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Abroad (9) See Also:
This category in other languages:
» Afghanistan Office of the President - Embassies and Consulates
Official government list of Afghanistan's embassies and consulates, including Ambassador and contact details. http://www.president.gov.af/Contents/86/Documents/212/DiplomaticRepresentation.html » Australia - Canberra
Embassy of Aghanistan in Canberra, with news and information on consular services, Afghanistan and its culture, and how to become a friend of Afghanistan. http://www.afghanembassy.net/ » Canada - Ottawa
Embassy of Afghanistan in Ottawa, with information on the availability of Kabul TV in Canada, plus consular information. http://www.afghanemb-canada.net/ » France - Paris
Official website of Afghan Embassy in Paris, France. [French] http://www.premiumwanadoo.com/ambafghane-paris/php/modules/tinycontent/index.php?id=1 » Japan - Tokyo
Embassy of Afghanistan in Tokyo with information on visa and consular services. http://www.afghanembassyjp.com/ » Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan - Afghan Embassies and Consulates
Official list of Afghan embassies and consulates and their contact details. http://mfa.gov.af/afMission.asp » New York - New York City
The Consulate General of Afghanistan handles Afghanistan's political, economic, cultural and immigration services in the city of New York. http://www.afghanconsulateny.org/home/index.html » Poland - Warsaw
Embassy of Afghanistan in Warsaw, with basic information about Afghanistan including a list of places to stay. http://www.afghanembassy.com.pl/ » United States - Washington DC
With information from the Embassy of Afghanistan in Washington on Afghanistan's physical and political reconstruction. http://www.embassyofafghanistan.org/ This category needs an editor
Last Updated: 2007-09-30 17:23:12
The content of this directory is based on the Open Directory and has been modified by AllMusicSearch.com editors |