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Flora and Fauna (23,942)


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See Also:
This category in other languages:

Chinese, Czech, Dutch, German, Hebrew, Hungarian, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Scots Gaelic


» ARKive : Images of Life on Earth Open in a new browser window
   An extensive collection of thousands of videos, images and fact-files illustrating the world's species gathered into one centralised digital library.
» African Wildlife Photographs Open in a new browser window
   Library of high resolution stock wildlife photographs by John Visser.
» BioImages - Virtual Fieldguide for UK Biodiversity Open in a new browser window
   Large selection of pictures of organisms, mostly British in origin. Images are an aid to identification, showing different stages, states and views of the organisms. Search the database or follow a taxonomic tree.
» BioLib Open in a new browser window
   Taxonomic tree of plants and animals with a photo gallery and some checklists for the Czech Republic and Slovakia. In Czech and English.
» Biodiversity Explorer Open in a new browser window
   Classification of all forms of life, with some photos. Has a strong South African emphasis.
» BiologyBase Open in a new browser window
   Checklists, articles, and links for the world of life.
» Canada's Aquatic Environments Open in a new browser window
   Information about the aquatic habitats, animals, and plants of this country.
» Canadian Biodiversity Information Facility: Integrated Taxonomic Information System Open in a new browser window
   Searchable database of four kingdoms: plant, animal, fungi, monera. Search by scientific or common names, English or French.
» Census of Marine Life Open in a new browser window
   A global network of researchers engaged in a ten-year initiative to assess and explain the past, present, and future diversity, distribution, and abundance of marine life in the oceans.
» Classification of Living Things Open in a new browser window
   An introduction to the naming and relationships of living things. Classification involves much human judgement and is in a constant state of flux as new information is discovered.
» Clear Mind Photos Open in a new browser window
   Philip Goddard provides photographs of insects, other invertebrates, wild flowers, lichen, fungi and some birds and mammals.
» Discover Life Open in a new browser window
   Information about taxonomy, natural history, distribution, abundance, and ecology of many species worldwide. Includes tools to identify, map, and database species.
» Dr. PI bloobook Open in a new browser window
   Multilingual weblexicon for animals, plants, fungi, bacteria and other organisms of the world, covering more than 5000 species.
» Encyclopedia of Life Open in a new browser window
   A new project to create an online reference source and database for every one of the 1.8 million species that are named and known on this planet. Includes FAQ and press resources.
» Families Open in a new browser window
   Introduction to the classification of plants and animals from the Franklin Institute, with links to many groups of living organisms.
» GlobalTwitcher.com Open in a new browser window
   Database covering the flora and fauna of the world with a checklist for each country.
» HabitasOnline Open in a new browser window
   Information on the plants, animals, and fossils of Ireland. Includes an encyclopedia of marine life of the UK. From the Ulster Museum Sciences Division.
» Integrated Taxonomic Information System Open in a new browser window
   Authoritative taxonomic information on plants, animals, fungi, and microbes of North America and the world.
» Lepidoptera and Other Life Forms Open in a new browser window
   Taxonomic tree of mammals, insects, birds, and plants. Includes common and scientific names, publication details, references, links, general range maps, and some images. Most complete for Lepidoptera.
» Mikko's Phylogeny Archive Open in a new browser window
   A compilation of various phylogenetic trees representing different views of taxonomy. Includes links to other taxonomic websites.
» NCBI Taxonomy Open in a new browser window
   Searchable and browsable taxonomy tree of organisms for which there are publicly available gene sequences.
» Natural Perspective Open in a new browser window
   Dedicated to the beauty and science of nature and to the joys nature brings to those who explore it. The material here is organized according to the biological principles of Taxonomy.
» Natural Selection Open in a new browser window
   A gateway to quality, evaluated Internet resources in the natural world co-ordinated by The Natural History Museum, London.
» Nature of New England Open in a new browser window
   Photos, facts, and links to information about birds, butterflies, mammals, and wildflowers of this region.
» Survey of the Plant Kingdoms Open in a new browser window
   Explores plant anatomy, taxonomy, and classification, from Monera through the higher plants. Includes descriptions as well as graphics and schematics.
» Thomson: Free Resources Open in a new browser window
   Includes the Index to Organism Names, a publicly available subset of TRITON the Taxonomy Resource, and the Zoological Record Thesaurus.
» Tree of Life Web Project Open in a new browser window
   Collaborative effort of biologists from around the world, providing information about the diversity of organisms on Earth, their evolutionary history (phylogeny) and characteristics.
» Utah Conservation Data Center Open in a new browser window
   Database of photos and fact sheets for animals and plants occurring in this state. Includes lists of sensitive, threatened, and endangered species.
» Wikispecies Open in a new browser window
   Wikimedia Foundation project that aims to catalog all species.
» Willi Hennig Society Open in a new browser window
   Society of cladisticians, publishes the journal "Cladistics"
» World Biodiversity Database Open in a new browser window
   A growing taxonomic database and information system that aims at documenting all presently known species (about 1.7 million). Taxonomic trees, descriptions, synonyms, literature citations, and molecular database queries.
» World Register of Marine Species Open in a new browser window
   WoRMS aims to provide an authoritative and comprehensive list of names of marine organisms, including information on synonymy.
» World's Boreal Forests: Animal and Plant Species Open in a new browser window
   Fact sheets and photos for mammals, birds, trees and other plants of boreal regions.
» iSpecies Open in a new browser window
   A species search engine from Rod Page of Glasgow University. Search on either the common or Latin name of a species. Results are generated by querying other data sources.

Category Editor: hiraeth

Last Updated: 2010-03-11 02:05:08

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