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Research Groups and Centers (62)


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» AG Bioteck Laboratories (India) Open in a new browser window
   Provides information on the research being undertaken and the products, activities and services offered.
» Africa Rice Center Open in a new browser window
   AfricaRice is a pan-African research organization aiming to contribute to poverty alleviation and food security in Africa through research, development and partnership activities.
» Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute (AFBI) Open in a new browser window
   Provider of high technology research and analytical and diagnostic testing services to government, non-governmental and commercial organisations in the UK.
» Agricultural Research Service - Pacific West Area Open in a new browser window
   Details of research programs, articles, and staff listings for this ARS area covering the western USA.
» Agricultural Research Service, USDA Open in a new browser window
   The main in-house research arm of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Research news, find-a-researcher, consumer and educational information on a wide range of topics in food, agriculture, pest management, and related areas.
» Animal and Natural Resources Institute, Beltsville, Maryland Open in a new browser window
   Details of the institute, staff, its laboratories and their activities, links.
» Appalachian Fruit Research Station Open in a new browser window
   Includes programs, research, history, and staff.
» Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station Open in a new browser window
   Conducts basic and applied research to assist producers and processors of food and fiber. Programs include soybean, rice, wheat and canola research.
» Brandon Research Centre Open in a new browser window
   An agricultural research centre in Manitoba. Areas of activity include barley breeding, beef production, and land resource management.
» Cambia Open in a new browser window
   Research in agricultural molecular biology and related fields.
» Caribbean Agricultural Research and Development Institute Open in a new browser window
   Technical assistance, development and technology transfer in agricultural sciences. Based in St. Augustine, Trinidad.
» Center for Applied Horticultural Research Open in a new browser window
   Non-profit organization in Vista, California, USA aiming to address, through research, the practical issues the nursery and floriculture industry face.
» Central Avian Research Institute (CARI) Open in a new browser window
   India's national research institute on poultry science provides information on research, education and extension for the Indian poultry industry.
» Central Rice Research Institute Open in a new browser window
   Conducts basic, applied and adaptive research on crop improvement and resource management for increasing and stabilizing rice productivity. Cuttack, Orissa, India.
» Centre for Rural Policy Research, University of Exeter Open in a new browser window
   Undertakes research into agricultural economics topics. Includes information on the Centre, the people, projects, publications and research opportunities.
» Controlled Environment Agricultural Center Open in a new browser window
   CEAC is based at the University of Arizona and undertakes research into the growth and development of greenhouse crops.
» Crop Research Institute Open in a new browser window
   Undertakes research into crop production and agroecology, and plant genetics, health and nutrition, with a network of experimental stations in the Czech Republic.
» Eastern Cereal and Oilseed Research Centre Open in a new browser window
   Undertakes research into cereals and oilseeds in Canada.
» Florida Institute of Phosphate Research Open in a new browser window
   State agency established to conduct or fund studies that address the environmental and health impacts of Florida's phosphate mining and fertilizer industry, as well as the industry's efficiency. Also serves as a phosphate-related information resource.
» French National Institute for Agricultural Research Open in a new browser window
   INRA undertakes research in the fields of agriculture, food and nutrition, food safety, environment and land management with regard to sustainable development. In English, French and Spanish.
» Friedrich-Loeffler-Institute Open in a new browser window
   The German Federal Research Institute for Animal Health undertakes research into various aspects of animal health and husbandry. In German and English.
» Gilat Research Center Open in a new browser window
   Comprises research units that concentrate primarily on the issues facing farmers in Israel's Negev: crop cultivation, soil, and plant protection.
» Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute Open in a new browser window
   Applies statistical methods to agricultural production, research and development.
» Institute for Adriatic Crops and Karst Reclamation Open in a new browser window
   Basic and applied research work in the field of agriculture, food technology and forestry. Croatia.
» Institute for Animal Health Open in a new browser window
   The IAH in the UK is a specialist centre for research into infectious diseases of farm animals. It also provides diagnostic services for animal diseases and gives expert advice to the UK government and international agencies.
» Institute of Agricultural Economics Open in a new browser window
   At São Paulo, Brazil. Undertakes socio-economic research on agriculture and cattle breeding. In Portuguese and English.
» Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences (IBERS) Open in a new browser window
   Research and education center at Aberystwyth University, UK. Research includes grass, clover and forage production, plant science, soil science, animal nutrition, the environment, agriculture and ecology.
» International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas Open in a new browser window
   ICARDA is based in Aleppo, Syria, and undertakes research into the improvement of barley, lentils, faba beans, durum and bread wheats, chickpeas, pasture and forage legumes and farming systems, and the rehabilitation and management of rangelands.
» International Center for Tropical Agriculture Open in a new browser window
   CIAT undertakes research into eco-efficient agriculture with the aim of eradicating hunger and improving livelihoods.
» International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems Open in a new browser window
   ICROFS is a collaborative project between research groups in different institutions. It promotes, communicates and coordinates research into organic food systems.
» International Centre for Underutilised Crops Open in a new browser window
   Global organization providing training and undertaking research and development of tropical, sub-tropical and temperate crop.
» International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) Open in a new browser window
   Seeks to increase agricultural production in a sustainable way, in order to improve the nutritional status and well-being of people in sub-Saharan Africa. Conducts research and training, provides information, collects and exchanges germplasm, and encourag
» International Livestock Research Institute Open in a new browser window
   ILRI undertakes research into animal health, genetics, forages, dairy smallholder systems, policy, impact assessment and production systems, focusing on developing countries.
» International Rice Research Institute Open in a new browser window
   IRRI is a research and education center established to reduce poverty and hunger, improve the health of rice farmers and consumers, and ensure environmental sustainability
» International Trypanotolerance Centre Open in a new browser window
   A livestock-based international research Institute to serve West Africa. Details of research and activities, news, articles, and staff. Located Banjul, The Gambia.
» Livestock Research Institute Open in a new browser window
   Undertakes research into the genetics, breeding and production of livestock and poultry in Taiwan. In Chinese and English.
» Louisiana State University Agricultural Center Open in a new browser window
   Plays an integral role in supporting agricultural industries, sustaining rural areas and encouraging efficient use of resources through research and educational programs conducted by its experiment station and extension service.
» MacKillop Farm Management Group Open in a new browser window
   A producer driven non-profit organization undertaking research and extension programmes in South East South Australia. It is a partnership between the farming community, research and extension agencies and agribusiness.
» Mid-Florida Research and Education Center Open in a new browser window
   Undertakes research into cut foliage production, landscape ornamentals, fruit, vegetables, grape production and agricultural economics.
» NARI Agriculture Open in a new browser window
   Describes research initiatives at the Nimbkar Agricultural Research Institute (India), including improved safflower and sorghum varieties, agrichemical testing, and breed improvement of sheep and goats.
» National Agricultural Policy Center Open in a new browser window
   NAPC is a center for research and analysis of agricultural policies in Syria, and is based in Damascus.
» National Agricultural Research Foundation Open in a new browser window
   N.AG.RE.F. is a research institute in Greece. It aims to improve the competitiveness of Hellenic agricultural products in the international market. In Greek and English.
» National Botanical Research Institute Open in a new browser window
   Detailing functions, achievements and research conducted on at NBRI, Lucknow, India.
» National Centre for Engineering in Agriculture Open in a new browser window
   Details of activities and projects in engineering, resource management and irrigation. Queensland, Australia.
» National Institute of Livestock and Grassland Science Open in a new browser window
   Undertakes research into increasing the production of safe and high quality animal products and improving the self-sufficiency rate of feed by utilizing land resources effectively. Japanese and English.
» Nebraska Agricultural Experiment Station Open in a new browser window
   Research agency of the University of Nebraska's Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Includes information on the research being undertaken, student programs, faculty and staff.
» New Zealand Institute for Crop and Food Research Open in a new browser window
   Research, technology and services in the areas of arable crops, vegetables, seafood, ornamentals, animal feed, and forestry.
» Newe Ya'ar Open in a new browser window
   Israeli research institute studying aromatic and medicinal plants, beef cattle, cucurbits and molecular genetics, entomology and biological control, environmental horticulture, pomology, soil, water and environment and weed science.
» North-South Centre Open in a new browser window
   Promotes collaboration between Wageningen University and Research Centre, and partner institutes and networks in other countries. Features news, events, information on research, and policy briefs.
» Oxford Tobacco Research Station Open in a new browser window
   Aims to increase tobacco and crop production efficiency, tobacco quality, and to identify crop management systems that conserve and protect water.
» Pakistan Agricultural Research Council (PARC) Open in a new browser window
   An agricultural research organization conducting and coordinating research in agricultural sciences.
» Philippine Rice Research Institute Open in a new browser window
   Undertakes research and development of rice farming systems, technology and policy-making.
» Plant Research International Open in a new browser window
   Undertakes research into genetics and reproduction, genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, bioinformatics, crop protection, crop ecology and agrosystems. At Wageningen University, Netherlands.
» Plant Science Research and Information Centers Open in a new browser window
   University of California-Davis Research and Information Centers. Current center specialties include ornamental horticulture; vegetable, fruit and nut production; weed control; postharvest technology; agronomy; seed biotechnology, and rangeland management.
» Scottish Crop Research Institute Open in a new browser window
   Conducts research into plant molecular biology, virology, nematology, pathology, physiology and metabolism.
» Southern Plains Agricultural Research Center Open in a new browser window
   Conducts research aimimg to improve the productivity of important southern crops and enhance the safety of meat products derived from livestock and poultry.
» The Institute of Animal Breeding in the Steppe Regions: Ascania-Nova, UAAS Open in a new browser window
   National scientific selection and genetic center for sheep breeding. Information about its structure, laboratories and departments and some of its achievements. In English, Russian and Ukrainian.
» Tropical Feed Resources Research and Development Center Open in a new browser window
   TROFREC undertakes research into the feeding of ruminants and non-ruminants and the production, breeding and selection of appropriate varieties of grasses and legumes for tropical regions. In English and Thai.
» University of Nebraska Panhandle Research and Extension Center Open in a new browser window
   Agricultural research and extension facility in Scottsbluff serving the needs of Western Nebraska. Information about staff, research, crops, and extension offices.
» Water Management Research (USDA) Open in a new browser window
   Develops management practices for irrigation, and for agricultural chemical applications, that protect water quality. Colorado.
» West Central Research and Extension Center Open in a new browser window
   Information on the research centre, the staff and their research interests and links to the county extensions.
» Western Pacific Tropical Research Center Open in a new browser window
   Provides information on research being undertaken, news, the Guam Aquaculture Development and Training Center and experiment stations.

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Last Updated: 2010-07-03 14:40:51

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