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Hospitals (11) See Also:
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» Douglas Hospital
Specialized care, teaching and research in mental health. Research, services, mission, mandate, publications, resources and links. http://www.douglas.qc.ca/ » McGill University Health Centre
Merger of university teaching hospitals; partners include the McGill University Faculty of Medicine, the Montreal General Hospital, the Royal Victoria Hospital, the Montreal Neurological Hospital and the Montreal Children's Hospital. http://www.muhc.ca/ » Montreal Children Hospital
The pediatric hospital of the McGill University Health Centre. It is a fully accredited tertiary care pediatric trauma centre. http://www.thechildren.com » Montreal Children's Hospital Family Resource Library
Serves patients and families of the Montreal Children's Hospital and the MUHC by offering books, videos and pamphlets about children's medical conditions. http://www.mchfamilylibrary.ca/ » Montreal Neurological Institute
A teaching and research institute of McGill University. Bilingual site - English and French. http://www.mni.mcgill.ca/ » Mount Sinai Hospital Montreal
A 107-bed, McGill-University affiliated teaching hospital and state-of-the-art institution accredited by the Canadian Council on Health Services that specializes in respiratory care, palliative care and long-term care. http://www.sinaimontreal.ca » Queen Elizabeth Health Complex
Provides information on the various health services available at the Complex located in Montreal, Canada. Such as medical services, alternative health services, mental/emotional health services and non-profit organizations. http://www.qehc.org/ » Sir Mortimer B. Davis Jewish General Hospital
Provides the community, primary, secondary and tertiary care, however, its emphasis is on the provision of tertiary care through the development of Centres of Excellence. http://www.jgh.ca/ » St. Mary's Hospital Center
Community hospital affiliated with McGill University. Services, employment opportunities, history, and annual report. Includes health news updates. http://www.smhc.qc.ca » The Lindsay Rehabilitation Hospital
A public short-term hospital centre serving adults in the greater Montreal area. Information on rehabilitation programs and services provided by the hospital are described and a detailed outline of the admissions procedure is given. http://www.hopital-lindsay.qc.ca/ » l'Institut de Cardiologie de Montréal
Information on the Institute, including research, training and job opportunities. http://www.icm-mhi.org/ This category needs an editor
Last Updated: 2007-01-02 23:26:10
The content of this directory is based on the Open Directory and has been modified by AllMusicSearch.com editors |