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Abroad (8) See Also:
This category in other languages:
» Canada - Toronto
Consulate General of Chile in Toronto, responsible for consular affairs of residents in Ontario and Manitoba, with a commercial office of Chile which promotes exports of Chilean goods and services to Canada. Includes information for immigration and visas. http://www.congechiletoronto.com/ » Canada - Vancouver
With information from the Consulate General of Chile in Vancouver on visas, and more content in Spanish. http://www.chilevancouver.com/ » Denmark - Copenhagen
Embassy of Chile in Denmark, with a commentary on the building and on Chile's self-image. http://www.chiledk.dk/ » New Zealand - Wellington
Embassy of Chile in New Zealand. Includes a history of bilateral NZ-Chilean relations, and contact information for the Consular Section of Chile in Wellington, and the Honorary Consulates of Chile in Auckland and in Christchurch. In English and Spanish. http://www.embchile.co.nz/ » Sweden - Stockholm
Embassy of Chile in Stockholm. Contains facts about Chile, contact details, and related links. http://www.embassyofchile.se/ » Thailand
Embassy of the Republic of Chile in Thailand, with information about travel to Chile and a photo tour. Mostly in English, with some content in Thai. http://www.chile-thai.com/ » United Nations - New York
Permanent Mission of Chile to the United Nations in New York. Lists the committees on which Chile sits, and statements made therein. http://www.un.int/chile/ » United States - Washington DC
Provides political, economic, cultural, and consular information. http://www.chile-usa.org/ This category needs an editor
Last Updated: 2007-10-14 19:07:53
The content of this directory is based on the Open Directory and has been modified by AllMusicSearch.com editors |