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Benazir Bhutto (33)

See Also:

» Al Jazeera English - Frost Over The World: Benazir Bhutto Open in a new browser window
   Following Nawaz Sharif's deportation from Pakistan, another former prime minister in exile, Benazir Bhutto, tells Sir David what she intends to do next.
» Al Jazeera English - Frost Over the World: Benazir Bhutto Open in a new browser window
   Video of Sir David speaking to former Pakistani prime minister Benazir Bhutto after the first assassination attempt on her return to Pakistan, and who she thought was behind it.
» Al Jazeera English - The Life and Times of Benazir Bhutto Open in a new browser window
   Video retrospective on the life of the former Prime Minister of Pakistan.
» Asia Times - Benazir Bhutto's Answer to al-Qaeda Open in a new browser window
   2004 Interview with Syed Saleem Shahzad on a wide range of topics.
» BBC News - Special Report: The Death of Benazir Bhutto Open in a new browser window
   In depth coverage of the life and death of Pakistan's former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, assassinated in a suicide attack at an election rally. Includes video and audio, obituary, timeline of her life, photo gallery, Pakistan's main players, links to r
» BBC World Service - Women in Power: Benazir Bhutto Open in a new browser window
   Brief biography of the former Prime Minister of Pakistan followed by discussion of family influences, speaking out, pregnancy and politics, policies for women, dealing with criticism and conflict, being tough, and paying the price for trying to do it all.
» CNN - Special Report: Benazir Bhutto Assassinated Open in a new browser window
   Collection of coverage about Benazir Bhutto, assassinated Thursday in Rawalpindi, the first female prime minister of Pakistan and of any Islamic nation. She led Pakistan from 1988 to 1990 and again from 1993 to 1996.
» CNN - Topics: Benazir Bhutto Open in a new browser window
   Collection of news stories and videos about Pakistan's former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto.
» Chicago Sun-Times - Local Pakistanis React to Benazir Bhutto's Death Open in a new browser window
   "Pakistan is burning right now and I can only pray for my country," said Rana Javed, president of the Illinois chapter of Bhutto’s Pakistan People’s Party.
» Christian Science Monitor - Why the World Needs Democracy in Pakistan Open in a new browser window
   Benzair Bhutto writes on how dictatorship fuels extremism, which reaches far beyond Pakistan. Includes audio conversatin with Opinion editor Josh Burek.
» DAWN - Benazir Bhutto Assassination Open in a new browser window
   Garhi Khuda Bux awaits another Bhutto: Benazir felled by assassin?s bullets; 21 others killed in suicide bombing; Asif Zardari, children taking remains to Larkana.
» Famous Muslims - Benazir Bhutto Open in a new browser window
   Brief biography with list of publications, awards and honorary degrees.
» Global Voices - The Assassination of Benazir Bhutto Open in a new browser window
   Collecting the work of bloggers on the situation in Pakistan after the assassination of Benazir Bhutto.
» Hindustan Times - Full Coverage: Benazir Assassinated Open in a new browser window
   Collection of news stories, including a first-hand account by Anees Jillani who was at the rally. Includes world reactions, photos, analysis and multimedia.
» Mahalo - Benazir Bhutto Open in a new browser window
   Selection of links to background and profiles, writings, news coverage, video and photos along with Fast Facts.
» NPR - Political Turmoil in Pakistan Open in a new browser window
   News and analysis of the political situation in Pakistan after the assassination of Beazir Bhutto, former Prime Minister and leader of the Pakistan People's Party (PPP).
» Pakistan People's Party Open in a new browser window
   Official site of the political party led by Benazir Bhutto until her death. Includes history, news, articles and policy matters.
» Pakistan Politics - Benazir Killed Open in a new browser window
   News reports, video, photos and reader forum.
» Slate Magazine - Diary Entries from Benazir Bhutto Open in a new browser window
   Week long 1997 diary in which Benazir Bhutto writes about her life after moving with her family from London to the United Arab Emirates.
» The Economist - Benazir Bhutto Open in a new browser window
   Obituary of Benazir Bhutto, Pakistani politician, who was killed on December 27th, 2007, aged 54.
» The Guardian - Bhutto Assassinated Open in a new browser window
   Declan Walsh reports from Karachi on the assassination of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, leader of the Pakistan People's Party (PPP). Includes video, related stories and photo galleries.
» The Guardian - Obituary: Benazir Bhutto Open in a new browser window
   Jason Burke writes of the life and death of Benazir Bhutto, assassinated head of the Pakistan People's Party (PPP) and former Prime Minister.
» The Guardian - The Price of Dictatorship Open in a new browser window
   Benzir Bhutto writes in mid 2006, claiming the west's support for military rule in Pakistan has made the country a seedbed of terrorism
» The Hindu - Benazir Bhutto Assassinated Open in a new browser window
   A first-person account by Nirupama Subramanian, The Hindu’s Pakistan Correspondent who was close at hand.
» The Independent - What Now for Pakistan? Open in a new browser window
   "With her died the fragile hope that Pakistan might drag itself from the grip of the military and the jihadists and find its feet once again as a functioning democracy." Includes links to related news stories, analysis and comment.
» The New York Times - Times Topics: Benazir Bhutto Open in a new browser window
   Ongoing collection of news articles, commentary, photos and multimedia about Benazir Bhutto, former Prime Minister of Pakistan.
» Time - Benazir Bhutto (1953-2007) Open in a new browser window
   Obituary of the former Prime Minister of Pakistan includes related articles and photo galleries.
» UChannel - A Conversation with Benazir Bhutto Open in a new browser window
   Transcript of the August 2007 discussion between Benazir Bhutto, former Prime Minister of Pakistan, and Richard N. Haass, President of the Council on Foreign Relations.
» Wall Street Journal - 'Democracy Is the Greatest Revenge' Open in a new browser window
   President of Pakistan Asif Ali Zardari writes on the second anniversary of the assassination of his wife Benazir Bhutto, a former prime minister, about her legacy of fighting for democracy as the best revenge against forces of darkness.
» Washington Post - Benazir Bhutto (1953-2007) Open in a new browser window
   Full coverage of the life and death of the former Prime Minister of Pakiston. Includes opinion pieces by Bhutto, news stories, analysis and archives.
» Washington Post - The Legacy of Benazir Bhutto Open in a new browser window
   David Ignatius recalls Benazir Bhutto, beginning with their days together at university working on the Harvard Crimson newspaper in the early 1970s. "Bhutto's killers targeted her because she was modern, liberal and unafraid."
» Washington Post - The Void Left Behind Open in a new browser window
   Ahmed Rashid, the well-known Pakistani journalist, discusses Pakistan's alternatives after Benazir Bhutto's assassination.
» Wikipedia - Benazir Bhutto Open in a new browser window
   Hyperlinked encyclopedia article about the former Prime Minister of Pakistan and leader of the Pakistan People's Party (PPP).

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Last Updated: 2007-12-27 18:13:29

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