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Human (93)


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» A Brain for All Seasons: Human Evolution Open in a new browser window
   Offers an outline of William Calvin's from his book about a theory about human brain evolution and climate change.
» A Look at Our Ancestors Open in a new browser window
   Humboldt University's summary of the hominid evolutionary line, with species involved grouped by genus.
» Aida Gomez Robles Open in a new browser window
   Personal webpage of this researcher in Paleoanthropology at the National Research Centre on Human Evolution (CENIEH). Includes research lines, publications, fieldwork and curriculum vitae.
» An Essay on Human Evolution Open in a new browser window
   A speculative essay on primate evolution in East Africa in the period between approximately five million years BCE and two and one-half million years BCE, during which significant pre-human evolution took place and ending when recognizably-human, tool-usi
» Archaeology Info Open in a new browser window
   Human evolution and archaeology online resource for amateurs and experts alike.
» Atlas of the Human Journey Open in a new browser window
   National Geographic project to map the appearance and frequency of genetic markers in modern people so as to track the movements of ancient peoples. Requires Flash.
» Australian and Asian Palaeoanthropology Open in a new browser window
   Information and teaching resources on human evolution and the hominid fossil record from Australia, East Asia and South-East Asia.
» BBC News: 'Oldest' Ape-man Fossils Revealed Open in a new browser window
   Scientists unveiled the remains of a hominid said to be six million years old.
» BBC News: Asteroids May Have Affected Human Evolution Open in a new browser window
   The ascent of mankind could have been influenced by frequent cosmic catastrophes.
» Becoming Human Open in a new browser window
   Arizona State University's Institute for Human Origins reviews four million years of human evolution in an interactive documentary. Includes an extensive glossary, a bibliography, and an annotated set of links. [Requires Flash and a high-speed connection.
» Bradshaw Foundation: Journey of Mankind Open in a new browser window
   Stephen Oppenheimer provides a virtual global journey of modern man over the last 160,000 years.
» Braindance Open in a new browser window
   Dean Falk at Florida State University outlines research being done on early hominids and the evolution of the human brain.
» Carboniferous Human Bones Open in a new browser window
   A discussion and thorough critique of claims that human bones have been found in context with Carboniferous age geological formations.
» Evolution and the Origin of Races Open in a new browser window
   Article by Eugenie C. Scott of the National Center for Science Education dealing with the human fossil record and the racial origins of man.
» Evolution's Arrow Open in a new browser window
   Full text of a book presenting the author's views about directionality in evolution and its implications for human society.
» Evolution: Origins of Humankind Open in a new browser window
   Interactive site introducing the human-like species that came before us, our closest ancestors, with a hominid family tree.
» Future Human Evolution Open in a new browser window
   Scientific and speculative articles about the future of mankind including artificial intelligence, genetic engineering, transhumanism, life extension and human enhancement.
» Hall of Human Origins Open in a new browser window
   Provides information on this permanent exhibition at the American Museum of Natural History covering the evolution of humans over the last six million years.
» Handprint : Ancestral Lines Open in a new browser window
   Provides an'interactive' graph that maps the journey of our hominid ancestors from 5 million years ago to present day with descriptions of the various species.
» Handy Clues to Ascent of Man Open in a new browser window
   BBC News report on study suggesting that the precision grip of early modern humans may have allowed them to triumph over Neanderthals.
» Hominid Evolution Open in a new browser window
   An unorthodox human evolution theory based on a synthesis of biological and cultural theory and new discoveries in neuropsychology.
» Hominid Species Open in a new browser window
   Provides information on the discovery of hominid fossils in different parts of the world and the time range in which each species lived.
» Human Evolution Open in a new browser window
   Notes from a lecture by DSG Pollock on early hominids. Includes references.
» Human Evolution Pictures and Timelines Open in a new browser window
   A collection of pictures and timelines depicting the evolution of human beings.
» Human Evolution from Ape to Technological Man Open in a new browser window
   Traces origins from ape ancestors such as Australopithecus to modern man. Talks about Neanderthals and their relationship to the gorilla and chimpanzee.
» Human Evolution: The Fossil Evidence in 3D Open in a new browser window
   3D gallery of the skulls of five modern primate relatives and five fossil ancestors of humans contains, each of which may be rotated through 360 degrees. With accompanying descriptions.
» Human Existence Open in a new browser window
   Publications from Dr. John Skoyles, an academic researcher from London, on the origins and nature of human biology, language, mind, society, faith, and clinical conditions.
» Human Family Tree Open in a new browser window
   Hominid descriptions including a timeline
» Human Origin Program Open in a new browser window
   Smithsonian Institution's journey through five million years of human evolution.
» Human Origins Open in a new browser window
   The Natural History Museum provides a number of short videos on this topic.
» Human Origins Summary Open in a new browser window
   Information and links to other sites.
» Human Origins and Development of Culture Open in a new browser window
   Covers the development of humans from our ancestors. In module format.
» Human Origins and Evolution in Africa Open in a new browser window
   Links for primates, human evolution and paleoecology, course notes on Human Origins, and Jeanne Sept's personal web pages at Indiana University.
» Human Origins and Prehistory Open in a new browser window
   Class page to go along with Indiana University's anthropology class, A105. Lectures cover the human place among the pages, evolution theories, genetics and current research. Related resource links are included.
» Human Prehistory Open in a new browser window
   Exhibit that "walks through" the various stages of human evolution.
» Instant Evolution: The Influence of the City on Human Genes Open in a new browser window
   Argues that humans have, in fact, been evolving, since Neanderthal times. Points to new studies being done with gene mutations.
» Institute of Human Origins Open in a new browser window
   A non-profit, multidisciplinary research organization, affiliated with Arizona State University, dedicated to the recovery and analysis of the fossil evidence for human evolution.
» Language Evolution and Computation Bibliography and Resources Open in a new browser window
   Bibliographic resource for those researching the computational aspects of language evolution.
» Leakey Foundation Open in a new browser window
   Non profit organization site with several articles, glossary, and links section.
» Leakey.com: The Leakey Family Open in a new browser window
   Leakey.com celebrates 100 years of the Leakey Family in East Africa.
» Maropeng Open in a new browser window
   The official visitor centres for the Cradle of Humankind World Heritage Site, Gauteng, South Africa. Provides information on the Sterkfontein Caves, the exhibition, and the other facilities for conferences, education and accommodation.
» Nariokotome Reconstruction Open in a new browser window
   Sculptural and forensic techniques used to approximate what the Nariokotome boy (KNM-WT-15000)looked like in life.
» New African Ape Fossil Discovered Open in a new browser window
   BBC Science and Nature article by Helen Briggs on the discovery of fossils of an ape that lived 10 million years ago which could hold clues to the dawn of human evolution.
» New Scientist: Chromosomes Reveal Surprise Human-chimp Differences Open in a new browser window
   Comparisons of newly-sequenced chimpanzee chromosome 22 and its counterpart, human chromosome 21, show that while the DNA differences are small, they are spread out to affect 83 percent of the proteins coded for.
» New Scientist: Dawn of Human Race Uncovered Open in a new browser window
   The discovery of three Ethiopian skulls from 160,000 years ago, showing almost completely modern features, lends new support to the Out-of-Africa hypothesis. Includes information about handling of skulls after death and dating techniques used.
» Origins and Evolution of Human Diet Open in a new browser window
   Central repository of information and links pertaining to the study of the origins and evolution of human diet.
» Out of Africa and back as "Mongoloids" Open in a new browser window
   An alternative explanation of human evolution evolution.
» Paleoanthropology in the 1990's Open in a new browser window
   A series of fifteen essays about the most recent findings in the study of human origins and evolution.
» Paleoprimatology & Human Evolution Yahoo! Group Open in a new browser window
   A forum for the scientific discussion of paleoanthropology, paleoprimatology, physical anthropology, cultural anthropology, Stone Age archeology, human origins, primate biology, and primate evolution.
» Prehistoric Cultures Open in a new browser window
   Lecture notes for a course covering human and pre-human history.
» Prominent Hominid Fossils Open in a new browser window
   The list is sorted by species, going from older to more recent species. Within each species, finds are sorted by the order of their discovery. Each species has a type specimen which was used to define it.
» Reflections on the Origins of Scavenging and Hunting in Early Hominids Open in a new browser window
   An essay by James Q. Jacobs discussing when our earliest human ancestors first began to scavenge for meat and hunt. Includes references.
» Sahelanthropus tchadensis Open in a new browser window
   Picture and discussion of the fossil cranium TM 266-01-060-1 (Toumaï) found in Chad in 2001. It is estimated to be between six and seven million years old. Until other early hominid fossils are found to provide context it cannot be known how this species
» Sahelanthropus tchadensis - Toumai Open in a new browser window
   Web Resources for Sahelanthropus tchadensis aka "Toumai" can be found here.
» Scientific American: Food for Thought Open in a new browser window
   Article, by William R. Leonard, arguing that dietary change was a driving force in human evolution.
» Scientific American: Stranger in a New Land Open in a new browser window
   Stunning finds in the Republic of Georgia upend long-standing ideas about the first hominids to journey out of Africa
» Spirituality and Evolution Open in a new browser window
   This article discusses the evolutionary significance of spiritual development.
» The Dark Matter of Modern Human Origins Open in a new browser window
   John Hawkes weblog covering the interesting issues in paleoanthropology that are not well covered by the mainstream science press.
» The Evolution of Man Open in a new browser window
   Essays recounting our three million year journey from the treetops of Africa to civilization.
» The Hominid Journey Open in a new browser window
   Demonstrates how our ancestors have changed over the last 4 million years. Provides information on the location and age of hominid discoveries and how the cranium and other features developed over time.
» The Human Story: As it Really Happened Open in a new browser window
   Provides information on the book of this name by KRV Hari about the human saga of the last 500,000 years. There are sample pages to download and a link to purchase the book online.
» The Leakey Family Open in a new browser window
   PBS provides biographical information on the Leakey family and their work and important discoveries in East Africa.
» The Upright Ape: A New Origin of the Species Open in a new browser window
   Information on a book by Aaron G. Filler MD, PhD that presents a new theory on the early origins of the hominiform primates.
» Theory of Human Evolution Open in a new browser window
   The Emuseum's general overview of human evolution summarizing people in the study of human evolution, terms, hominid fossil images and links.
» Think Quest: Human Origins Open in a new browser window
   Aimed at both students and educators alike, providing factual information and follow up questions about human origins.
» Time-Space Chart: Hominid Fossils Open in a new browser window
   Provides details of the different hominid finds from around the world by place and species.

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Last Updated: 2010-06-17 12:27:28

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