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Government (88)


See Also:
Editor's Picks:

» Department of Revenue Open in a new browser windowEditor's Pick
   Information and tax forms. Online filing and payment options for individuals and businesses. Income tax information also in Spanish.


» Board of Electricity Open in a new browser window
   Regulates licensing of electricians, inspects electrical installations. Oversees alarm and communication contractors, elevator contractors. Agency guide, contractor directory, information on electrical codes, how to register a complaint.
» Board of Private Detective and Protective Agent Services Open in a new browser window
   State agency licenses and disciplines security professionals in these areas. Requirements, application procedure, fee schedule, applicable statutes and rules.
» Board on Judicial Standards Open in a new browser window
   An independent state agency that receives and acts upon complaints about Minnesota judges for judicial misconduct or wrongdoing. The board handles judicial disability matters.
» Bureau of Mediation Services Open in a new browser window
   Responsible for the administration of the Minnesota Labor Relations Act (MLRA), conciliation/mediation, arbitration, bargaining unit determinations, and bargaining unit certification elections.
» Capitol Area Architectural and Planning Board Open in a new browser window
   Responsible for preserving the architectural integrity of state capitol buildings and grounds, protecting open spaces in the capitol area, ensuring accessibility for pedestrians and motorists.
» Department of Administration Open in a new browser window
   The department provides an array of business management and administrative services for the executive branch of state government.
» Department of Agriculture Open in a new browser window
   Mission is to work toward a diverse agricultural industry that is profitable and environmentally sound; to protect public health and safety regarding food and agricultural products; and to ensure orderly commerce in agricultural and food products.
» Department of Commerce Open in a new browser window
   Information about department programs and the industries they regulate. Find instructions on how to file a complaint, look-up licensed individuals and businesses, check enforcement actions, and view consumer publications.
» Department of Employment and Economic Development Open in a new browser window
   Formed by a merger of the former Department of Economic Security and the Department of Trade and Economic Development. Is concerned with business and community development, and employment.
» Department of Human Rights Open in a new browser window
   Information about the department, its initiatives, an index of services, online version of the Human Rights Act, and legal affairs information.
» Driver and Vehicle Services Open in a new browser window
   Provides vehicle licensing, titling, and registration information as well as forms and contact information.
» Minnesota Board of Social Work Open in a new browser window
   Enacts and enforces licensure and practice standards for social workers. General information, licensure handbook, student handbook, current fees, professional standards and disciplinary process.
» Minnesota Department of Human Services Open in a new browser window
   Provides health care, economic assistance, and social services for people who do not have the resources to meet their basic needs.
» Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry Open in a new browser window
   Information on occupational health and safety, labor standards, workers' compensation, apprenticeship programs. Also deals with codes for boilers and high-pressure piping, and boats-for-hire.
» Minnesota Department of Public Safety Open in a new browser window
   Includes law enforcement, the state fire marshal, emergency management, and driver/vehicle licensing. Organizational structure, press releases, information on their programs and areas of activity, links to related sites.
» Minnesota House of Representatives Open in a new browser window
   Legislation, daily business and House committees.
» Minnesota Housing Finance Agency Open in a new browser window
   Provides affordable housing to low- and moderate-income Minnesotans. Affordable housing directory by county, information on Section 8 housing, housing tax credit, help on buying or fixing a home, special needs.
» Minnesota Judicial Branch Open in a new browser window
   State system of trial and appellate courts.
» Minnesota Management and Budget Open in a new browser window
   Merger of the former Departments of Finance and Employee Relations.
» Minnesota Secretary of State Open in a new browser window
   Elections, open appointments, business services, direct access and public information, administrative rules, and Universal Commercial Code (UCC) administration.
» Minnesota Senate Open in a new browser window
   Information on conference committees, Senate floor amendments, state senators. Also offers live video coverage.
» Minnesota Sentencing Guidelines Commission Open in a new browser window
   Maintains model guidelines for the sentencing of convicted felons to promote consistency.
» Minnesota State Legislature Open in a new browser window
   Schedules, committees, maps and contacts.
» Minnesota State Retirement System Open in a new browser window
   Provides retirement, survivor, and disability benefits for employees of the State of Minnesota. Site has information on the different plans administered by MSRS, online forms, and online access to account.
» Office of Administrative Hearings Open in a new browser window
   Provides a fair, prompt and impartial hearing process for citizens who disagree with actions taken by government.
» Office of Enterprise Technology Open in a new browser window
   Connecting Minnesota through information and communication technologies.
» Office of the Legislative Auditor Open in a new browser window
   The auditor of Minnesota state government. Mission to promote accountability, strengthen legislative oversight, support good management in government.
» Office of the Revisor of Statutes Open in a new browser window
   Publishes Laws of Minnesota, Minnesota Statutes, and Minnesota Rules. Also assists legislators, all constitutional state offices, and state agencies in preparing laws and administrative rules.
» Office of the State Auditor Open in a new browser window
   Constitutional office helps insure financial accountability of local governmental entities. Semi-annual update in pdf, description of the office, forms, searchable database of city and county expenditures.
» Public Employees Retirement Association of Minnesota (PERA) Open in a new browser window
   Pension and pension taxation information.
» Public Utilities Commission Open in a new browser window
   Regulates electric, natural gas and telephone service, ensuring that utilities provide safe, adequate, reliable service at fair, reasonable rates.
» Resource Recovery Office Open in a new browser window
   Part of the Department of Administration. Promotes waste reduction and recycling in Minnesota government. News items, information on purchasing, reusables, confidential papers, the State Recycling Center.
» State Register Open in a new browser window
   Weekly publication of the State of Minnesota which includes official notices, executive orders, contracts, state grants and loans, and a summary of rulemaking. In pdf.

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Last Updated: 2008-11-16 15:21:25

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