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Grand Falls (25) Categories:
See Also:
» Anglican Parish of Grand Falls
The parish is part of the diocese of Fredericton. Presents staff list, services, readings, diocesan interventions, devotions, Sunday school and contact details. http://www.netministries.org/see/churches/ch17366 » Galerie Dali
Danielle Bergeron owns the gallery and has turned it into a virtual marketing agency for local artists. Gives history, current exhibitors and solicits new artists. Lists work by each artist, with price and order by e-mail. http://www.galeriedali.com/ » Grand Falls Physiotherapy
Physiotherapy services to help reduce pain, recover from injury, prevent or reduce deformities, and to contribute to the physical, psychological and emotional comfort of the client. http://www.grandfallsphysiotherapy.com/ » Grand-Sault / Grand Falls
Includes business profile, history, tourism, leisure, location and links. http://new-brunswick.net/new-brunswick/grfalls/ » John Caldwell School
The Home of the Golden Knights teaches students in Kindergarten to grade twelve. Lists administration and staff, student councils, guidebooks, sports, students' corner and teachers' corner. http://jcs.nbed.nb.ca/ » Lafrance Hair Design
A beauty school offering theoretic and practical programs. http://www.lafrancehairdesign.com/ » Mighty Grand Falls Region
A business and community directory, including tourist information, shopping, property for sale, places to stay, government and business services. http://www.mightygrandfalls.com/ This category needs an editor
Last Updated: 2007-11-01 05:00:07
The content of this directory is based on the Open Directory and has been modified by AllMusicSearch.com editors |