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Computational Astrophysics (22)

See Also:

» A TIPSY file viewer with MPI capabilities Open in a new browser window
   [Open source - Linux] "Hubble in a bottle!" is visualization software for N-body simulations, which can be run in parallel using MPI for visualizing very large simulation results. Simulation output must be in TIPSY format.
» Aarseth's N-body software Open in a new browser window
   [open source - multiplatform] Direct N-body algorithms.
» Astro-sim.org Open in a new browser window
   An open community for users and developers of astrophysical simulation codes. Includes news, free grid and particle codes, tools, libraries, data analysis and a forum.
» Barnes & Hut Treecode Algorithm Open in a new browser window
   [open source - multiplatform] A guide to a tree code algorithm implementation, used for astronomical N-body simulations.
» CMBEASY -- CMB calculations with Graphical User Interface Open in a new browser window
   CMBEASY is a C++ code with GUI for calculation of CMB power spectra and other density fluctuation evolution data for a given cosmology.
» COSMOMC-- Monte Carlo evaluation of CMB parameters Open in a new browser window
   COSMOMC calculates a fast Markov Chain Monte-Carlo exploration of cosmological parameter space for an input set of constraints.
» Cloudy & Associates Open in a new browser window
   Cloudy is an extensive, well-established, large-scale spectral synthesis code designed to simulate fully physical conditions within an astronomical plasma and then predict the emitted spectrum. The web page contains links to papers published with cloudy,
» DUSTY -- Radiation transfer through dust Open in a new browser window
   DUSTY calculates the emerging spectrum of radiation from some source viewed after processing by a dusty region. The original radiation is scattered, absorbed and reemitted by the dust, and the emerging processed spectrum often provides the only available
» EZ Stellar Evolution Open in a new browser window
   EZ (Evolve ZAMS) Stellar Evolution tracks the evolution of new (Zero-Age Main Sequence) stars throughout the bulk of their lives (until an event which EZ does not model occurs, such as a Helium Flash or core crystallization). The code is clean and well do
» Enzo Open in a new browser window
   Enzo is an adaptive mesh refinement (AMR), grid-based hybrid code (hydro + N-Body) which is designed to do simulations of cosmological structure formation.
» FLASH -- AMR reacting hydrodynamics Open in a new browser window
   The FLASH code is a reacting hydrodynamics code with adaptive mesh refinement for general astrophysical hydrodynamics problems.
» Gadget-2 Open in a new browser window
   The Gadget-2 code is an SPH simulation code designed for cosmological simulations but can be used for a wide variety of astrophysical hydrodynamics simulations with self-gravity.
» Grav-Sim Open in a new browser window
   Grav-Sim is for astronomy and physics enthusiasts to conduct gravity simulations at home. It models a set of bodies gravitating under Newton's laws of motion.
» N-Body/Particle Simulation Methods Open in a new browser window
   An extensive online tutorial with examples and code references.
» NEMO Open in a new browser window
   [open source - Unix] An extendible stellar dynamics toolbox; has various programs to create, integrate, analyze and visualize N-body and SPH-like systems. In addition there are various tools to operate on images, tables and orbits, including FITS files to
» ORSA - Orbit Reconstruction, Simulation and Analysis Open in a new browser window
   ORSA is a C++ framework for the development of algorithms and programs oriented to the simulation and analysis of the orbital evolution of bodies in space.
» PHOEBE (PHysics Of Eclipsing BinariEs) Open in a new browser window
   PHOEBE is an infrastructure for the numerical modeling and analysis of eclipsing binary stars, using a variety of models.
» Pluto Open in a new browser window
   A free modular, Godunov-type code for astrophysical applications. It supports classical, relativistic and magneto fluid dynamics modules in cartesian and curvilinear coordinates in multiple space dimensions on either static or adaptive grids.
» Radex Open in a new browser window
   A free computer program to calculate the strengths of atomic and molecular lines from interstellar clouds which are assumed to be homogeneous. Includes installation and running instructions and explains the output.
» Stellar Astrophysics Software Open in a new browser window
   [open source - Windows] Various programs for stellar astrophysics. Includes CHANDRA stellar structure software for collapsed objects including rotating white dwarfs and neutron stars, and STARCAL for nuclear astrophysics and the stellar structure of main
» The Art of Computational Science Open in a new browser window
   An online `socratic book' pedagogically describing the building of a N-body simulation code for stellar systems. Software (in Ruby) is included.
» ZEUS-MP Open in a new browser window
   ZEUS is a venerable astrophysical hydrodynamics and MHD code that has been used to investigate a wide variety of astrophysical problems. The latest version includes gas hydrodynamics, ideal MHD, implicit flux-limited radiation diffusion (FLD), self gravit

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