedia Open in a new browser window
   Does using multimedia help in education? This article addresses this question.
» TeacherInfo.com Open in a new browser window
   Training modules for email, word processing, spreadsheets, data bases, and presentations as well as resources in media literacy, math, art, and special education.
» Technological Horizons in Education (T.H.E.) Journal Open in a new browser window
   T.H.E. Online is the leading Technology based education publication for K-12 and higher education. T.H.E. Online contains information, news and activities related to the use of educational technology.
» Technology & Learning Online Open in a new browser window
   A magazine for K-12 school administrators, teachers, and technology coordinators, has reviews and other interactive features.
» The Association For Educational Communications &Technology Open in a new browser window
   Articles and activities to provide leadership in educational communications and technology by linking professionals holding a common interest in the use of educational technology and its application to the learning process.
» The Flashcard Exchange Open in a new browser window
   Numerous subject and grade-specific cards available to review online, download, print, or customize. Also includes educational links and services.
» The Hole-In-The-Wall Open in a new browser window
   Minimally invasive education experiments conducted by NIIT. Free Internet kiosks provided to slum children who were unfamiliar with computers and the Internet led to learning.
» The New Curriculum Open in a new browser window
   Original columns on classroom uses of technology and practices in professional development. Links to lesson plans, utilities, best of the web, educational technology forums, and news. Free subscription..
» Total Recall Learning, Inc. Open in a new browser window
   Multimedia approach to memorization of data in such areas as nutrition, spelling, names, marketing, and avoiding sexual harassment.
» Virtual Adaptive Learning Architecture Project Open in a new browser window
   VALA focuses on developing a learning architecture with user interface adaptability that provides a personalized learning environment for each learner
» World Association for Online Education Open in a new browser window
   WAOE: Combining dedication to online learning with fun and cultural exchange.

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Last Updated: 2007-09-30 12:19:10

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