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Associations (99)

See Also:
Editor's Picks:

» British Beekeepers' Association Open in a new browser windowEditor's Pick
   A resource on beekeeping, the association and membership. Includes details of applicable legislation, and national details of courses. Contact details and message board.
» The Scottish Beekeepers' Association Open in a new browser windowEditor's Pick
   Represents Scottish Beekeepers. Information on services and publications, learning beecraft, technical data. Membership details and discussion forum.


» Avon Beekeepers' Association Open in a new browser window
   Representing 5 branches from the old county of Avon. Information on swarms and the beekeeper's year.
» Barnet and District Beekeepers' Association Open in a new browser window
   Information about the association, membership, events, newsletters and items for sale.
» Basingstoke and District Beekeepers' Association Open in a new browser window
   Information on membership, beekeeping courses, events, brief introduction for beginners. Also association newsletters, and a progress report on building their Millennium Beehouse.
» Bedfordshire Beekeepers Association Open in a new browser window
   Contact details for beginners' courses, regular meetings and lectures, members' bulk purchase scheme and liability insurance.
» Belfast and District Beekeepers Association Open in a new browser window
   News and information about the association, their projects, their annual honey show, and contact details for prospective members.
» Blackburn and East Lancashire Beekeepers' Association Open in a new browser window
   60 beekeepers in East Lancashire, meeting monthly. Includes a downloadable newsletter, beetalk, about the association and contact details.
» Blackpool & Fylde Beekeepers Open in a new browser window
   Meetings cover beekeeping, biology, natural history, flora and fauna, microscopy, entomology, honey and wax.
» Blandford and Sturminster Newton Beekeepers Association Open in a new browser window
   Information about the association, membership, events, newsletters and items for sale.
» Bristol Beekeepers Open in a new browser window
   A Branch of Avon BKA. Information on membership, training activities for beginners and events calendar.
» Bromley Beekeepers Association Open in a new browser window
   Promoting beekeeping in this part of Kent. Information on events, membership, local honey, and on their Teaching Apiary.
» Cambridgeshire Beekeepers' Association Open in a new browser window
   Membership, course and event information. Offer help to people thinking of starting beekeeping, and run a trailer stall to sell produce and popularise the craft.
» Canterbury Beekeepers Open in a new browser window
   A branch of the Kent BKA, with information about membership, activities, and advice on dealing with a swarm.
» Chelmsford Beekeepers Open in a new browser window
   Information about the Chelmsford division of Essex Beekeepers Association. Includes details of their organisation, membership and events.
» Cheltenham and Gloucester Beekeepers Open in a new browser window
   A branch of Gloucestershire Beekeepers' Association. Membership information, calendar of events and swarm information.
» Cheshire Beekeepers' Association Open in a new browser window
   News and history of the Association and its activities across the Cheshire, Stockport and the Wirral. Includes substantial information on bees, beekeeping and bee products, and articles from their newsletter. Contact details.
» Cleveland Beekeepers' Association Open in a new browser window
   Includes information about keeping bees, dealing with swarms, their newsletters and membership details.
» Cornwall Beekeepers' Association Open in a new browser window
   Information on membership, training activities for beginners. Newsletter, events calendar and photo gallery.
» Cumbria Beekeepers' Association Open in a new browser window
   Organises meetings and events throughout the year to share social beekeeping events and provide training.
» Dartford beekeepers Open in a new browser window
   Details of membership, history of the Branch, calendar of events.
» Derbyshire Beekeepers Association Open in a new browser window
   Information about the association, membership, events, beekeeping course, products and support for local beekeepers.
» Devon Apicultural Research Group Open in a new browser window
   Information and history of a group of experienced beekeepers conducting research for the last 20 years. Report on current projects.
» Devon Beekeepers' Association Open in a new browser window
   Details of membership, history and activities, with contact details and an article about management of varroa.
» Dunblane and Stirling Beekeepers Association Open in a new browser window
   Helping local beekeepers, and promoting beekeeping in Scotland. Information about activities and courses.
» Durham Beekeepers Association Open in a new browser window
   Information about the association, membership, events, beekeeping courses and swarm information.
» Ealing and District Beekeepers' Association Open in a new browser window
   Information on events, training courses, sales of local honey, dealing with swarms, and beekeeping on allotments. Includes contact details.
» Eastbourne and District Beekeepers' Association Open in a new browser window
   Information on membership, training activities for beginners. Newsletter, events calendar and photo gallery.
» Essex Beekeepers' Association Open in a new browser window
   Information and pictures of the life cycle of the honeybee; also on the society and its activity (which includes a pollination service). Contact details for member societies, and downloadable magazine.
» Exeter Beekeepers Association Open in a new browser window
   Organises local events including honey shows, lectures, apiary meetings and classes for novices.
» Fareham & District Beekeepers Association Open in a new browser window
   An urban group of beekeepers affiliated to the Hampshire Beekeepers Association.
» Forest of Dean Beekeepers Open in a new browser window
   Membership information and links to their yahoo discussion forum.
» Furness Beekeepers Open in a new browser window
   Promotes the craft of beekeeping and gives help and advice to people interested in keeping bees across South Lakeland and the Furness Peninsula.
» Gwent Beekeepers' Association Open in a new browser window
   Information about the association, and its annual calendar of events, meetings and courses. Pictures of activity in the apiary, and on-line newsletter archive. Contact details.
» Hampshire Beekeepers' Association Open in a new browser window
   Representing over 600 beekeepers from Hampshire,UK. Information about bees, and beekeeping; includes a link to "Code of Practice for Smaller-Scale Beekeepers in Scotland."
» Harrogate & Ripon Beekeepers' Association Open in a new browser window
   Information about the association, membership, events, newsletters and items for sale.
» Harrow Beekeepers' Association Open in a new browser window
   Information about the association, membership, events, beekeeping course, products and support for local beekeepers.
» Herefordshire Beekeepers' Association Open in a new browser window
   Arrange indoor and outdoor events throughout the year, and local groups which have meetings at Members’ apiaries during the outdoor working season that help new members gain experience handling bees.
» Hertfordshire Beekeepers' Association Open in a new browser window
   The association is divided into seven branches: Barnet, Bishop’s Stortford, North Herts, St. Albans, South East Herts, Welwyn and West Herts.
» Huntingdonshire Beekeepers' Asssociation Open in a new browser window
   Information about the association, membership, events, newsletters and items for sale.
» Institute of Northern Ireland Beekeepers Open in a new browser window
   Details of their education programme, honey show and annual conference.
» Isle of Man Beekeepers' Federation Open in a new browser window
   Information about the association, membership, events, newsletters and items for sale.
» Isle of Wight Bee Keeping Association Open in a new browser window
   Information about the association, membership, events, newsletters and items for sale.
» Jersey Beekeepers Open in a new browser window
   Promotes the benefits of beekeeping with faqs and offers assistance.
» Kendal and South Westmorland Beekeepers’ Association Open in a new browser window
   Information about the association, membership, events, newsletters and items for sale.
» Kent Beekeepers' Association Open in a new browser window
   Information on the association and its 12 branches. Auction room for honey, wax and equipment. Internet mailing list to Kent beekeepers.
» Kingston Beekeepers' Association Open in a new browser window
   Members of the Surrey BKA. Details of events, the apiary, and membership benefits. Contact details.
» Lancashire & North West Beekeepers Association Open in a new browser window
   Represents 6 Branches covering the counties of Lancashire and Merseyside
» Lancaster Beekeepers Open in a new browser window
   Information about the programme of activities and links to other beekeeping resources
» Leeds Beekeepers' Association Open in a new browser window
   Information about a thriving association, its apiary. Includes annual events listing, and details of training available.
» Leicestershire & Rutland Beekeepers' Association Open in a new browser window
   Information about the association, their programme of events, membership, and general information about bees for the public.
» Leiston and District Beekeepers' Association Open in a new browser window
   Arranges lectures and social gatherings and publishes its own newsletter.
» Lincolnshire Beekeepers' Association Open in a new browser window
   The Association aims to encourage, improve and advance apiculture within Lincolnshire.
» Liverpool and District Beekeepers' Association Open in a new browser window
   Details of committee, calendar of events, and for contact.
» London Beekeepers Association Open in a new browser window
   Represents the interests of beekeepers and urban beekeeping in the central London area.
» Malvern & Upton Beekeepers Open in a new browser window
   Programme of events, newsletters, swarm collection
» Meon Valley Beekeepers Open in a new browser window
   Meetings covering bee management, honey processing, making mead and candles, honey cookery and equipment. An annual bee auction with bees and beekeeping equipment bargains.
» Meridian Beekeepers' Association Open in a new browser window
   Beekeepers in Hampshire committed to good education & training to enable good husbandry of bees.
» Mid-Antrim Beekeepers' Association Open in a new browser window
   The oldest beekeeping association in Northern Ireland - information on membership, honey, history and events.
» New Forest Beekeepers' Association Open in a new browser window
   Runs an introductory beekeeping course in association with the Countryside Education Trust, in Beaulieu. Also practical beekeeping sessions, lectures and regular monthly meetings.
» Newbury and Vale and Downland Beekeepers' Associations Open in a new browser window
   Two neighbouring associations share the same newsletter. Membership details and programme of events.
» Newent Beekeepers' Association Open in a new browser window
   A branch of the Gloucestershire association. Information about their programme, membership, and the honey show.
» Newton Abbot Beekeepers' Association Open in a new browser window
   Promotes and supports bees and beekeeping in Newton Abbot with apiary meetings, lectures, beekeeping courses, queen rearing, honey shows and library.
» Norfolk Beekeepers' Association Open in a new browser window
   Provides beekeeping information & tips, insurance plus a newsletter.
» North Cotswold Beekeepers' Association Open in a new browser window
   Information about the association, its events and activities (including a children's section). Online newsletter archive. Contact details.
» North Devon Beekeepers Open in a new browser window
   Support, training and advice for new beekeepers. Annual calendar of events and meetings.
» North Lincolnshire Beekeepers' Association Open in a new browser window
   Committed to the encouragement, improvement, advancement and promotion of beekeeping within the county.
» North London BeeKeepers Open in a new browser window
   Information about the association and their activities. Photography of bees, beekeeping and honey processing. Contact details.
» North Staffordshire Beekeepers Open in a new browser window
   Information on membership, help on beekeeping, and apiary visits. On-line association newsletter.
» Northamptonshire Beekeepers' Association Open in a new browser window
   Information about the association, their programme of events, membership, and general information about bees for the public.
» Ormskirk and Croston Beekeepers Open in a new browser window
   Information on promoting and supporting beekeeping in Ormskirk and Croston. Programme of events, honey and equipment for sale, and on-line newsletter.
» Oswestry Beekeepers' Association Open in a new browser window
   Guidance for beginners, advice on handling swarms, news, pictures and information about their meetings and activities.
» Oxfordshire Beekeepers Association Open in a new browser window
   Source of information for local apiary events, contacts, calendar, news, courses and how to get started in beekeeping as well as general information about honeybees.
» Penrith Beekeepers Open in a new browser window
   For new and experienced beekeepers in the Penrith and Lake district area
» Petersfield & District Beekeepers' Association Open in a new browser window
   Provides beekeeping information, insurance, newsletters to beekeepers in the East Hampshire/West Sussex/Surrey border area.
» Pinner and Ruislip Beekeeping Association Open in a new browser window
   Membership details and calendar for this association.
» Portsmouth and District Beekeepers' Association Open in a new browser window
   Information about the association, membership, events, newsletters and items for sale.
» Reigate Beekeepers, Surrey Open in a new browser window
   Information on contacts, events and activities, and beeswax candle making. Picture album.
» Rutland Bee Keeping Association Open in a new browser window
   Provides support and education to beekeepers in and around Rutland.
» Ruxley Beekeepers Open in a new browser window
   The Sidcup Branch of the Kent Beekeepers Association. Programme of events, courses, lectures and history.
» Shropshire Beekeepers' Association Open in a new browser window
   Information on membership, training activities for beginners. Newsletter, events calendar and photo gallery.
» Somerset Beekeepers Association Open in a new browser window
   Information on beekeeping and beekeeping associations in Somerset, and getting started as a beekeeper. Virtual tours of a beehive, bee colonies, and products. Events, contact and membership details.
» South Staffordshire Beekeepers Association Open in a new browser window
   A small informative site for beekeepers local to Staffordshire UK. Information to members of the public about swarms of honey bees.
» Southampton and District Beekeepers' Association Open in a new browser window
   Information about the association, membership, events, newsletters and items for sale.
» Southport Beekeepers Open in a new browser window
   Events and activities arranged plus articles on beekeeping techniques.
» Stratford-upon-Avon Beekeepers' Association Open in a new browser window
   Information on the association, bee management, and dealing with swarms. Online monthly newsletters and contact details.
» Suffolk Beekeeper's Association Open in a new browser window
   Information on subscription, contacts and events calendar of meetings and training courses.
» Surrey Beekeepers' Association Open in a new browser window
   Information about the association, their programme of events, membership, and general information about bees for the public.
» Sussex Beekeepers' Association Open in a new browser window
   For those in East Sussex who keep bees or who would like to start beekeeping.
» Ulster Beekeepers' Association Open in a new browser window
   Links to 9 affiliated local associations. Details of training courses, and a beginner's help corner.
» Waveney Beekeeping Group Open in a new browser window
   Promotes the craft of beekeeping and encourages sound practices in the management of Bees.
» Welsh Beekeepers' Association Open in a new browser window
   Promotes the interests of Welsh Beekeepers. Details of events and courses and local associations.
» West Cornwall Beekeepers Association Open in a new browser window
   WCBKA web pages, covers events, members work, their basic course and information about beekeeping in West Cornwall.
» West Dorset Beekeepers Association Open in a new browser window
   WDBKA is the local beekeepers association for the area around Bridport, Dorset.
» West Norfolk and King's Lynn Beekeepers' Association Open in a new browser window
   The oldest bee association in Norfolk, the WNKLBA offers information on membership, events, beekeeping courses, and support for local beekeepers
» Wimbledon Beekeepers Association Open in a new browser window
   The Wimbledon Division of the Surrey Beekeepers' Association is an organisation of Beekeepers, who operate in the London Borough of Merton and its surrounding areas. Every year we organise beginners’ courses and a variety of educational and social event
» Winchester & District Beekeepers' Association Open in a new browser window
   Information for members and those interested in keeping and promoting the cause of honey bees in and around Winchester, Hampshire.
» York and District Beekeepers Association Open in a new browser window
   Information on membership, beekeeping courses, with an online newsletter, and an events calendar.
» Yorkshire Beekeepers' Association Open in a new browser window
   Represents 23 District Associations. Programme of events, and noticeboard. Offer local beekeepers to mount their own web-page.

Category Editor: beekeeper

Last Updated: 2008-05-10 09:44:22

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