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Research Groups and Centers (64)


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» BMII: Brain Machine Interfacing Initiative Open in a new browser window
   Research at the Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience at Freiberg, Germany is focused on understanding how the brain controls movement and developing new medical technology for paralyzed people.
» Blanchette Rockefeller Neurosciences Institute Open in a new browser window
   Non-profit institute studying human memory and memory disorders and promoting the translation of resulting discoveries to practical medical applications.
» Brain Dynamics Center Open in a new browser window
   Studies brain disorders including ADHD, post-traumatic stress disorder, social phobia, schizophrenia, borderline personality disorder, Parkinson's disease and traumatic brain injury.
» Cambridge Neuroscience Open in a new browser window
   University initiative to raise the profile of neuroscience at Cambridge by enhancing multi-disciplinary research and teaching across the University and affiliated Institutes.
» Center for Mind/Brain Sciences (CIMEC) Open in a new browser window
   Research areas include experimental psychology, neuroimaging acquisition methods, cognitive neurosciences and animal cognition, computational linguistics and human-machine interfaces. University of Trento, Italy.
» Center for Molecular Physiology of the Brain (CMPB) Open in a new browser window
   The central aim of the CMPB is the detailed analysis of defined molecular processes and interactions in nerve cell in order to develop and improve therapies for psychiatric, neurological and neurodegenerative disorders
» Center for Neurobiological Science Open in a new browser window
   CNS, in association with the Brain Research and Information Network (BRAIN), is dedicated to conducting research on brain health from the perspective of contemporary neurobiology.
» Center for Neuroregeneration Research Open in a new browser window
   Working on developing therapies for Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, Huntington's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and related disorders.
» Center for Psychiatric Neuroscience Open in a new browser window
   A multidisciplinary research coalition at the University of Mississippi Medical Center including Cellular Neuroimaging, Behavioral Studies, Human Brain Collection, and Molecular Biology themes
» Center for Visual Sciences: UC Davis Open in a new browser window
   Research at the Center covers all aspects of vision science and aims to foster collaborative interactions between clinical and basic scientists within the fields of ophthalmology and neuroscience.
» Centre for Neuroscience, Flinders University, Adelaide Australia Open in a new browser window
   Research center for cognitive neuroscience, sensory systems, autonomic nervous system, addiction, circadian rhythms, epilepsy
» Centre for Research in Neuroscience Open in a new browser window
   Located in the Research Institute of the Montreal General Hospital, a teaching hospital with the McGill University Health Centre. The CRN offers a program designed to train pre-doctoral students for an M.Sc. or Ph.D. in Neuroscience, as well as M.D.'s for
» Columbia Neuroscience Open in a new browser window
   Provides details of the faculty, departments, institutes and facilities at the Columbia University Medical Center.
» Computational Neurobiology Laboratory at the Salk Institute Open in a new browser window
   Offering highly specialized information on Neurocomputing and simulators; part of the site requires membership
» Computational Neurobiology and Imaging Center Open in a new browser window
   CNIC researchers study the relationships between neural function and structure at levels ranging from the molecular and cellular, through network organization of the brain.
» Computational Neuroscience at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences Open in a new browser window
   Research group focusing on single neuron and network modeling, visual pathway, rate models and local field potential.
» Department of Anatomy & Neurobiology at UMBC Open in a new browser window
   Research at the University of Maryland in Baltimore includes the senses, neural networks, electrophysiology, development, neuroendocrinology and advanced imaging techniques.
» Department of Neurophysiology at Ruhr-Univ. Bochum Open in a new browser window
   Located at the institute for physiology at Ruhr-University Bochum. Areas of research include signal transmission, visual cortex, and computational neuroscience.
» Department of Neuroscience - Psychiatry Open in a new browser window
   Multidisciplinary department at the University of North Dakota which includes psychiatry and behavioral science, neurology, neurosurgery, neuropharmacology and neuroradiology.
» European Neuroscience Institute Open in a new browser window
   A research institute for neuroscience in Goettingen, Germany. Part of a European research network. The associated graduate school has programs in fundamental neuroscience.
» Experimental and Computational Neurosciences Open in a new browser window
   ECN is a multidisciplinary group working at the Institute of Cybernetics of Italian CNR in the field of neurosciences. The main areas of research include computer simulation of synaptic transmission, neural networks, parallel computation and the immuno-hi
» Featherstone Lab Open in a new browser window
   Research at this neurogenetics laboratory at the University of Illinois at Chicago is focused on understanding how the brain forms functional connections and processes information.
» Georgia Institute of Technology: Laboratory for Neuroengineering Open in a new browser window
   Interdisciplinary research teams at the Institute bring together the study of wet-lab biomaterials, neurobiology, electronics, neuroimaging, modeling and multi-dimensional data analysis.
» Glaucoma Cell Biology Laboratory Open in a new browser window
   Dr. Markus Kuehn at the University of Iowa is leading research into determining the cellular events that lead to retinal neurodegeneration during glaucoma, retinal ischemia and optic neuropathies.
» Gutnick-Fleidervish Laboratory Open in a new browser window
   Research programs and members of the laboratory of Prof. Mike Gutnick and Dr. Ilya Fleidervish in the Koret School of Veterinary Medicine, The Hebrew University, Rehovot, Israel
» Human Sensorimotor Control Laboratory Open in a new browser window
   The University of Minnesota lab's research is concerned with the neural control of human movement during development and in neurological disease.
» Institute for Neuroinformatics Open in a new browser window
   An independent research institution at the Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany. Includes the research groups Theoretical Neurobiology, System Biophysics, as well as groups working on several aspects of Robotics.
» Institute of Cellular and Integrative Neurosciences (INCI) Open in a new browser window
   Research at INCI aims to understand the development and function of the nervous and neuroendocrine systems. University Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, France.
» Institute of Cognitive Neurology Open in a new browser window
   At INECO, based at Buenos Aires, Argentina, research is focused on the basic neural mechanisms in humans, and clinical research into cognitive and behavioral disorders.
» Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience Open in a new browser window
   The ICN is an interdisciplinary research institute at University College, London. It studies how mental processes relate to the human brain, in health and disease, for adults and children.
» Institute of Pharmacology, Polish Academy of Sciences Open in a new browser window
   Information about the Institute and its neuropharmacological research, including psychotropic drugs.
» Interdisciplinary Center for Neural Computation Open in a new browser window
   The ICNC at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem where faculty and students are involved in creating new approaches to solving the mysteries of the brain.
» Intracranial EEG and Brain Imaging Research Group Open in a new browser window
   Interdisciplinary neurobiological research based on intracranial EEG and functional brain imaging at the University of Freiburg, Germany.
» LONI: Laboratory of Neuro Imaging Open in a new browser window
   This lab at UCLA does research into the relationship between brain structure and function using image data.
» Laboratories for Integrative Neuroscience and Endocrinology Open in a new browser window
   Multi-disciplinary research centre at Bristol University with interests from the most basic molecular biology to clinical endocrinology.
» Laboratory for Advanced Brain Signal Processing Open in a new browser window
   The Laboratory for Advanced Brain Signal Processing investigates and develops tools and software for analysis, extraction, enhancement, de-noising detection, localization, recognition and classification of brain signals and patterns.
» Laboratory for Speech Physiology and Motor Control Open in a new browser window
   Research into the neurobiology of speech production and speech disorders (in particular stuttering), at the University of Wahington.
» Larry Head Institute, L.L.C. Open in a new browser window
   Electroneurodiagnostic Training Courses for beginning and experienced Technologists. (Monroe, Michigan)
» MRC Centre for Synaptic Plasticity Open in a new browser window
   A consortium between the Medical Research Council and the University of Bristol, performing research into mechanisms by which neurons alter their synaptic strength and their relation to learning and memory.
» Nachum Dafny / Alan Swann Open in a new browser window
   The Dafny/Swann lab works on the neuronal mechanisms and pathways involved with drug addiction, with a focus on rodent models.
» Neural Engineering Center: Case Western Reserve University Open in a new browser window
   Analyzing the function of the nervous system, developing methods to restore damaged neurological function, and creating artificial systems by integrating physical, chemical, mathematical and engineering tools. Free neuron simulation software provided.
» NeuroLam Project Open in a new browser window
   This lab is a part of the Dept. of Functional Biology and Health Sciences, University of Vigo, Spain. Studies organization and development of the lamprey brain and spinal cord.
» Neuroscience at USUHS Open in a new browser window
   The Website of the Neuroscience Program at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences in Bethesda, MD.
» Penn State Hershey Neuroscience Institute Open in a new browser window
   Aims to foster collaboration among the neuroscience-related departments and divisions within both the Medical Center and Penn State College of Medicine.
» Redwood Neuroscience Institute Open in a new browser window
   RNI is a nonprofit scientific research organization studying and promoting biologically accurate mathematical models of memory and cognition.
» Research Center for Molecular Physiology of the Brain Open in a new browser window
   Concerned with analysis of molecular processes and interactions in nerve cell to develop and improve therapies for psychiatric, neurological and neurodegenerative disorders.
» Self-organization in Adaptive Systems Department of Nonlinear Dynamics Open in a new browser window
   Herrmann lab at the Max-Planck-Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization, Germany. Research includes self-organized criticality in behavioral control and in the activity dynamics of neural networks, and computational modeling in cognitive psychology.
» Sharkey Laboratory: University of Calgary, Canada. Open in a new browser window
   Dr. Keith Sharkey and his colleagues are studying the nervous system of the gastrointestinal tract in health and disease, especially the role of nerves in intestinal inflammation.
» Stanford University: Tsien Lab Open in a new browser window
   This lab, in the Department of Cellular and Molecular Physiology, does research on synaptic transmission, signal transduction and pathophysiology of calcium channels.
» Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience Open in a new browser window
   Applying advanced computational approaches to the study of human cognitive neuroscience data, including EEG, fMRI and concurrent EEG/fMRI.
» The Brain Research Institute Open in a new browser window
   An interdisciplinary research center devoted to the study of the neural mechanisms of higher mental function.
» The CNS Technology Lab, Boston University Open in a new browser window
   Research addresses two main problems; how does the brain control behavior, and how can technology emulate biological intelligence.
» The Human Neurodiversity Laboratory Open in a new browser window
   Outlines the research being undertaken at Dr. Mark Eckert's neuroimaging laboratory which is focused on understanding the neural basis for individual differences in cognition.
» The Laboratory of Neuroheuristics Open in a new browser window
   A new path towards understanding brain functions through a transdisciplinary approach uniting neuroscience, physiology and computer science.
» The MIND Institute Open in a new browser window
   A consortium of neuroscientists dedicated to finding better way to treat, and ultimately cure, mental illness through understanding the mind and brain.
» The Myelin Group Open in a new browser window
   Research concerning the correct formation and maintenance of the myelin sheath. Includes publications, members, photo gallery, and views and opinions. University of Oulu.
» The Neurosciences Institute Open in a new browser window
   Independent scientific research institution dedicated to increasing knowledge of the biological basis for brain function.
» Tulane Graduate Neuroscience Program Open in a new browser window
   Provides details of staff and research projects.
» UKU Neuroscience Open in a new browser window
   Department of Neuroscience and Neurology at the University of Kuopio in Finland.
» University François Rabelais of Tours: Inserm Open in a new browser window
   Undertakes research into normal and abnormal cerebral development from the perinatal period to adulthood. In French and English.
» University Medical Center, Utrecht: Department of Neuroscience and Pharmacology Open in a new browser window
   The research mission is to discover and delineate mechanisms and processes which are fundamental to the development of neural systems and to the control of behavior.
» University of Auckland. Neurophysiology Studies Open in a new browser window
   Research groups include Auditory Neuroscience; Molecular Neurophysiology; Confocal and Multiphoton Imaging Group; Molecular Vision group, etc.
» Visual Information Processing Group Open in a new browser window
   Research in the area of representation, analysis, recognition, storage and retrieval of visual information such as images, video and audio.
» Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging at UCL Open in a new browser window
   Provides information on the Centre, the research being undertaken, the investigators, news and events.

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Last Updated: 2010-05-31 02:19:47

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