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Instruments (31) See Also:
» AMD Intectra GmbH.
Innovators in control electronics, software and magnetic sector MS offers bench top design and upgrade electrospray modules. Includes specifications and profile of company in Harpstedt, Germany. http://www.amd-intectra.de/ » AddMS
Manufacturer of Helium leak detector and residual gas analyzer mass spectrometers. Small size is the key characteristic. http://home.flash.net/~acqsol/addms.htm » Advion BioSciences
Developer of automated, chip-based mass spectrometry technology, offering contract bioanalytical services to the pharmaceutical industry. Publications available by registration, other details from Ithaca, NY and Norfolk, UK. http://www.advion.com » AlyXan
Manufacturer of compact and table-top FT-ICR mass spectrometer instruments including the B-TRAP1000. http://www.alyxan.com » Analytica of Branford, Inc.
Electrospray ionization and time-of-flight mass spectrometry. http://www.aob.com/ » BME - Bergmann Messgeraete
Manufacturer of time-of-flight mass spectrometers. http://www.bme-bergmann.de/ » Bruker Daltonics Inc.
Mass spectrometers MALDI-TOF/TOF, FTMS, ESI-Ion Trap, ESI-LC/TOF, and ESI-Q-q-TOF and mobile analyzers, with automated sample processing systems and software, for biochemical, pharmaceutical and environmental applications. http://www.bdal.com/ » ETP Electron Multipliers
Online ordering, technical support and troubleshooting for Mass Spectrometry products. http://www.etpsci.com/ » Hiden Analytical Ltd.
Quadrupole mass spectrometers for vacuum, plasma, residual gas and surface analysis. Includes specifications, applications and reference archive, with directions to headquarters in Warrington, England. http://www.hidenanalytical.com/ » ION-TOF GmbH
Manufacturer of time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometers (TOF-SIMS) for surface analysis. http://www.ion-tof.com » Instrument Science
Manufacture and supply of MS systems for trace and isotopic gas analysis. Includes technical overview and related links, with support from Eaton, Ohio and Crewe, England. http://www.instrumentscience.com/ » Ionicon Analytik GmbH.
Proton transfer reaction mass spectrometers, with publications and applications for a variety of organic compounds, including presence at pptv detection in air. Contacts in Innsbruck, Austria. http://www.ptrms.com/ » Ionics Mass Spectrometry Group, Inc.
Offer technical innovation, component design, development and experimentation with LC/MS and LC/MS/MS, by collaborating directly with laboratories in private, academic and government research from Concord, Canada. http://www.ionics.ca/ » Ionoptika Ltd.
Manufacturer of ion beam systems and guns for SIMS, ToF, and surface analysis. Includes company profile, parts catalog, service and upgrade contacts in Southampton, England. http://www.ionoptika.com/ » Jeol USA
Manufactures a range of magnetic sector mass spectrometers ranging from small benchtop double-focusing magnetic sector instruments to larger tandem and hybrid instruments. http://www.jeol.com/tabid/96/Default.aspx » Kore Technology Limited
Secondary Ion TOF, Portable mass analyser. http://www.kore.co.uk/index.html » LECO Corporation
Manufactures and markets Scientific Analytical instruments for various analytical requirements including high speed TOF-ICP-MS, GC-MS and LC-MS. http://www.leco.com/ » MDS Sciex
Researches, designs and produces mass spectrometers and systems used in drug discovery, analysis of proteins, and screening for impurities in microchip manufacture. Includes corporate overview, and contacts in South San Francisco, California. http://www.mdssciex.com/ » MS-Service W. Lehmann
Offers GC/MS repair and maintenance services for MAT, Finnigan and Varian instruments, spare parts, upgrades, second-hand GC/MS systems, second-hand turbo-pumps and controller, new PC data system, from Weggis, Switzerland. http://www.ms-service.ch/ » MasCom GmbH.
Offers mass spectrometer spare parts and filament repair, multiplier, forepump, turbopump, vacuum flange, GC accessories, GC column and servicing, from Bremen, Germany. http://www.mascom-ms.de/ » Mass Spectrometry Instruments Ltd.
MSI specializes in high performance magnetic sector double focusing mass spectrometer instruments. Products include the AutoConcept range, Elsima and the MACH 3Xe system. http://www.massint.co.uk/ » New Objective, Inc.
Resources focusing on electrospray, with explanation of application in nanobore chromatography. Features products, events, offers technical support and contacts in Woburn, Massachusetts. http://www.newobjective.com/ » Phoenix S&T, Inc.
Array of nanospray nozzles, with reservoir and sample input interface, on a micromolded polypropylene chip to co-exist with conventional ESI for back-to-back testing. Contacts in Elkton, MD. http://www.phoenix-st.com/ » Prosolia, Inc.
Commercial outlet for Purdue research on ion sources, miniaturization for mobile spectrometers. Includes applications, training links, careers and directions to Indianapolis, Indiana. http://www.prosolia.com/ » Shimadzu Biotech
Manufacturers and markets MALDI-TOF mass spectrometers, designed for analyses in life science and drug discovery, such as peptide fingerprinting, through worldwide subsidiaries, from headquarters in Kyoto, Japan. http://www.shimadzu-biotech.net/ » Syagen Technology, Inc.
Focusing on high-throughput molecular analysis, using their atmospheric pressure photoionization source, for detection of explosives and chemical agents, in aviation security and chemical defense. Also details of applications in drug discovery programs, a http://www.syagen.com/ » Syft Technologies Ltd.
Inventor and manufacturer of selected ion flow tube (SIFT)-MS, delivering real-time volatile organic carbon analysis from whole air. Includes examples of applications, systems, supporting documentation, contacts in Europe, North American and head office i http://www.syft.com/ » Thermolinear GmbH.
Develops and manufacture Wien-filter isotope mass spectrometer, for analysis in the range from 5 to 350 amu. Includes overview of company, instrument components and upgrades available from Bremen, Germany. http://www.thermolinear.de/ » Vacuum Technology Inc.
Manufacturer of magnetic-sector MS, applied to residual gas analyzers, leak testing and vacuum systems for other applications. Offers courses, leak detection, calibration and repair services from Oak Ridge, Tennessee. http://www.vacuumtechnology.com/ This category needs an editor
Last Updated: 2007-01-02 17:55:16
The content of this directory is based on the Open Directory and has been modified by AllMusicSearch.com editors |