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Construction and Maintenance (7) Sites:
» Alutech Aluminium Pvt Ltd
Shower cubicles, greenhouses, doors and windows, ceiling systems, partitioning and aluminium extrusions. http://alutechalu.com/ » Building Design Partnership
Architects and consultants offering planning, building design and construction, interior and landscape services for new facilities, renovations and restorations. Includes client list and profiles of completed projects. http://bdp.lk/ » DonHem Telecom (Pvt) Ltd
Telecommunication engineers with a wide range of services. http://donhem.com/ » Engineering & Laboratory Services (Pvt) Ltd
Manufactures pre-cast concrete products. Cater to a wide range of material, foundation and geotechnical engineering requirements. http://elslanka.com/ » RN Constructions (Pvt) Ltd
Specialists in turnkey construction of BOI projects (total design and construction) and fabrication and supply of pre-engineered and pre-fabricated steel buildings. http://www.rnconstructions.com/ » Tonzon
Offers an environmentally-friendly insulation technique, which gives a higher insulation value in a smaller space. http://tonzon.biz/ » edwellings.com
A construction portal designed to cater to the Sri Lankan and international community. It provides information relevant to the construction trade and facilitates an e-market place for buyers and vendors. http://edwellings.com/ This category needs an editor
Last Updated: 2007-01-02 22:08:55
The content of this directory is based on the Open Directory and has been modified by AllMusicSearch.com editors |