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Restaurants and Bars (62) Categories:
See Also:
» B Lounge
Two venues serving traditional English cuisine. Events, offers, menus, private hire information, and contact details. Located in Manchester city centre. http://www.blounge.co.uk/ » Bacchanalia
Restaurant and cocktail wine bar. Menus, reviews, enquiry form and contact details. Located in Manchester city centre. http://www.bacconline.com/ » Bluu
Bar and restaurant. Includes menu and contact details. Northern Quarter, Manchester city centre. http://www.bluu.co.uk/ » Bouzouki By Night
Greek restaurant and nightclub. Menu, wine information, booking and contact information. Located in Manchester city centre. http://www.bouzoukibynight.co.uk/ » Buffet Metro
A Chinese cuisine restaurant. Opening times, prices information, menu, gallery, and location map. Located in Manchester city centre. http://www.buffetmetro.co.uk/ » Chaophraya
Thai restaurant. Website includes menus, events, news, location map and contact details. Located in Manchester city centre. http://www.chaophraya.co.uk/about_manchester.html » Choice Bar and Restaurant
English restaurant. Includes food and wine menus plus location and contact details. Castlefield, Manchester city centre. http://www.choicebarandrestaurant.co.uk/ » Cord
Events, press releases, room hire details and contact information. Northern Quarter, Manchester city centre. http://www.cordbar.com/ » Dimitri's
A Greek restaurant, provides live entertainment at the weekend. Lists a photography gallery and what the papers say. Castlefield, Manchester city centre. http://www.dimitris.co.uk/ » Don Giovannis
Italian restaurant. Menus, photo gallery, and online reservation form. Located in Manchester city centre. http://www.dongiovannis.co.uk/ » EFES
Turkish restaurant and taverna. Menus, events and entertainment information, reservation information and online booking form. Located in Manchester city centre. http://www.efes.co.uk/ » Earth Cafe
Vegetarian restaurant affiliated with the Friends of the Wester Buddhist Order. Northern Quarter, Manchester city centre. http://www.earthcafe.co.uk/ » Eastzeast
Restaurants serving traditional Indian cuisine. Restaurant information, menus, drinks and desserts list, video tour, opening times and location maps. Salford, Manchester city centre, and Preston. http://www.eastzeast.com/ » Eden Bar
Bar and restaurant. Menus, drinks list, special offers, hire details, booking form, location map contact details, and contact form. Located in Manchester city centre. http://www.edenbar.co.uk/flash.html » Eighth Day Vegetarian Co-operative
Vegetarian cafe and shop, provides recipes, vegan food, organic products, homeopathic medicines, outside catering and mail order. Located in Manchester city centre. http://www.eighth-day.co.uk/ » English Lounge
Menus, wine list, specials information, contact details and location map. Northern Quarter, Manchester city centre. http://www.englishlounge.co.uk/ » Genghis Khans
Stir fry restaurant. Menu, drinks list, specials details, reviews, and contact details. Located in Manchester city centre. http://www.genghisk.info » Grinch Wine Bar
Menu, room hire information, and contact details. Located in Manchester city centre. http://www.grinch.co.uk/ » Kebabish Original
Authentic Indian grill serving traditional dishes. Restaurant information, menus, drinks and desserts list, promotions, outside catering, opening times and location map. Cheetham Hill, City of Manchester. http://www.kebabishoriginal-ch.co.uk/ » Koh Samui
Thai restaurant. Menu, wine list, specials information and contact details. Located in Manchester city centre. http://www.kohsamuirestaurant.co.uk/ » Kro Bar
Danish cafe, lists food and drink details, bar restaurant, what the papers say, how to contact and job applications. Locations across Greater Manchester. http://www.kro.co.uk/ » Lass o' Gowrie
Food and drink information, room and pub hire information, news, events information, and contact details. Located in Manchester city centre. http://www.thelass.co.uk/ » Leonis Latin Cellar
Latin American cuisine restaurant. Menus, wine list, location map and contact details. Located in Manchester city centre. http://www.leonislatincellar.co.uk/ » Lime
Modern bar and restaurant. Includes food and cocktail menus, news and contact details. Salford Quays and Manchester city centre. http://www.limeuk.com » Little Yang Sing
Restaurant serving traditional Cantonese cuisine. Menus, online reservation form, location information and opening times. Chinatown, Manchester city centre. http://www.littleyangsing.co.uk/ » Lounge Ten
Menus, wines, specials, and contact details. Located in Manchester city centre. http://www.lounge10manchester.co.uk/ » Luso Restaurant
Modern Portuguese restaurant. Menus, wine list, specials information and online contact form. Located in Manchester city centre. http://www.lusorestaurant.co.uk/ » Manchester 235
Gaming, dining and live music club. Including information on the bar, restaurant and casino, membership and events. Located in Manchester city centre. http://www.manchester235.com/ » Market Restaurant
Menus, wine and beer lists, directions and news. Northern Quarter, Manchester city centre. http://www.market-restaurant.com/ » Moss Nook Restaurant
Sample menus and slide show of sample dishes. Moss Nook village, City of Manchester. http://www.manchesterairportrestaurant.co.uk/ » Mr Thomas's Chop House
Menus, drink list, pub history, news and contact details. Located in Manchester city centre. http://tomsmanchester.thevictorianchophousecompany.com/ » New Samsi
Japanese restaurants with menus, special offers, restaurant information, contact details, and booking information. Located in Manchester city centre. http://www.samsi.co.uk/ » Ning
Canteen, cafe and restaurant. Food and drinks menu, events, photo gallery, and location information. Northern Quarter, Manchester city centre. http://www.ningcatering.com/ » Pan Asia
Asia cuisine restaurant. Menus, online reservation form, contact details and recruitment information. Located in Manchester city centre. http://www.pan-asia.co.uk/ » Panacea
Bar and restaurant. General information, location map and contact details. Located in Manchester city centre. http://www.panaceamanchester.co.uk/ » Pearl City
Chinese restaurant. Menu and wine list, events information, online reservation form, and contact details with location map. Chinatown, Manchester city centre. http://www.pearlcityrestaurant.co.uk/ » Peking Court
Chinese buffet restaurant. Food information, example menu, price list, and reviews. Located in Manchester city centre. http://www.pekingcourt.co.uk/ » Pink Garlic Restaurant
Halal Chinese restaurant. Menus, online bookings and contact details. Rusholme, City of Manchester. http://www.pinkgarlic.com/ » Pure Space
Cafe bar with roof terrace. Events, gallery and membership information. Located in Manchester city centre. http://www.purespacecafebar.co.uk/ » San Rocco
Italian restaurants. Opening times and location information for each restaurant, menus, wine list, and contact details. Locations across Greater Manchester. http://www.sanrocco.co.uk/ » Sapporo Teppanyaki
Teppanyaki and Japanese restaurant. Menus, video testimonials, food gallery, online booking form, and contact information. Castlefield, Manchester city centre. http://www.sapporo.co.uk/manchester/home.asp » Sokrates Greek Tavernas
Menu, wine list and contact details. Located in Sale and Horwich. http://www.sokratestaverna.co.uk/ » Stock Restaurant
Italian restaurant. Menus, events, booking information and contact details. Located in Manchester city centre. http://www.stockrestaurant.co.uk/ » Sweet Mandarin
Chinese restaurant. Events, restaurant background, special offers, contact details and location information. Northern Quarter, Manchester city centre. http://www.sweetmandarin.com/ » Taurus
Food and drink menus, hire details, and event and contact information. Located in Manchester city centre. http://www.taurus-bar.co.uk/ » The Angel Pub
Traditional English pub serving real ales and local food. Menus, location, reviews, events information and contact details. Located in Manchester city centre. http://www.theangelmanchester.co.uk/ » The Bay Horse
Food and drinks menu, reviews, photos, location map and contact details. Northern Quarter, Manchester city centre. http://www.thebayhorsepub.co.uk/ » The Circle Club
A private members club and restaurant. News, events, food, drink and contacts. Located in Manchester city centre. http://www.thecircleclub.com/ » The Fat Loaf
Modern European bistro in Manchester. Menus for each restaurant, events, reviews and contact details. Located in Altrincham, Didsbury and Sale. http://www.thefatloaf.co.uk/ » The Gin Club
Profile, photographs, events, reviews, menu and contacts. Fallowfield, City of Manchester. http://www.musicandliquor.com/ » The Great Kathmandu
Tandoori restaurant with two locations in the City of Manchester. Reviews, menus, photos, and online food order for delivery or collection. Burnage and West Didsbury. http://www.greatkathmandu.com/ » The Hellfire Club
Horror themed restaurant. Includes restaurant information, menu, and contact details. Cheetham Hill, City of Manchester. http://www.thehellfire.co.uk/ » The Royal Orchid
Thai restaurant. Menus, wine list, contact details and online enquiry form. Located in Manchester city centre. http://www.royalorchid.co.uk/ » The Star and Garter
Details of upcoming events, message board, gig guide, bookings, reviews and photographs. Located in Manchester city centre. http://www.starandgarter.co.uk/ » The Thai Lounge
Restaurant serving Thai cuisine. Menus, events information, takeaway and delivery information, reviews and photos. Whitefield, Bury Metropolitan Borough. http://www.thethailounge.co.uk/ » The Vine Inn
Pub and restaurant. Food and drinks menu, contact form, function room hire information, and location map. Located in Manchester city centre. http://www.thevineinn.com/ » Tribeca Bar
Photograph gallery, promotions and contact details including map. Located in Manchester city centre. http://www.tribeca-bar.co.uk/ » Try Thai
Thai restaurant. Restaurant photos, menu, wine list, specials information and contact details. Chinatown, Manchester city centre. http://www.try-thai.co.uk/ » Velvet
Bar and restaurant. Opening times, menu, special offers information, and contact details. Located in Manchester city centre. http://www.velvetmanchester.com/ » Villagio Italian Restaurant
Restaurant information, menus, gallery and contact details. Located in Manchester city centre. http://www.villaggiomanchester.co.uk/ » Yang Sing
Cantonese restaurant, provides history, menu, tour, contact and location details. Located in Manchester city centre. http://www.yang-sing.com/ This category needs an editor
Last Updated: 2007-02-19 12:29:54
The content of this directory is based on the Open Directory and has been modified by AllMusicSearch.com editors |