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Ducks (9) Sites:
» Duck Raising
Information about ducks, breeds and breeding, disease problems, housing, egg production, brooding, rearing ducklings, feeding, processing, marketing and cooking them. http://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/agriculture/livestock/poultry/species/duck-raising » Quackers
Provides much information on ducks, including their features, behavior, breeds, acquiring stock, caring for them and recipes. http://www.poultryconnection.com/quackers/ » Raising Ducks
Article by Melvin Hamre on breeds of duck, brooding and feeding ducklings, breeder flock management and incubation. http://www.extension.umn.edu/distribution/livestocksystems/DI1189.html » Raising The Wood Duck and Mandarin Duck
Information on keeping and breeding the wood duck and mandarin with pictures and where to obtain them. http://www.gamebird.com/refs.html » The New Agrarian: Raising Ducks
David Walbert on the care and feeding of the suburban duck and his experience in raising and living with Campbell ducks. Includes management, housing needs and construction, egg production and use, journal of development including photographs and video, a http://www.newagrarian.com/category/ducks/ » VCE: Management Requirements For Waterfowl
Overview of raising ducks and geese from the Virginia Cooperative Extension. http://pubs.ext.vt.edu/2902/2902-1084/2902-1084.html » Waterfowl Management Handbook
Provides a downloadable book giving comprehensive guidance on waterfowl ecology, populations management, wetlands ecology and habitat management. http://www.nwrc.usgs.gov/wdb/pub/wmh/foreword.html » Waterfowl South Africa: The Basics
Provides brief details on breeding swans, geese and ducks. http://www.waterfowlsouthafrica.com/basics.htm » Working Towards the Sustainability of Small-scale Duck Production in Asia
Article discussing the modern technologies that are required to support more intensive duck farming systems. http://www.agnet.org/news/accmplsh/2007/2007092501.html This category needs an editor
Last Updated: 2007-01-02 18:00:57
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