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Foreign (12) See Also:
This category in other languages:
» Belgium
Telephone numbers, and postal and email addresses of the Embassy of Belgium in Ankara, Turkey. http://www.diplomatie.be/ankara/ » Canada
Located in Ankara and accredited to Turkey, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkmenistan. With information about Canada as well as about the four countries of accreditation. [English/Turkish/French] http://www.canadainternational.gc.ca/turkey-turquie/ » Estonia
Offers consular and visa information. The site includes an historical overview of Turkish-Estonian relations, and current economic and cultural relations. [Estonian, English, Turkish] http://www.estemb.org.tr/ » European Commission
Delegation of the European Commission to Turkey, providing links to EU treaties and documents, news releases, fact sheets, as well as information about EU-funded programmes in Turkey. http://www.avrupa.info.tr/DelegasyonPortal.html » Israel
Embassy of Israel in Ankara, listing agreements and bilateral treaties between Israel and Turkey. In English and Turkish. http://ankara.mfa.gov.il/ » Netherlands
With information about the Royal Netherlands Embassy in Ankara, the Consul General in Istanbul, and the Honorary Consuls in Izmir, Antalya, and Iskenderun, and about the services provided. http://www.nl.org.tr/ » South Africa
Advocating South Africa as a tourism destination, and explaining NEPAD, the New Partnership for Africa's Development. http://www.southafrica.org.tr/ » Sweden
Embassy of Sweden in Ankara. Links to facts about studying in Sweden. http://www.swedenabroad.com/ankara » Switzerland
Embassy of Switzerland in Ankara and the Consulate General of Switzerland in Istanbul. http://www.eda.admin.ch/eda/en/home/reps/eur/vtur/afotur.html » Ukraine
Embassy of Ukraine to the Republic of Turkey, including with a message from the ambassador, information about Ukraine, and contact details. http://web.ttnet.net.tr/users/ukremb/ » United Kingdom
Offers consular, visa, commercial and news services with a variety of additional information for visitors to Turkey or Britain. http://ukinturkey.fco.gov.uk/ » United States
U.S. embassy in Ankara, providing information on U.S.-Turkish matters, and links to the consulates in Adana and Istanbul. http://turkey.usembassy.gov/ This category needs an editor
Last Updated: 2009-09-14 07:15:30
The content of this directory is based on the Open Directory and has been modified by AllMusicSearch.com editors |