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Foreign (12) See Also:
This category in other languages:
» Belgium and Luxembourg
Belgian Embassy in Romania, also representing the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, with a list of representatives, and visa information. http://www.diplomatie.be/bucharest/ » Canada
Embassy of Canada in Bucharest, with information about Canada, obtaining visas, bilateral relations and cooperation. http://geo.international.gc.ca/canada-europa/romania/ » Denmark
Official page of the Embassy of Denmark in Bucharest. Includes economical, financial, political and diplomatic information. http://www.ambbukarest.um.dk/ » Finland
Includes some general facts about Finland, details on obtaining visas and contact information for the Embassy of Finland in Bucharest. http://www.finlandia.ro/ » India
Embassy of India located in Bucharest and accredited to Romania, Albania and Moldova. Includes general details about India and its investment potential, visa and passport information, contacts and some related links. http://www.embassyofindia.ro/ » Indonesia
Indonesian Embassy in Bucharest, with responsibility for Romania and Moldova. Has facts about Indonesia and business opportunities therein. http://www.indonezia.ro/ » Jordan
Includes a history of the Hashemite Royal Family, a list of consular services and a summary of Jordan's Foreign Policy. http://www.jordanembassy.ro/ » Netherlands
Royal Netherlands Embassy in Bucharest, the Defence Attaché of which is accredited to Romania and Bulgaria, the Agricultural Attaché representing the Netherlands in Romania, Bulgaria and Greece. http://www.olanda.ro/ » Norway
Royal Norwegian Embassy in Bucharest, which includes a brief history of Norwegian-Romanian relations. http://www2.norvegia.ro/ » Poland
Includes information about Poland and contact details for the Embassy of Poland in Bucharest. http://www.bukareszt.polemb.net/index.php?document=87 » United Kingdom
Embassy of the United Kingdom in Bucharest. Services, trade and investment, news and a UK magazine. http://ukinromania.fco.gov.uk/ » United States
Includes information about the ambassador and about the mission's principal officers. http://www.usembassy.ro/ This category needs an editor
Last Updated: 2007-10-04 18:59:14
The content of this directory is based on the Open Directory and has been modified by AllMusicSearch.com editors |