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Aid and Development (42)


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French, German


» Amani Children's Home Open in a new browser window
   Amani is a small non-governmental, not-for-profit residential home for orphans and street-children, offering nourishment, a safe and caring home and educational opportunities. Outreach/reunification programs.
» Amnesty International - Tanzania Open in a new browser window
   Ongoing collection of news and reports on the status of human rights.
» Amnesty International USA - Tanzania Open in a new browser window
   News, reports and success stories for the country including AI Annual Report entries for the past ten years.
» Bagamoyo Children Carers Association Open in a new browser window
   BACCA is a charitable NGO providing free preschool education to impoverished and orphaned children in Bagamoyo. Information on mission, projects and fundraising.
» Books 4 Tanzania Charity Open in a new browser window
   Books 4 Tanzania sources books for rural libraries and educational projects in Tanzania.
» Brampton Tanzania Trust Open in a new browser window
   Charity whose aim is to alleviate poverty in Tanzania through sustainable development projects. Description of projects, photo gallery, organizational background.
» British Council - Tanzania Open in a new browser window
   Registered UK charity for education, culture and development services provides news and information about its facilities and programs in the country.
» Caritas-DSM Open in a new browser window
   The socio-economic development office of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Dar es Salaam. Information on development philosophy and projects.
» Chipua Community Development, Tanzania Open in a new browser window
   Non-governmental organization based in Dar es Salaam, aiming to help disadvantaged youth, especially girls, to improve their lives. Includes information on programmes, getting involved and volunteering.
» DED Open in a new browser window
   The German Development Service is a governmental organisation working in Tanzania, aiming to contribute to poverty reduction and improve the living conditions of people in rural areas.
» Development and Relief Work in Tanzania Open in a new browser window
   Novartis Foundation for Sustainable Development (NFSD) projects. Includes program information and background.
» Directory of Development Organizations - Tanzania Open in a new browser window
   Comprehensive directory of international organizations, governments, private sector development agencies, civil society, universities, grantmakers, banks, microfinance institutions and development consulting firms. Includes contact information.
» Economic and Social Research Foundation Open in a new browser window
   Non-governmental research institute for capacity building in economic and social policy analysis. Includes contact information.
» Eldis - Country and Region Profiles: Tanzania Open in a new browser window
   Database of online development policy, practice and research documents, searchable by sector or keywords. Includes index to British Library of Development Studies printed material.
» Famine Early Warning System Network: Tanzania Open in a new browser window
   Provides maps showing the present and future severity of food insecurity and current weather hazards, and provides information on markets, trade and livelihoods.
» Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Tanzania Open in a new browser window
   Intends to promote pluralism, good governance, social justice, freedom of the press and gender equality through educational programs, training, public fora and networking.
» Global List of Women's Organizations - Tanzania Open in a new browser window
   Provides contact information for groups of women helping others.
» Hakikazi Catalyst Open in a new browser window
   Exchanging ideas on how to promote the rights of all people to fully participate on social, technical, economic, environmental and political issues.
» Human Rights Watch - Tanzania and Zanzibar Open in a new browser window
   Reports, background briefings, testimony, press releases and commentary on the human rights situation in the country.
» IRIN News - Tanzania Open in a new browser window
   Humanitarian news and analysis on relief, development, social, economic and political affairs, by the Integrated Regional Information Network (IRIN) of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.
» Mazingira Open in a new browser window
   Organization that wants to offer chances to progress to the people of Bunda, the poorest district of Tanzania. Includes information on projects and reports on what has been achieved so far.
» Nations Together Open in a new browser window
   Charitable organisation offering opportunities for people from other countries to volunteer to take part in educational, developmental and medical projects in Tanzania. Includes a volunteering information pack.
» Novartis Foundation for Sustainable Development: The Millennium Villages Project Open in a new browser window
   Project aimed at helping certain target villages in the Uyui district attain the Millennium Development Goal of halving poverty by the year 2015.
» Raincatcher Open in a new browser window
   Charity encouraging the collection of rainwater in dry areas of the country. Information on the charity and their fundraising.
» Research on Poverty Alleviation Open in a new browser window
   Non-governmental organization; includes research agenda and activities, policy briefs, and news.
» Tanzania Development Gateway Open in a new browser window
   Portal providing on-line networking, sharing, exchange and dissemination of information on development matters. Includes news, details of products and services, and development projects.
» Tanzania Gatsby Trust Open in a new browser window
   A charitable organisation committed to alleviating poverty. Has information on their activities.
» Tanzania Gender Networking Programme (TGNP) Open in a new browser window
   Includes current activities, educational programs, publications, funding information, and contact details.
» Tanzania Volunteers Open in a new browser window
   Organisation that places volunteers in various placements and internships, arranging practical training, safaris and various activities at weekends.
» Tanzania-network.de e.V. Open in a new browser window
   Promotes regional networking between Germany and Tanzania for cities, schools, church congregations, companies, universities, missionaries, and other institutions. Includes actions, seminars, services and diplomatic relationship. [English, German]
» Tanzanian Children's Fund Open in a new browser window
   Provides funds and support for the Rift Valley Children's Village which provides a home for orphaned children. Includes information on the project and how members of the public can help.
» Terrawatu Open in a new browser window
   Promotes biological conservation and cultural diversity. Projects include enhancing traditional medicine practices and tree planting projects. Page has a list of activities, newsletter, and tours to the work area.
» The Arusha Children's Trust Open in a new browser window
   Works with children to help improve their lives. Information on the trust, its goals and mission.
» The Bethany Project Open in a new browser window
   Orphanage project near Mwanza. Information on their aims and objectives, the team and the children.
» Traditional Irrigation and Environmental Development Organisation Open in a new browser window
   TIP is non-profit, non-governmental organisation dealing in traditional irrigation and environmental development. Details of the project and the services they offer.
» UNDP in Tanzania Open in a new browser window
   Official United Nations Development Programme site for Tanzania provides news, speeches, statements and publications along with information about its activities, progress, Millennium Development Goals, partnerships and staff. Focused on poverty, health, g
» UNICEF: United Republic of Tanzania Open in a new browser window
   Provides news, statistics, funding appeals and humanitarian action updates.
» US State Department - Human Rights Report: Tanzania Open in a new browser window
   2008 report on the current status of human rights practices including human freedoms, civil liberties, political rights, international investigations, discrimination, worker rights, child labor and working conditions.
» USAID - Tanzania Open in a new browser window
   Official portal provides information about the country plus all programs, factsheets, employment and procurement opportunities, documents and partners of the US Agency for International Development.
» USAID - Tanzania Mission Open in a new browser window
   Official local site provides information about the country plus all programs, factsheets, employment and procurement opportunities, documents and partners of the US Agency for International Development.
» Water Aid Matters in Africa Open in a new browser window
   Charitable organisation that aims to relieve sickness, promote good health and advance education by creating wells and irrigation systems for villagers in Tanzania. Includes information on programs and how to get involved.
» Women Advancement Trust Open in a new browser window
   Established to promote the advancement of women through education, and by encouraging self-reliance.

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Last Updated: 2009-11-27 08:09:22

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